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Lord of The Curry

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Everything posted by Lord of The Curry

  1. Lord of The Curry

    Stuff you haven't listened to in forever.

    I put on Dig You Own Hole the other week and realized how great it still is. "The Private Psychadelic Reel" is so funktagious it's grand.
  2. Lord of The Curry

    OK, this Taker crap...

    *Remembers Takers "crappy by MMA standards but still pretty sweet" triangle choke on Angle* * I Will Remember You by Sarah McLachlan plays* Godspeed, old friend........
  3. Lord of The Curry

    All divas...all the time

    Pfffff. The gap in Benoit's teeth is a better wrestler then Ivory. Yeah, I said it.
  4. Lord of The Curry

    Benoit vs. HHH to change

    It's also a way for Triple H to pin HBK at Mania and keep Benoit strong for Backlash. If HHH retains by pinning HBK at Mania then Benoit's career is dead and Backlash is pointless.
  5. Lord of The Curry

    The ONE and ONLY........

    Agreed. Aside from Rich, Brian was the best person to ever play the game. And Richard is SO fucked. Even if he does convince Colby to side w/ him (unlikely, Colby isn't a total moron) he's got Lex, Jenna and Shie-Ann all ready and willing to vote him out.
  6. Lord of The Curry

    Firefly on DVD

    Alright ya stupid bastard, I'll do yer list.......... Favorite Episode 1. Out of Gas 2. Objects in Space 3. Ariel Favorite Moment (Like Rudo, it changes constantly) 1. Mal waking up at the end of Out of Gas. "You all gonna be here when I wake up?" = Line of the show. 2. River picking up the stick. Means so much more. 3. Book's hair. Favorite Line(s) 1. " I'm gonna be in my bunk"- The man they call Jayne 2. " Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"- Wash 3. " We are far too pretty for God to let us die"- Mal Favorite Shot 1. In Out of Gas when Mal and Zoe first walk onto Serenity in a flashback and it shows them walking through a doorway and then the lights darken and the camera pans down to Mal laying on the ground, breathing heavily. 2. River balancing on the railing in Objects in Space. 3. The entire funeral scene in The Message. The music particularly works well here. Favorite Character. 1. Mal- I've given my reasons, but I'll say it again. I've never seen a more heroic, thoughtful, dickheaded and caring leading character in all my years. 2. Simon- Reasons already stated. 3. River- So much potential. So much potential. *Rage boils up* DAMN YOU FOX~! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! Favorite Villian 1. Early- Mmmmmmmm. Now THAT is how you write a fucking villian. Empathic almost to the point of telepathy, Early is able to scout out the entire ship just by listening to the conversation the crew has. That's scary. He knows who to take out when and what threats to use. The scene w/ him and Kaylee creeps the everloving shit out of me. 2. Blue Hand Men- Uh, they make you sneeze out your brain matter. That's pure evil right there. 3. The Reavers- Once again, fuck Fox for not keeping this show on. I can only imagine what kind of shit Joss had written down for the Reavers and part of me wants to know............the other kinda doesn't. (Even though it does.) Favorite Hottie 1. Kaylee- Can be cute, can be hot AND she's Canadian. 2. Saffron- THE RACK. 3. Inara.
  7. Lord of The Curry

    "25th Hour's" Ending

    Yes, he is driving Ed to the prison. Spike and the movie's writer mention it in the commentary track.
  8. Lord of The Curry

    Firefly on DVD

    Where do I start? First off, major props needs to given in the direction of RRR for turning me on to what is, without question, one of the finest tv shows that I've ever seen. This world that Joss Whedon has created is an amazing feat. This isn't some half-assed federation or Star Wars-esque universe. The cultures, planets and characters are 100% believeable, probably because they're normal people. Each character has different relationships w/ the other crew members and they did an excellent job of creating backstory. Just a fucking marvelous thing. Mal- What the world needs now is Nathan Fillion. Aside from his two minute stint in Saving Private Ryan I had no clue as to who he was. Now I can't get enough. Mal Reynolds is, IMO, one of the most well written leading characters in tv, today or any other day. He's a fighter, a thinker, a bastard, a joker, a player and an all around kick-ass leader. Mal's struggle isn't overtly complicated or disjointed and it's something we all can relate to: To be free. When I saw the way he stood up to Jayne at the dinner table and ordered him out, I was hooked. Have been since, will be forever. Zoe- It would've been easier for Joss to write Zoe as a "sexy but strong fighter" but he chose a different route. Not to say Gina Torres isn't hot, because she is, but not in the "I'd hit it in a heartbeat" kinda way. Her loyalty to Mal is unquestioned, seconded only to her love of Wash. I marked out like crazy when I found out that it was Zoe who ordered the ship to turn around in Out of Gas. The backstory w/ her and Mal's relationship in the war is some of my favorite stuff in the whole series. Wash- MORE~! MORE MORE MORE~! HIS IS AN EEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL LAUGH~! Oh, God bless Wash. Delicious comic relief with an understated seriousness that shines through in War Stories. What I dig about Wash is that he carries around a quiet confidence about him. He's secure in his abilities as a pilot and knows that he's got a wife who would go to the end of the universe and back for him. Wash and Mal's convo about Zoe in War Stories is one of my favorite scenes. Jayne- DICK~! DICKERY~! MORE DICKERY~! Jayne rules because he leaves no secrets about who he is and what he treasures in life. We all love Jayne because we know that deep down there is some good in him. Maybe it's buried way deep down, but it's there. I get the feeling that Jayne cares for the crew more then he'll ever let on because he's got to uphold his rep as the badass. Kaylee- My obsession w/ Jewel Staite grows daily in a way that scares me. So fucking beautiful. But yeah, Kaylee is a fun character, even if her endless enthusiasm does get a tad annoying at times. Her best work comes out in the scenes w/ Simon, great emotions and facial expressions here. Kaylee is very much the mother figure of Serenity and treats everybody like family and she's always around to bring people back to reality if things get out of hand. Inara- Of all the people whose characters I want to know more about, Inara finishes second only to Mal. Why did she leave a lucrative and powerful position on the core planets? It's something that I may never know and that's something that pisses me right the fuck off. If I were to use a Star Trek metaphor here, Inara would be the Counsellor Troy of Serenity. Her empathy and compassion for all the crew members (even Jayne) is enviable and that whole unspoken love thing between her and Mal is pretty damn fine too. Plus she's a fox. Simon- My second favorite character in the whole show next to Mal. I'm a big mark for fish-out-of-water characters and Simon is a great one. I find it incredibly noble and brave that he abondoned a seemingly perfect life because he loves his little sister to death. The characters transformation from untrusting nerd to the strong doctor we see at the end is fuckin awesome. I'd place him at a tie w/ Mal for most well-acted character, too. River- Much respect should be given to Summer Glau (I LOVE that name!) for making the most out of a limited role. Her facial expressions are top-notch and she can tell a story with just her eyes. Of all the characters on the show, I think that if the show had continued that River showed the most promise in terms of storyline advancement. We only saw the tip of the iceberg. And her reaction to Book's hair is the greatest shit ever. EVER. Book- Fuck Fox. Fuck them for not renewing this show. Fuck them for not understanding this shows beauty. And FUCK THEM because you KNOW that somewhere down the road we would've found out some seriously fucking wicked-ass stuff regarding Book's past. The scene where Book tells the alliance officer to check out his i.d card plants the seeds for what could've been an amazing storyline and I'm bitter beyond words that I won't see it continute. And the fro. Dear God the fro. If my hair ever becomes a tenth of that, I'll be happy. I'll post my thoughts on the episodes later on, but yeah..........beautiful show.
  9. Lord of The Curry

