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Team Angle Pusher

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Everything posted by Team Angle Pusher

  1. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE Season four fantasy

    I got 113 points for Cena and 84 for Carlito, those were my highest. Jericho got me 52 points, I had him in my team in case Jericho beat Cena at Vengeance. I'm keeping Jericho for another week though. If he doesn't give me a lot of points I'll ditch him for somebody else (maybe Rey Mysterio). I sold Christy Hemme and Johnny Nitro for JBL as I think JBL is winning the WWE Title today.
  2. Team Angle Pusher

    Lesnar wants back in.....

    If he comes back he's an immediate ultra Heel which is good..
  3. Team Angle Pusher

    The Mexicools and Carlito

    Czech, watch the shows or read a report but don't come here and make a smart ass comment while we are trying to have a discussion here. If you don't know who the Mexicools are, then don't post here, simple as that. Now it would be hard for the Mexicools to feud with Carlito but I think instead of Carlito they will get involved in the Eddie/Rey feud. Mexicools with Eddie and Rey with London and (maybe Akio, you can easily turn him Face)
  4. Team Angle Pusher

    The Draft - What is Next??

    Batista would be too predictable first. Big Show goes to RAW to feud with Carlito. Eugene goes to Smackdown! or Shelton Benjamin and then next week Batista goes to SD! while SD! already has a new champion so a unification mach.
  5. Team Angle Pusher

    The one & only OVW...errr, Smackdown thread.

    Rudo, Carlito is on RAW and Mexicools on Smackdown!, 'nuff said. They should have done Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera as the Mexicools. They could first help Eddie Guerrero and then go for the Tag Titles as well. Super Crazy and (insert name here) help Rey Mysterio.
  6. Team Angle Pusher

    The one & only OVW...errr, Smackdown thread.

    Last night's edition of Smackdown scored a 3.3 rating with a 6 share.
  7. Team Angle Pusher

    The one & only OVW...errr, Smackdown thread.

    On WWE.com they say the feud is over but I have a feeling the Mexicools will get involved and the feud will be as alive as ever.
  8. Team Angle Pusher

    Strange storyline/angle ideas:

    You have this veteran who is looking for a protege, a guy who will be the next big thing in wrestling. This could very well be Triple H, he brought us Orton and Batista. HHH says he's going to scout the entire world for "the one". He eventually finds him (I shall call him The One). The One demands his manager will be signed as well. The One has a succesfull debut and he shows a lot of potential. Then he faces let's say Kane and oddly enough The One can't manage to beat the Big Red Monster. They continue to feud and when Kane beats The One again The One's manager, who has always been in the background, nobody ever noticed him, he challenges Kane to a match. Everybody expects a squash but the manager beats Kane and a week later he beats Kane again. The One says the manager was just lucky but HHH forces The One to be The Manager's manager and The Manager becomes the "next big thing". Get it?
  9. Team Angle Pusher

    The Draft - What is Next??

    Eugene to SD!, a guy with the WWE or World Title to SD!
  10. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE to respond to the pressure from ECW?

    I think they'll try to show more ECW-oriented matches on SD!. Now with the Mexicools you have a lot of guys who can just wow the crowd every match.
  11. Team Angle Pusher

    The one & only OVW...errr, Smackdown thread.

    I agree with somebody else in this thread who said the winner of next week will be the no.1 contender. Now I don't think Batista will go to Smackdown!, that is just too damn predictable. I say Christian or Jericho beats Cena for the WWE Title and goes to SD! the next night. Batista retains against HHH. Obviously HHH wants to stay in the title scene so you have HHH vs. Batista vs. Cena on the next PPV and Chris Jericho/Christian vs. Chris Benoit/Booker T
  12. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE Vengeance Card

    Problem is, Shelton will be cheered for his moves anyways.
  13. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE Season four fantasy

    Coolclint, why not mate? He gets a win on PPV, so even more points I say!
  14. Team Angle Pusher

    Early Smackdown Spoilers

    Right, another guy who can cut damn good promos on SD!.
  15. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE Vengeance Card

