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Lord of The Curry

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Everything posted by Lord of The Curry

  1. Lord of The Curry


    Lesnar isn't a God but to say that the man sucks is a tad harsh. Nash sucks. Goldberg sucks. Mark Henry sucks. But Lesnar? Nah. He needs a bit of work but the guy has put on some good matches for somebody who's only been around for a couple of years. Angle is just plain overrated to fuck. I can't stand this new "God" persona he's taken on.
  2. Lord of The Curry

    Final WWE Unforgiven 2003 Card

    Yes it will. One "okay" match won't make up for the rest of this shitfest.
  3. Lord of The Curry

    TSM Poster Tournament II

    El Dandy
  4. Lord of The Curry

    Kurt Angle challenges Bret Hart

    Bret has stated in past interviews and commentaries that if he were to come back for one last match it would more likely then not be against Chris Benoit. Lesnar vs Hart would be good but Angle vs Bret or Benoit vs Bret is where it's at.
  5. Lord of The Curry

    The HHHonk

    I just laughed for 4 minutes straight. Funniest thing ever!
  6. Lord of The Curry

    Question about SK Raw Rant

    SK mentions that during the Snow/Lawler match tonight JR ripped into Coach with a lot of shoot comments, w/ one of them being "Mr. Pronoun" that he said only readers of the WON would know. Anybody know the deal with this shit?
  7. Lord of The Curry


    Just finished watching it and I dug it hardcore. Awesome cast, stylish as anything that's come along in a while and a great story. Anybody else seen this lil gem of a movie?
  8. Lord of The Curry

    If you could only watch 3 matches

    Benoit vs Angle, Royal Rumble 2003 Kobashi and Kikuchi vs Furnas and Kroffat, All Asia Tag Finals Dragon vs Ki, Round Robin Challenge
  9. Lord of The Curry

    Best Tag Team of 2003.

    WGTT by a large margain over AMW. Despite having less time in the business as a tag team WGTT has managed to put on some of the best matches in the WWE this year, not to mention the fact that Benjamin is the next Jesus of Workrate.
  10. Lord of The Curry

    Triple H pins first film roles

    So do you wanna come over sometime tommorow and work on it? My mom bought some wicked-ass pizza potatoe skins and we can do a tourny on No Mercy.
  11. Lord of The Curry

    Triple H pins first film roles

    *guy who does all the previews for movies voice* Movie Guy: This fall, two worlds will collide. All their, life Teshawn and Latoya Smith thought that they were going to amount to nothing. Stuck in a crack house in East Compton with nothing to live for. Nothing, that is, until two incredible people came into their lives....... *shot of Shane and Steph walking down the street to ' In Da Club' with the sun shining in the background. Shane is giving high fives to little kids jumping rope and Steph is helping an old lady cross the street* Shane: What up, gang!? *record scratching across turntable* Anthony Anderson: Say WHAT? Movie Guy: This fall, you will believe in the power of friendship. In the power of love. *cut to dramatic scene of Anthony Anderson confessing his love of Steph to Shane* AA: I.........I just never thought I could love somebody the way I love her. Shane: You gots to tell her, bro........ *cut to scene w/ AA and Steph* AA: You.........you touched me, baby gurrrl. I want you to know that there is nobody out there I'd rather get mah freak on with then you. Steph: Oh Teshawn! *they embrace and kiss as Shane and Monique smile in the background* Movie Guy: This fall, you will see that in the end, we're all Brothaz and Sistaz.......... GOD HELP US ALL~!
  12. Lord of The Curry

    Question about SK Raw Rant

  13. Lord of The Curry

    Greatest Wrestler Of All-Time

    Austin belongs on the overall list but based on an overall set of criteria I wouldn't rank the guy any higher then top 15 or 20. His body of work doesn't warrant a GOAT ranking.
  14. Lord of The Curry

    Step Off Kookyheads

    *marks the fuck out for BSS love* *sniffs* I thought I was the only person on this board who knew the BSS love. Bless yer heart Inc.
  15. Lord of The Curry

    Once upon a time in Mexico!

    Action-wise it was one of the most fun movies I've seen in a long time. Spoiler (Highlight to Read): Remote-controlled guitar bombs!? Out-fucking-rageous! My only problem was with the lack of character development, specifically with Johnny Depp's character. They never once explained why he was there in Mexico and why he did what he did.
  16. Lord of The Curry

    Words that

  17. Lord of The Curry

    Words that

  18. Lord of The Curry

    One and Only Conan Tenth Anniversary Thread

    Pimpbot didn't get to say enough.
  19. Lord of The Curry

    Angle talking at University

    Undertaker on SD July 4th, 2002 immediately comes to mind I wouldn't exactly count that, being that the match ended in a No Decison. Let me rephrase: When was the last time a main event heel tapped out that ended in a win for the face?
  20. Lord of The Curry

    Angle talking at University

    Ok. Fine. Super. But he's a MONSTER HEEL and MONSTER HEELS don't tap out. That is my point. Tap him out all you want, just make it mean something. Can somebody tell me the last time a main event heel tapped out?
  21. Lord of The Curry

    MOTY for 2003

    I don't get the XXX/AMW love. I really don't. Great heat, good match. Nothing innovative or mind blowing. That's about it. Harris blew enough spots that it was noticeable and they botched the ending spot w/ the first attempt at the Death Sentance. Not to mention the "Kill The Cowboy" chants coming from the heel section really killed AMW's heat. Angle vs Benoit is hands down the MOTY, until I see Dragon vs London, but I don't think my mind would be changed.....
  22. Lord of The Curry

    Angle talking at University

    Can Angle Tap Out Brock? What does that mean? Brock is getting more heat than he ever has with these chants. It shows some form of weakness, and it helps establish Angle a bit. If you remember around WMXIX time, Brock basically made Angle his bitch, and was in the same position as Angle is now. They had to build Angle back up as Brock's equal. I'd say Brock is taking it home on Thursday, further creating the sense of equality. This helps build the title matches as anything can happen without the normal "Champ just got the belt, he'll have it for at least 3 months" deal. It helps the matches have unpredictable finishes. Brock is a "monster" and this is a sign of him showing weakness. Are weak monsters good? No. P.S- It was retarded when Brock made Angle his bitch and it's retarded now. Can these two ever meet in the middle?
  23. Lord of The Curry

    Booker Back In October!!

    I put The Rock in the "Samoan" category instead of the "Black" category.
  24. Lord of The Curry

    The Crow 4

    Tito looks more like an angrier version of Kurt.
  25. Lord of The Curry

    Angle talking at University

    Oh yeah, just like the "boring" chants were good for Lance Storm's character, right? Brock tapping out makes him look like a complete and utter pussy. Why is this Iron Man match even taking place? Angle has cleanly tapped out and pinned Brock Lesnar. What else is there? Angle TKO's Brock? Now, if the storyline of the match was "Can Angle tap out Brock?", then this would be a different story. But it wasn't. Lesnar tapping out got ZERO buildup and is now a dumbass chant that makes him look like a tool.