    Cena DVD Specs

    This is going to bomb worse then the fucking Trish DVD.
  10. Lord of The Curry

    American Idol 3

    I loved it when Simon asked that dude what he'd do with the million dollars and he was all like "I'd give it to charity and invest it and give more to charity" and Simon is all like "Don't feed me that malarky, liar. Get the fuck out." Oh, and I hate to be the chauvenistic male pig and all but did anybody else notice the RACK on that last chick? (She was a cheerleader or something, IIRC).
  11. Lord of The Curry

    Update On Goldberg's Santa's Slay Movie

    *Sigh of relief* I can live again!
  12. Lord of The Curry

    American Idol 3

    Am I the only one smelling a new sitcom on UPN w/ that black chicks "Advisor" and William Hung?
  13. Lord of The Curry

    Songs defined by a certain spot......

    During "Under Pressure" I'm all aboot the part where Bowie starts in with "'Cause love's such an old fasioned word........".
  14. Lord of The Curry

    So, now how does Benoit get to Raw?

    Except for that part at Mania where HHH beats Benoit clean w/ the pedigree. That could be a bit of a problem.
  15. Lord of The Curry

    Fucking A.

    I'm just outside of Toronto and we've got about 10-15 cm on the ground right now and they're calling for another 30 overnight. Fuck snow. Fuck it.
  16. Lord of The Curry

    Royal Rumble's Final 4 . . .

    Benoit, Goldberg, Kane, Cena.
  17. Lord of The Curry

    Final WWE Smackdown Rating Comes In Strong

    Holy shit, that's pretty fucking crazy.
  18. Lord of The Curry

    Final WWE Smackdown Rating Comes In Strong

    I think everything involving The General and Chavo should deal w/ Chavo getting overly excited about killing somebody.
  19. Lord of The Curry

    Final WWE Smackdown Rating Comes In Strong

    Let it be known: The General = Ratings.
  20. Lord of The Curry

    SmackDown from JHawk's Beak is up

    Rudo neglected to mention, what I believe, is the apex of the stereotype gang feud in the WWE. It will be like Los Voriquas vs DOA, but, ya know, better. The Yakuza (Tajiri, Yang and Sakoda) vs The F.B.I (J.T.B, Big Chuck and Lil Nunz) vs The Cartel (Chavo, The General, Alberto (optional) and another latino wrestler). The entire angle will be based around the distribution of steroids backstage and who controls it. Gold, Jerry, gold.
  21. Lord of The Curry

    Royal Rumble

    *marks for Rudo referencing "The General"* BTW, for those not in the know, The General is Chavo Sr.
  22. Lord of The Curry

    Is the WWE Rousing Itself Off The Mat?

    The person who wrote this article quite obviously does not watch WWE programming.
  23. Lord of The Curry

    WWE Releasing Cena DVD in March

    I tend to wonder if the same people in this saying that a Cena DVD would sell more then a Bret, Jericho or Benoit DVD are the same rubes who were saying that the Trish DVD was a smarter dvd business-wise then the others. Cena can get a wrestling dvd when he learns to wrestle. Don't get me wrong, I dug his match w/ Benoit and Taker and his work against Rhyno last week was fine up until he hit the FU but come on, trying to justify this dvd makes people come off dumber then they already are.
  24. Lord of The Curry

    What "board feud" would you like to see?

    Just to let you know RRR, when you take over in the WWE I am starting to invade.......and guess who I'm bringing? yep, the fucking muppets VS Greatest Feud Ever?
  25. Lord of The Curry

    Survivor All-Stars

    The show will be interesting just to see how many screwjobs they'll have. Nobody will trust anybody, which should make for some fun tv.