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Team Angle Pusher

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Everything posted by Team Angle Pusher

  1. Edge was IC and US Champ during the Invasion? Booker T was US and WCW Champ during Invasion?
  2. Team Angle Pusher

    The OAO '2006 Hall of Fame ceremony' thread.

    I don't know what's the time difference between America and the Netherlands so could someone please say how many hours/minutes are left till we can see the HOF on WWE.com?
  3. No way, everybody is looking forward to it. The wrestlers in the back wouldn't allow it to happen and also if HBK did that then they might as well scrap the HBK/McMahon match the day after.
  4. Team Angle Pusher

    WM22 Predictions???

  5. Team Angle Pusher

    FIRST info on Smackdown vs Raw 2007 is HERE !!

    Wooot, SvR 2006 was good but it still had a lot of stuff that annoyed me. Ladder matches weren't fun anymore. They should do the entire roster this time as well.
  6. Team Angle Pusher

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    What? Bubba? I thought it was Spike and Rhyno
  7. Team Angle Pusher

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Yeah but most of the marks mark for Cena though
  8. Team Angle Pusher

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Cena/HHH is the WrestleMania Main Event I guess and not Rey/Angle/Orton. Rey won the fucking Rumble so HE main events, this is bullshit. I'm sure Cena/HHH will have a huge crowd response but IMO they aren't doing what they said they will do, the Rumble winner main events. Also, I thought HHH was winning the belt on Sunday but now Cena is probs retaining 'cause I don't think they will have the Heel end WrestleMania now.
  9. Team Angle Pusher

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Mark Henry was pretty good in the conference. Candice was boring. Booker T was great as usual, I love his Heel character. Now HBK is talking and the crowd is chanting You Screwed Bret.
  10. Team Angle Pusher

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    First he's shooting and then he's cutting a promo again, make up your mind Cena!
  11. Team Angle Pusher

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    He is because the WWE doesn't have faith in lil Rey Rey. They still see Orton as a future big star and expect him to be a great Heel Champion. Edge is the best Heel in the WWE right now, HE deserved to stay champion, he deserves to be the one to get the belt off Rey. Oh wait weren't there rumours about Kane winning the World Title at Judgment Day?
  12. Team Angle Pusher

    The OAO '2006 Hall of Fame ceremony' thread.

    Bret Hart's induction will be huge, finally Hart is back on WWE TV. I wonder how he will act towards The McMahons sitting in the front row and stuff. Rey Mysterio will cut a promo instead of really showing his emotions. Benoit will cry. Chavo will show no emotion and he starts a Eddie chant. Hogan/Okerlund will be fun but I'm afraid the crowd will start a Hogan chant and his induction takes longer then Okerlund's speech. Cena will act like Perry is his boy. I'm loving Ted DiBiase inducting somebody, the Million Dollar Man rocks.
  13. Team Angle Pusher

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Edge's title reign was entertaining.. But they almost HAVE to put the belt on Rey Mysterio now because they let him lose to Orton at No Way Out, he can't dissapoint Eddie Guerrero again....If Mysterio loses this main event he'll never be a real Main Eventer unless he gets screwed at WrestleMania but they probably won't do that.
  14. Team Angle Pusher

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Test is very capable to put on good matches. His match with Eddie Guerrero at WM X-7 was pretty good IMO as well. He's a great big man so I'm glad he's back.
  15. Team Angle Pusher

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I second this, Maven was a great Heel.
  16. Team Angle Pusher

    Let's Create Terrible Gimmicks for WWE!

    Now that Kenzo Suzuki is rehired they can make him a Japanese Kamikaze Soldier
  17. Team Angle Pusher

    Fit Finlay -- Is everyone a believer now?

    Finlay is amazing. For a guy of his size he pulls out some awesome moves. He did Ken Kennedy's finisher thingy, great guy.
  18. Team Angle Pusher


    I've spend way too much money lately but I want to buy LOST:Season 1 DVD anyways, but it's 50 euro (pretty expensive for a DVD). Is the DVD really worth it? I've only seen like 5 full episodes of Lost and I wanna see it all.
  19. Team Angle Pusher

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Holy shit he has changed a lot, but I like it
  20. Team Angle Pusher

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Saturn was a great wrestler. I thought they would hire him back after he risked his life to save a girl from being raped (something like that, it was heroic). I like Test coming back, he looks like he's going to turn you sideways and I loved The Boot. Luther Reigns would be cool as well, he had impressive mic skills.
  21. Team Angle Pusher

    The Youtube Thread

    Holy CRAP, that was some MASSIVE heat Rock got for insulting the Kings. The entire promo is just AWESOME. The Rock was so great as a Heel
  22. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE Wrestler Salaries

    My guess: Chuck Palumbo: $220.000 Test: $245.000 Shannon Moore: $120.000
  23. Team Angle Pusher

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    SD! needs a Face tag team though. Pair him up with with a guy like Johnny Jeter. Get him out of the Spirit Squad, nobody will notice.
  24. Team Angle Pusher

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Maybe its someone else. Please let it be a Test midget. Where is the Test love... The show looks alright. To the guy who said the thing about the C4: Burchill did the C4 last week in a one on one match on SD! against Regal as well. It's really the C4, the WWE is allowing him to do it I guess.