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Team Angle Pusher

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Everything posted by Team Angle Pusher

  1. Team Angle Pusher

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    And it'll be the tag team Bashams with the Cabinet clothes and now The Damaja and face Doug Basham. I wonder how they will do Eugene and I can't wait to see Heidenreich Was Rene Dupree ever in the game before? I want Chris Masters, Rob CONway, The Mexicools, MNM and where the hell is Rosey?
  2. Team Angle Pusher

    Movies that pleasantly surprised you

    Mean Girls, the Matrix and especially Lord of The Rings. When it came out my mom wanted to see it because she was a big fan of the books and she read when she was little so she dragged us to the cinema and we all LOVED it. After that I saw the same movie 3 times in the cinema again because it's so cool. On the other side I expected Spiderman to be good and it SUCKS.
  3. Team Angle Pusher


    Is that the Sydal who posts on EWB?
  4. Team Angle Pusher

    Over wrestlers who get little respect

    Undertaker? Most smarks think he's not willing to put over new stars and I agree a bit.
  5. Team Angle Pusher

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    I think Hall was fired because he didn't have his act together and Nash just couldn't wrestle. Big Show was in the nWo after Hogan left and he was in the nWo all the way through IMO. What if instead of the nWo which didn't make much sense anyways that they were brought in by Vince. What if he just said his poison was "The Clique" or some other name. And then have HBK, Hall and Nash show up and kick some ass. The Rock could have fought Hogan as a Face v. Face match, HBK v. Austin maybe and Hall versus someone else. It would be a much better idea because the people expected way too much from the nWo and Hogan was just too popular in the WWE and still is. Later on they could have had HHH turn Heel and join The Clique. Hell, they could have even thrown in X-Pac!
  6. Team Angle Pusher

    Rob Conway or Buff Bagwell?

    He just has the damn gimmick for god sake. Bagwell had a better look for it, it fit him to be honest. Conway is a better wrestler no doubt about it. That's why the internet doesn't hate Conway, because we all know he's a pretty good wrestler. Now if they keep this gimmick on him for 6 months then we will know who pulls of the gimmick the best.
  7. Team Angle Pusher

    A way to turn Eugene heel

    Yeah okay but why would he be a Heel then when he's not retarted anymore?
  8. Team Angle Pusher

    CNN Suspends Robert Novak

    Okay I don't know who it is cause I don't the names, I only know the faces.
  9. Team Angle Pusher

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    What were the plans with the nWo when they were brought in to the WWF in 2002, the original plans. If Hogan didn't get those Face reactions he wouldn't become Hulkamania again.
  10. Team Angle Pusher

    TheSmartMarks Wrestling Radio Show!

    I think we are all willing to help you Dangerous A. This can become something great if we all help him out and sky is the limit.
  11. Team Angle Pusher

    Summerslam Press Conference

    It's a chance to ask something to Vince or one of the wrestlers without them ignoring you, they will HAVE to answer you. I would ask JBL what if all those guys didn't get injured in 2004 post-Mania, would he be sitting right there saying he's a wrestling god or would he still be the beer drinking Bradshaw.
  12. Team Angle Pusher

    Batista and JBL aren't draws

    You guys think the WWE will change plans just because of this? I see Lesnar attacking Batista at Summerslam and they give Lesnar the belt soon
  13. Team Angle Pusher

    Summerslam Press Conference

    - I liked Orton looking on his clock waiting for the crowd to stop the RKO chant. - I like HBK semi-shooting all the time, he's a bit like the old HBK now. I hope he stays this way because a HBK/Cena feud would rock this way. - After they chanted "You suck" Angle said: 'By the way your mother told me how'. That is just brutal - JBL had a great fun promo and he would be a great politician actually - Batista had a very nice intense promo as well. He called JBL a "loud mouth from Texas with a goofy hat", he's right - "HBK can stab me in the back like he did to Bret Hart" - Hogan - JBL made a joke and watch Randy Orton laugh hard - When will Lesnar return? Teddy Long said he didn't know which means he signed a contract. Batista said he would like to wrestle against Lesnar which means a feud is coming no doubt
  14. Team Angle Pusher

    More Hassan News

    Where the hell did you get this from? Hassan will take acting first I think because he doesn't want to wait a year to get back on TV and he'll get less money then before while he was scheduled to become the WORLD CHAMPION at Summerslam!! Hassan has tons of charisma so he'll probably cut it as an actor.
  15. Team Angle Pusher

    The OAO Raw Thread for 08.08.05

    This'll be a useless show without any mark out moments.
  16. Team Angle Pusher

    HHH and Ric Flair's return date to TV announced

    I think HHH vs. Cena will happen at WrestleMania because who else can Cena face then? HBK? I would like to see that happen more then against HHH but I don't think they'll do it at WM. Now I would let Cena drop the WWE Title HBK soon, HBK retains against Big Show and some Face HHH, then Cena beats HBK and HHH turns back Heel with HBK and together they try to dethrone Cena. Cena beats HHH at WM, HHH gets drafted to Smackdown! and gets his 11th World Title reign.
  17. Team Angle Pusher

    Unforgiven speculation...

    They shouldn't have fired so many people.
  18. Team Angle Pusher

    American Hiroshima

    By Val Venis and The Shane Twins
  19. Team Angle Pusher

    American Hiroshima

    So it's gonna happen?
  20. Team Angle Pusher

    American Hiroshima

    Because they hate Americans and Jewish people so they solve this by killing Jewish-American guys.
  21. Team Angle Pusher

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Razor Ramon never became WWF Champion but were there any plans of making him the champ?
  22. Team Angle Pusher

    CM Punk's gimmick

    Frankie Kazarian I think has still the same gimmick.
  23. Team Angle Pusher

    What works better for you? Cena and Batista

    I would love to see Kurt Angle as the WWE Champion again but I don't know with who he can feud then. So I'm thinking Shawn Michaels should beat Hogan and beat Cena for the WWE Title because HBK can have a last run and he's great as a Heel. Then HBK can feud with Big Show what will probably be a nice match, maybe even feud with Shelton Benjamin a bit and then drops it back to Cena. OR they can surprise us and have Brock Lesnar show up on RAW, become the WWE Champion and do a champion vs. champion match at WrestleMania, batista vs. lesnar and you'll have a big money draw right there and the shows reunite after that with Batista as WWE Champion. Batista then turns Heel
  24. Team Angle Pusher

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    I HATED in HCTP when WrestleMania had 3 matches, all PPV's had 3 matches but WM is just the worse. I mean I had Kurt Angle © vs. Matt Hardy (me, for the WWE Title), Rhyno © vs. Chris Benoit for US Title and fucking Rodney Mack versus Val Venis, that doesn't feel "big" at all.