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Team Angle Pusher

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Everything posted by Team Angle Pusher

  1. Team Angle Pusher

    Does anything in WWE matter any more?

    WWE should do good storylines and it's because of the internet. It's not suprising anymore.
  2. Team Angle Pusher

    Raw is stagnating already.

    RAW is stupid. Maven was getting pushed to IC Title Level months back and I think he was doing fine. He has the "look" and his charisma is pretty good, I loved him commentating while Shelton Benjamin was wrestling. So I dunno why they suddenly made Maven a Heat wrestler again because he was getting booed. HHH talks every show for like 20 minutes long about the same damn thing. Jericho is still over BIG but they are treating him like shit. They have IMO a chance of making a new top star in Muhammed Hassan but I know they will screw that up, starting at Backlash. Kane and Lita together is just fucked up since Kane FORCED Lita to marry him and now Lita is kissing the man?! I don't have a lot of problems with Edge but can't help but think WHY ISN'T CHRISTIAN BEING PUSHED!? So yeah, Smackdown! has a better future right now. A draft could do wonders.
  3. Team Angle Pusher

    Stephanie McMahon sent down to OVW.

    Well this might explain Chilly Willy's release from OVW
  4. Team Angle Pusher

    So who has a safe job?

    Nunzio might be fired, but not Rene Dupree. He really young but still a great midcarder.
  5. Team Angle Pusher

    CM Punk to be on Heat this week

    Good replacement for MatT Hardy
  6. Team Angle Pusher


    Why would there be no draft if JBL and HHH have done backstage skits for a couple of months now and the WWE clearly wants to do a feud over who the wrestling god is. They might do a draft at Summerslam after Batista and HHH are done feuding and same goes for Cena/JBL
  7. I saw Booker T this Thursday with his wife and they did a great promo. I was all excited to see the match and when he won I thought it's a shame Booker T hasn't had a fair chance at the top in the WWE. The man is a great wrestler, he has a lot of charisma and he has experience. But I think the WWE doesn't push him because they think a Afro American wrestler will never be able to be as popular as someone like John Cena or Austin because of his skin color. I would love to see Booker T headlining PPV's but I may be right when I say that not entire America would like Booker T at the top because of his skin. I guess my question is: Will a black wrestler ever be able to become as popular as John Cena or Austin?
  8. Team Angle Pusher

    I need a list of all WWF/WWE dvds please...

    Does anyone have WWF: D-Generation X and WWF: Banned in Canada? 'Cause I do
  9. Team Angle Pusher

    Major Heat on Rhyno

    I'm sure Rhyno still has the TV Title, he's just so evil. But if he gets fired and he goes to TNA, they will immediately make him a main eventer and this time I will like it. Billy Gunn and X-Pac main eventing sucks, but if Rhyno does it I will be watching. Also, they will probably just call him Rhino again/
  10. Team Angle Pusher

    30 Man Battle Royal to take place at Wrestlemania

    Then what's the damn purpose of the battle royal if it's not on Heat or WM?
  11. Team Angle Pusher

    Backlash main event

    If this is really true then Batista will lose tonight because the "battle for the World Title rages on" isn't really a good line for HHH. Knowing HHH will probably beat Batista makes me a sad camper.
  12. Team Angle Pusher

    HOF Inductions thread

    No WM 21 commercials?
  13. Team Angle Pusher

    The What If Thread

    Someone aks a "What if..." question and others answer it and we all ask them here instead of starting a new thread. What if Bret Hart decided to resign with the WWF in 1997?
  14. Team Angle Pusher

    Say Something About the Poster Below You

    Thinks Mark Jindrak is a man... V V
  15. Team Angle Pusher

    The What If Thread

    Next question
  16. Team Angle Pusher

    Lack of Championship Matches

    Burchill? I think they will either decide he's not WWE-ish or they will push him as the next Lesnar. He has great moves.
  17. Team Angle Pusher

    Create a Tag Division

    Although Akebono probably sucks in the ring I would actually like to see this happen. Fans would love those two giants dominating the tag title division until they finally ditch Akebono. But why not do another "Armaggedon" tag team and let them hold on to the tag titles for a while.
  18. Team Angle Pusher

    Paul Wight passed away

    HOLY CRAP! R.I.P. I was just looking at his obsessed with wrestling profile and how much I like him.
  19. Team Angle Pusher

    Paul Wight passed away

    Hate this. I just wanted to share it with everyone, I was too stupid to fall for it. But who would have thought somebody would make a joke of something like this. GRRR
  20. Team Angle Pusher

    Paul Wight passed away

    You know what. Delete this thread, NOW. I will KILL Pukeboy. How can somebody make such a lame and horrible joke about somebody.
  21. Team Angle Pusher

    Paul Wight passed away

    Look at it If this turns out to be untrue I will kill them
  22. Team Angle Pusher

    Paul Wight passed away

    Dude, why would they say that on a site? That would be REALLY UNFUNNY
  23. Team Angle Pusher

    30 Man Battle Royal to take place at Wrestlemania

    10 from Smackdown!, 10 from RAW RAW: The Hurricane (spot monkey for the match) Gene Snitsky (possible winner) William Regal (he's world tag champ, no chance he will win) Tajiri (see Regal) Chris Masters (will Polish Hammer Richards again) Stevie Richards (gets his nose broken and then eliminated) Sylvain Grenier (no) Rob Conway (Maybe, if they finally decide to push him) Val Venis (Let him win. I'll mark out for every move he does) Viscera (Always hyped as a favorite to win. Will lose) Smackdown!: Mark Jindrak (just turned Face, at least supposed to. Might win) Luther Reigns (has been squashed a lot lately. If he wins it would be nice, but he won't) Kenzo Suzuki (eww...) Danny Basham (no) Doug Basham (no) Carlito (big chance to win. Nice return and good for a push) Scotty 2 Hotty (god no) Nunzio (is a cruiserweight. 'Nuff said) Hardcore Holly (tagging with Haas) Charlie Haas (tagging with Holly and goes to RAW after WM hopefully) ===== Winner gets a shot at the IC or US Title. No better idea...HARDCORE TITLE RETURNS! Mark out. I miss u...
  24. Team Angle Pusher

    How hyped are yall for WM21?

    Stop plugging MMA. Granted, it doesn't really feel like WM like WM X-7 did but still....it's WrestleMania god damned and I'm looking forward to some great matches
  25. Team Angle Pusher

    How hyped are yall for WM21?

    But then again, you are never satisfied with the WWE product. The card looks pretty good for us smarks with Rey/Eddie, Money in the Bank, HBK/Angle and the Piper's Pit stuff. All watch the show like marks for once, I know it's hard but the show will get better that way.