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Team Angle Pusher

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Everything posted by Team Angle Pusher

  1. Team Angle Pusher

    Midcard guys you think are safe from

    We thought D'Lo Brown was safe because he was in a program, every time on RAW and he was getting over but he got released anyways.
  2. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE begin the releases

    Shame about Maven though. He was a home-grown talent and he was fine on the microphone. His match against Shelton Benjamin at New Years Revolution sucked but I loved what he did
  3. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE begin the releases

    Surprised Mordecai wasn't released earlier. He didn't have the look, he was always nervous and he was a bitch backstage.
  4. Team Angle Pusher

    The OAO Raw THHHread for 07.04.05

    Kerwin White's promo was good though. He has a lot of charisma.
  5. Team Angle Pusher

    What is your predicted GAB card?

    Doug is a Tweener. He and Danny turned on JBL and OJ and the people cheered for them when they did. Only thing Doug needs to do is cut a promo on OJ and attack him and he's a Face.
  6. Team Angle Pusher

    11 People Traded!!

    Simon Dean has no use on Smackdown!, they should have kept him on RAW for Maven or they should have have done Maven for Kenzo and not Candice for Kenzo
  7. Team Angle Pusher

    What is your predicted GAB card?

    In my EWR game I have Doug Basham facing Orlando Jordan and Mexicools & Eddie vs. Rey & Benoit & Akio & London. Also, everyone seems to have forgotten that William Regal turned Heel in a really dumb way on RAW like a week before the ECW PPV so he could be with the anti-ECW crew
  8. Team Angle Pusher

    Who will take Batista's title?

    I won't consider Lesnar a rookie fuckstick, he was a rookie but he was damn good in the ring.
  9. Team Angle Pusher

    Who will take Batista's title?

    Orton doesn't suck that much actually. Yeah he's an asshole backstage and he thinks he's the man but he's young, he can handle himself on the mic and he can still improve a lot in the ring. Same goes for Hassan actually but I wonder if Hassan can stay this high in the ranks for a long time. About Christian, to me he looks like a threat already. He wrestled for the WWE Title at Vengeance and after Cena he looked the best in the match. He immediately got into a big match on SD! and he made it to the last two and the way JBL beat him didn't devalue him either soif they keep going with this and actually let Christian beat Booker T and say Chris Benoit he'd be a credible contender.
  10. Team Angle Pusher

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 6/30/05

    Yeah but you can't do that because everybody would think it's true. It should end with Mysterio eventually being the father anyways.
  11. Team Angle Pusher

    Draft Retrospective Vids

    Damn the WWE is freaking good in those video packages. I loved every minute of it.
  12. Team Angle Pusher

    Who will take Batista's title?

    They could have Edge appearing on a SD! only PPV and beat Batista for the World Title because his money in the bank shot is for the "World" Title. But there were no trades or a draft so Edge stays on SD!.
  13. Team Angle Pusher

    11 People Traded!!

    Scotty 2 Hotty entire time on Smackdown!? Yes that Grenier idea is pretty cool but that would mean JBL gets even more main event time and I think he'll get killed by Batista and then he stops with main eventing. Grenier and Orlando Jordan as a tag team? Hmm.... I can also see Richards with Heidenreich as a team, dunno why.
  14. Team Angle Pusher

    Who will take Batista's title?

    No Eddie won't take it because Eddie just got beat by Rey three times. I say Orton after he beats Undertaker one on one. He starts a feud with Batista while he still has unfinished business with the Undertaker. A Triple Threat makes Orton the new World Champion. After that I won't dare to predict because who thought Batista would headline WrestleMania a year ago?
  15. Team Angle Pusher

    Now you can own Moppy~!

    Look at the others things that you can buy and those pictures Big bruise Acne Yumm "Yeah it almost killed my career but I thought what the heck why not and I just put my autograph on it for some extra bucks" You know that is just another chair but oh well
  16. Team Angle Pusher

    11 People Traded!!

    Kenzo Suzuki was WWE Tag Team Champion with Rene Dupree for a while...
  17. Team Angle Pusher

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 6/30/05

    The way I would do the Rey/Eddie thing is have Eddie say Dominic is his child and Rey says it's true. Rey's wife or whatever appears at the show and she says she thinks Rey IS the real father, he HAS to be. She just had a wild night once, she was drunk and Eddie was real sweet to her so they had sex. Eddie brings out Dominic and tells him he's his father bla bla bla...eventually Rey says he wants to find out and he says he'll do a DNA test. Eddie doesn't want to but Rey ambushes him backstage and he gets his blood for the test. They hype the whole dna test result up and then on SD! Long comes to the ring with the result and Rey and Eddie are in the ring with Dominic and Rey's wife. Long announces Rey is the real father and Eddie throws Rey's wife out of the ring and attacks Rey. Eddie gets help from the Mexicools which makes Paul London come to the rescue with (insert name here).
  18. Team Angle Pusher

    11 People Traded!!

    I think the wrong person went to Smackdown!. Why do they let Grenier alone on Smackdown! when he can't even wrestle a normal match without blowing a spot. Conway has potential and now he'll have to go through another year of probably teaming with Dupree or Conway gets fired. Grenier will be like Jindrak last year on Smackdown!, nothing. And why the HELL did Long let Kenzo Suzuki go for fucking Candice Michelle, he is one dumb ass mofo.
  19. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE Shareholders

    Where is The Coach with his share
  20. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE Season four fantasy

    I've gone from 22 to 20
  21. Team Angle Pusher

    One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread

    Sorry to say this but JBL looked great out there. He looked like a true king standing on that balcony with his low voice and he cut a great promo. He didn't give a fuck about what Heyman said and faked a heartattack which I laughed about and he looked strong in the ring.
  22. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE Season four fantasy

    I have JBL on my team and he won the big title match, yay
  23. Team Angle Pusher

    The Coach on RAW

    This will probably mean Josh Matthews or Romero on Smackdown! with Tazz and Cole. I have a feeling it will be Romero because WWE always makes dumb discissions
  24. Team Angle Pusher

    The Coach on RAW

    They finally did something new with the announcers. On RAW it's now The Coach, Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler. I thought it's a great addition, I love the Coach. What do you guys think?
  25. Team Angle Pusher

    Draft Trades ENDS Tonight....

    I guess Chavo could wrestle for the Intercontinental Title but why the hell didn't they just trade Haas to RAW and why the HELL did Long let Kenzo go to RAW for frigging Candice! Jindrak will start a tag team with Maven on RAW, mark my words. Simon Dean will either get another character or he'll just use the stupid sponser gimmick and go for the Cruiserweight Title. I don't know what they want to do with Stevie Richards though because Velocity is going down, maybe cruiserweight division? But is he even a lightweight? So I guess Doug Basham is going to pushed on Smackdown! which I think is better then on RAW because Doug fits more with the SD! guys. But what the heck does Grenier on SD!? Dupree will probably team up with Conway on RAW but Conway deserves the single push, not Grenier