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Team Angle Pusher

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Everything posted by Team Angle Pusher

  1. Team Angle Pusher

    Judgement Day

    It's confirmed, this is the card: Cena vs. JBL Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero MNM vs. Haas & Holly Orlando Jordan vs. Heidenreich Kurt Angle vs. Booker T Carlito Cool (with Matt Morgan) vs. Big Show Chavo Guerrero vs. Paul London
  2. Team Angle Pusher

    Edge vs Batista

    I could actually see Edge using his money in the bank contract and win the title. But I hope it won't happen cause that would mean Edge against Kane for the World Heavyweight Title and who wants to see that? I still see Kane as a tweener, not a full Face and Edge isn't even a credible World Champion because he has beaten everybody with a damn briefcase and most people HATE Edge nowadays and not hated like a Heel should be but really HATED. It won't draw, Edge vs. Kane won't draw. I know they wanna do HHH vs. Batista III, but I'd much rather see HHH vs Batista for the World Title then Edge & Lita vs. Kane, it's just so boring to me.
  3. Team Angle Pusher

    Just a little game..

    He's not doing a bad job really, actually a good job but just because of the whole Edge/Matt thingy people say he's boring and they hate him. It's like Triple H in 2002/2003 all over again.
  4. Team Angle Pusher

    Just a little game..

    Yeh I too think Bubba is a better wrestler then D-Von. I always thought Bubba would be a good upper midcarder but he never really got a chance. His singles run was much better then D-Von's. They both have charisma but Bubba has the most, he can cut intense promos
  5. Team Angle Pusher

    Just a little game..

    D-Von Dudley
  6. Team Angle Pusher

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

  7. Team Angle Pusher

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    Yeh Jindrak attacked Reigns, beat Reigns with a fucking left hand, and now he's a Heel again while last week he helped Cena against JBL which means he's a good guy. Make up your damn mind WWE! So it's Heidenreich against OJ soon for the United States Title and I hope to god OJ wins because Heidenreich would suck as champ. I understand Holly beating Mercury because Holly and Haas are feuding with MNM for the WWE Tag Team Titles so they have to look like a threat.
  8. Team Angle Pusher

    Jericho's new gimmick.

    Yeah...that's why Jericho sang a song couple of weeks ago about Shelton Benjamin being his little bitch
  9. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE Season four fantasy

    Waht you doing with Val Venis He loses every frigging match he has
  10. Team Angle Pusher


    Or "Man on a Mission", but this time on a different mission.
  11. Team Angle Pusher


    You'll especially like the main course!
  12. Team Angle Pusher

    New Head Of The TNA Booking Committee

    Should we be happy?
  13. Team Angle Pusher

    Official TNA Hard Justice Preview

    HHH > Jarrett But good to see Styles win the belt, it's about time. Now who will he feud with besides Jarrett?
  14. Team Angle Pusher

    Smackdown! 5/12/05 Thread

    He's injured for 3 months... and suddenly SD! is improving.
  15. Team Angle Pusher

    Best Career Revival?

    Chris Candido?
  16. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE news

    Sad thing is I prefer HHH over Edge
  17. Team Angle Pusher

    WWE Season four fantasy

    Why can you buy Fifi? But anywayz, I'm also in as the Team Angle Pushers. My Team: Kurt Angle (Smackdown!) Viscera (RAW) Edge (RAW) Matt Morgan (Smackdown!) John Cena (Smackdown!) Muhammed Hassan (RAW) Carlito (Smackdown!) Ric Flair (RAW) Maria (RAW) I think Angle will beat Booker T. Viscera will probably keep squashing wrestlers to get himself over. Edge is on a roll and will probably win the Gold Rush tournament. Matt Morgan will continue to squash random guys, he'll be pushed. I don't see Cena losing the belt soon so I have him. Hassan will probably be kept undefeated. I think they'll push Carlito. Flair is going to beat some guys and maybe a big feud with Christian. Maria appears on RAW as interviewer every show and I only had 1.000.000, so I had to choose a useless diva.
  18. Team Angle Pusher

    ECW website launched

    Man this will be great IMO. Does anybody have the full roster? Cannot wait to see Lance Storm in action again, one of my favourite wrestlers ever
  19. Team Angle Pusher

    Smackdown! 5/12/05 Thread

    Did anyone notice a guy in the crowd act like Vince McMahon in beyond the mat with Droz: HE'S GONNA PUKE, HE'S GONNA PUKE! Yeah, I did
  20. Team Angle Pusher

    Luther Reigns released

    Should have released Kenzo Suzuki. At least you can use Reigns as a manager/bodyguard because he cuts amazing promos.
  21. Team Angle Pusher

    Smackdown spoilers for 5/12/05

    Stupid way to go with the Angle/Booker T angle. Making the crowd think he's going to violently rape Sharmell. Next week it appears he just kidnapped her or something. Is it just me or is the WWE getting more violent again? Time for the Hardcore Title!! Also what's with the Ring of Honor guys lately on SD!
  22. Team Angle Pusher

    Former WWE Writer Chris Kreski Passes Away

    Sad. R.I.P
  23. Team Angle Pusher

    Could Rey Mysterio...

    Rey as WWE Champ is money so Yes
  24. Team Angle Pusher

    Outlandish Things you'll probably never see

    Yeah Angle was going to throw Austin off the bridge. When he said he would do it, Austin I think was blindfolded and he acted as if he threw him and Austin got scared. Angle ripped the blindfold off and Austin was in a tiny bath