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Team Angle Pusher

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Everything posted by Team Angle Pusher

  1. Team Angle Pusher

    Horrible Raw Last night

    Just have a non-title match against Carlito and Shelton Benjamin easily wins. Kurt Angle comes up to him and he says "you think you are it hah?". Next week Shelton beats Gene Snitsky easily. Then have Shelton versus Edge and Shelton wins because Matt Hardy comes out and Edge is scared, Exploder Suplex, Shelton wins. Three impressive wins in a row. Then Kurt says he'll teach Shelton what he's all about. They do the medal challenge and Shelton dominates Kurt for 2 minutes, Kurt gets desperate and starts hitting Shelton with a chair, DQ for Shelton, Kurt says Shelton didn't hold on till 3 minutes. At Summerslam in a Ladder match Shelton beats Kurt. Next PPV he beats Kurt again. Next PPV he feuds with Triple H etc etc....it's easy
  2. Team Angle Pusher

    Booker T video

    It's still funny. It just slipped out of his mouth and he covered it up bad IMO.
  3. Team Angle Pusher

    Alexis interview

    Is it just me or does this girl really have knowledge of the WWE?
  4. Team Angle Pusher

    ME for next month's PPV

    Triple H has stopped putting himself over and he let Batista beat him three times in a row and now he's taking time off TV because he knows he shouldn't be in the spotlight anymore every show and he shouldn't headline every PPV. HHH got it, Jarrett is still putting himself in main events. HHH > Jarrett
  5. Team Angle Pusher

    Ages of current WWE and some OVW

    One day Eddie Guerrero, Benoit, Jericho, Chavo Guerrero, RVD, Undertaker, Booker T, will all retire and we don't have guys anymore who are willing to put someone over in great matches (except for Taker here) and you don't have guys who you can just feed to the WWE Champion to make him look stronger. Also surprises me that Rey Mysterio is 30 and Snitsky is 34 Might as well give the WWE Title to Rey Mysterio now.
  6. Team Angle Pusher

    OAO Raw Thread (7/18/05)

    I think Cena will wrestle because Bischoff will tell him to. We will see Carlito's Cabana and the Boogeyman could be debuting as well. They say nothing about Matt Hardy. They fight in the cage for like 10 minutes, Matt Hardy runs to the ring followed by Johnny Ace and some more agents. Matt climbs the cage and he jumps off onto Edge. Now that would rule. I could see them doing some sort of a Hardcore match because they are in Philly. And I hope Kerwin White and Rob Conway get air time. (SIGN: Peep Show > Highlight Reel > Carlito's Cabana)
  7. Team Angle Pusher

    Rob Conway news

    Conway looks great in those pictures. The gimmick sounds fine so far to me, I just hope he'll get some air-time on RAW soon. He could be a great IC Title contender.
  8. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE Season four fantasy

    k Thanks for that. My team now: Batista (beats JBL) Carlito (Carlito's Cabana and he maybe wrestles) Chris Benoit (beats Orlando Jordan) Christian (beats Booker T, I hope) John Cena (will probably wrestle and of course appear) Johnny Nitro (beat Animal and Heidenreich) Muhammad Hassan (beat Taker) Torrie Wilson (will probably win the Bra and Panties if MNM retain)
  9. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE Season four fantasy

    Can we change the roster before GAB?
  10. Team Angle Pusher

    Booker T

    Would be cool for Orlando Jordan to turn on JBL and start a tag team with Booker T. Jordan is a decent worker and he can learn even more from Booker T. Jordan does most of the work until he hot tags Booker T who cleans house etc...and wins the match. He's a mentor to Jordan and he has a last decent run
  11. Team Angle Pusher

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    I think they did that on purpose because they don't want to ruin their own stars while Matt Hardy will never wrestle for RoH again
  12. Team Angle Pusher

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Animal Hogan Andre The Giant Austin The Rock Hillbilly Jim Bret Hart Piper Iron Shiek Paul Orndorff I think that's the team. I would LOVE to have Mr. Perfect, DiBiase, Razor Ramon and Diesel. Both the last two aren't really legends.
  13. Team Angle Pusher

    OAO SD! Thread July 14th 05

    Is it just me or does Juvi seem nervous when he gets into the ring. I think he wants everything to be perfect. I watched their debut again and when he gave Psicosis the mic he said the lines with psicosis at the same time so Psicosis wouldn't forget anything ("Mexican Limo 2005!"), maybe he thinks Super Crazy and Psicosis will forget the lines but they looked much more loose in the ring then Juvi and that's why he maybe did the 450 wrong because he was a bit sloppy.
  14. Team Angle Pusher

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    HCTP had a Cena rap at the end of the credits.
  15. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE Season four fantasy

    I'm thinking pick up Batista no matter what
  16. Team Angle Pusher

    Great spots from Wrestling Video Games

    Smackdown!: HCTP I'm doing a Hardcore Tag Team 3-Way with my friend. I'm Batista and he's Brock Lesnar. So we go to Times Square and I go as high as I can onto a building. I jump OFF pressing X + down and I fucking CRUSH Rico with a SPEAR!! Same Times Square. I jump off the building again, I land with my neck on a car, it explodes and several other cars explode at the same time. It was so frigging awesome. I always do this. Royal Rumble, a guy comes out and his music is playing. I grab him the second he's in the ring and I eliminate him immediately. He's out but he music is still playing for 10 seconds, gotta love it. Season Mode with Rhyno. Royal Rumble and I'm 1st (wanted to impress). So I rock and it seems like I'm going to win. Last three are Rhyno, The Rock and Steve Austin. I duck a clothesline from Austin and GORE GORE GORE Rocky out of the ring. Suddenly another guy comes to the ring and I thought we had everybody but there was one left and it's fucking Stevie Richards. I try to punch Austin out but Richards suddenly KICKS us BOTH out of the ring and Richards goes to WrestleMania to face Kurt Angle for the WWE World Title.
  17. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE Season four fantasy

    GAB isn't this Sunday is it?
  18. Team Angle Pusher

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Man I can't wait for this game. I've been playing HCTP alot lately again.
  19. Team Angle Pusher

    OAO SD! Thread July 14th 05

    Rey almost defeated JBL and he would have if Eddie didn't interfere and attack JBL.
  20. Team Angle Pusher

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    That season thing sounds great. I'm still thinking about who I should choose to do season first. I'm going to choose between JBL (for the specific storylines and JBL is cool on-air), Chris Masters or Shelton Benjamin. Maybe one of the Mexicools if they put them in. They might as well make the entire roster because it isn't that big anymore. Just GOD NO don't make the Boogeyman. Don't put him in front of someone like Rob Conway
  21. Team Angle Pusher

    OAO SD! Thread July 14th 05

    Although Juvi's knee onto London looked sick I loved the match and the crowd seems to love the Mexicools as well. A "lucha libre" chant in the beginning of the match as well.
  22. Team Angle Pusher

    Backlash on Terrorist Angle

    Now this may be off topic but damn Hassan is so fucking natural on the microphone. It would be dumb not make him main eventer
  23. Team Angle Pusher

    The Boogeyman

    I don't see how he can scare me. When I think of the Boogeyman I think of something dark with red eyes. Now don't make racist jokes but he needs cover
  24. Team Angle Pusher

    Charlie Haas Interview

    Listening to it now. He sounds like a very nice and patient guy. He's always puts on great matches and he has very good points about the WWE creative. He also talked about Rico. He said Rico was VERY over, so why did he get fired?
  25. Team Angle Pusher

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    Check a Kerwin White promo on wwe.com about his webpage being looked at the most last week. The most, more then Cena and Batista