    The card looks great, really decent. But the storylines just don't appeal to me. Especially HHH/Batista rematch seems so forced. Why does HHH think he can beat Batista after he lost two big matches already. HHH needs to go off WWE TV because when he talks it's always the same and he's getting REALLY boring. Either do something interesting with HHH where he isn't the in th main event all the time or just take a time off Paul.
  16. Team Angle Pusher

    OAO Raw Thread (6-20-05): Angle v. Some Big Guy

    Cena went over Hassan to make Cena look good because he ended Hassan's streak. At Vengeance he loses the title to Jericho or Christian, which will make him look bad. See, this is WWE Logical, because Cena went over Hassan he can lose the belt, it won't make him "weak". Get it?
  17. Team Angle Pusher

    One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread

    Wow full shots at Meanie's head, he busted him up big time. I feel sorry for Meanie who can't take a man of JBL's size. JBL is smart, he knows he won't get punished by Vince and guys like Smothers won't get a hand on him because he will never see them. This shows that JBL really thinks he's the man.
  18. Team Angle Pusher

    The Draft - What is Next??

    This week: Eugene or HBK to SD!. I say Eugene because MNM punked out Heidenreich last week and he needs a crazy friend doesn't he? HBK would be nice on SD! as well because SD! needs a good Face and SD! could become the show for great matches like before. Next RAW I see someone like Mark Jindrak going to RAW. 2 weeks ago I would have said Doug Basham to RAW but the Bashams seem to be turning Face so they can face MNM in the long run for the tag titles. Then Shelton Benjamin to SD!. Then Big Show to RAW and Chris Jericho (with WWE Title) to SD!.
  19. Team Angle Pusher

    OAO Raw Thread (6-20-05): Angle v. Some Big Guy

    People say Smackdown! is ass-raped by RAW right now. But Cena puts on bad matches anyways, he was pretty bland on SD!. Angle was HORRIBLE, the whole Sharmell storyline was his worst story ever in the E so he needed to go, shame about Carlito though but he sucks in the ring anyway. SD! has Orton (somewhat part of the E's future), Booker T (has been build up by Angle), JBL (still great), Undertaker (good for a feud with Orton, always a fine WWE Title contender), Chris Benoit (pulls out a good match with anybody, could hold the WWE Title), Rey Mysterio (is main event level in my eyes), Eddie Guerrero (main event level as well) and you have Big Show, who you can use for anything and Matt Morgan is going to get pushed as a big monster. SD!'s future looks bright, even more if Jericho or Christian gets drafted to SD! after one of them beats Cena at Vengeance. Because SD! NEEDS a title. I say Eugene gets drafted to Smackdown! this week. He then starts to tag with Heidenreich against MNM. The week after Shelton Benjamin comes to SD! while RAW gets a guy like Mark Jindrak, so SD! gets the better pick that week. Jericho is the new champion after Vengeance, so he appears two times on RAW. The last week (insert name here) goes to RAW, probably Big Show or something, and Chris Jericho gets drafted to SD! and SD! has the WWE Title back and you can have a Jericho/Benoit feud, Jericho/Benjamin (nice, they already have a good background), Jericho/Booker T etc.... AND, this way Jericho stays with the WWE because he said if the WWE doesn't do anything to make him stay he will stop with wrestling at the end of the year. A WWE Title run will do the trick for sure.
  20. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE Season four fantasy

    Do I have to log in every frigging time? Isn't there a automatic log in feature somewhere I didn't see? Is it just me, or haven't the points been counted yet?
  21. Team Angle Pusher

    Who deserves to be a World Champion but never has

    Yeah Benjamin and Haas could be on top of the company, pulling out good matches with everyone while you have a bad wrestler but crazy over guy like John Cena popping up the buyrates.
  22. Team Angle Pusher

    Who deserves to be a World Champion but never has

    Lance Storm ---> World Title
  23. Team Angle Pusher

    Who deserves to be a World Champion but never has

    Booker T. He came IN with the World Title but never really hold it IMO.
  24. Team Angle Pusher

    OAO Velocity Thread: 6/18/05

    Nice I get some fantasy points for MNM... Anywayz, on Velocity Jindrak is a Face, on SD! he is a Heel. Nice WWE, I bet they sometimes forget they are pushing him as a Face.
  25. Team Angle Pusher

    Sabu to meet vince on Monday !

    Nice on by Vince actually.