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Everything posted by art_vandelay

  1. art_vandelay

    Punk'd cancelled

    Viva La Bam has nothing on Comedy Network-era Tom Green Show. And I liked Punk'D. It was a funny show.
  2. art_vandelay

    WWE Originals CD

    I think the 5 Stone Cold tracks may not be real, fully-produced songs like the rest. They'd probably be talking segments, or perhaps, he'll drag out his acoustic guitar and play something.
  3. art_vandelay

    The new Cena shirt

    ... or "emo," same thing.
  4. art_vandelay

    The new Cena shirt

    Yeah, it's really not that great. Non-wrestling fans won't catch the crop, they'll just think you're wearing a late-80's WWF logo shirt. It's much better than the average shirt however, like that Big Show one.
  5. art_vandelay

    2Pac: Resurrection

    I'm more likely to see this than anything else that's in theatres now, but I'm a bit more intrigued by that "Biggie & Tupac" documentary that came out on DVD last year. Any of you seen that?
  6. Because it's Tracy Morgan. I guess it doesn't work if you're not familiar with him.
  7. art_vandelay

    Paris Hilton's X-rated video

    Oh yeah, me too. I always feel "curious".
  8. art_vandelay

    Paris Hilton's X-rated video

    Here's the video for those who haven't seen it already (copy & paste): Credit: http://www.whatevs.org/2003_11_09_whatevs_archive.html Anyone able to convert the file to MPEG? Us Mac users can't play WMV's.
  9. Yeah, kinda disappointing. I felt like I was duped into watching a re-run with about 2% new content.
  10. art_vandelay

    No mention of CRASH on RAW tonight?

    Actually, it was more like he was drafted to Heat.
  11. art_vandelay

    The Specials

    Yeah, the action figures were great. I liked the part when Amok tried to go in for a kiss from that girl that can absorb things, even though she already told him she was gay.
  12. art_vandelay

    The Specials

    My local Fox affiliate just aired a movie starring Rob Lowe, Jamie Kennedy, and that hot girl from Andy Richter rules the universe. It's about a team of superheroes trying to get action figures of themselves made. They never use their powers very much, but it's more of a dialogue-driven comedy than an action film. The movie was made in 2001, but I've never heard about it before. It's pretty funny. What made it even funnier was they edited out the curses in this R rated film for Saturday afternoon network TV broadcast. They the backwards technique commonly found in rap songs. It made many parts of the movie totally confusing, but funny. Jamie Kennedy is painted in blue in this movie and totally looks like Nightcrawler.
  13. art_vandelay

    New Joe Schmoe!

    Totally great way to milk this thing for advertising $$$. Fuck saving it for the DVD. People will buy that regardless.
  14. art_vandelay

    The Specials

    No, I live in Toronto and get Buffalo's WUTV. Maybe all the affiliates aired it today?
  15. art_vandelay

    Something new?

    Isn't this pretty much just a shortened version of all the hoss-pushes? Goldberg, Lesnar... Only difference is that a smaller guy would be winning. I don't like it. The casuals wouldn't accept it, and everyone here would be bitching about how the writers are trying to force us to like somebody. It would be the negative reactions to the Brock push x10.
  16. art_vandelay

    Crash Holly passes away

    Favourite moments: Crash Holly vs. Prince Nana - Metal Crash Holly/Funaki vs. APA - Heat Crash pimping Matt's book and WWE Magazines CRASH'S TURNBUCKLE CLIMB INTO THE RING Shit, the dude employed a lot of subtle humour that never caught on with the mainstream crowds. This wrestler's death probably saddens me more than any other in the past few years. As a die-hard Metal/Heat/Velocity viewer, Crash Holly always made the recaps worth sitting through. I think most who are like me would agree that he was one of the best comedic wrestlers. I'm not saying that because he's dead, I was saying it back in those, "Which wrestler do you like, but others don't" threads. Crash, RIP, I'll miss you, and I'll try my best to remember you with a smile on my face.
  17. art_vandelay

    Report of Austin on Howard Stern

    But Rock knew he was leaving the business soon anyway. He had a bigger career to fall back on. Austin didn't.
  18. art_vandelay

    Conversation tips...

    Papacita, you're not alone. I also possess horrendous social skills. I'm reading a lot of the advice here and it all seems to be great. But really, the hardest part is actually initiating the conversation. Yes, that's the hardest part. And all that "be yourself" stuff. What does that mean? Act like the way I am when I'm with my closest friends? It so easy to say but tough to practice. Sometimes I just wish I didn't have to deal with all this social bullshit. I hate it, but I'm miserable without it. Please pity me.
  19. art_vandelay

    John Heidenreich

    Wasn't he featured in the wrestling documentary that aired on A&E a few times? He was the only indy guy to get a WWE developmental contract on the show or something. Chris Daniels was also in it.
  20. art_vandelay

    John Heidenreich

    Wasn't he featured in the wrestling documentary that aired on A&E a few times? He was the only indy guy to get a WWE developmental contract on the show or something. Chris Daniels was also in it.
  21. art_vandelay

    Kill Bill: volume 1

    The anime scene was my favourite. Just brilliant, moving images. The girl's mother's blood was dripping onto her face. And the lush backgrounds when she's standing on the rooftop. I'm not an anime fan at all, but I maybe I should look into it. BTW, I vaguely seem to remember seeing parts of the black and white massacre scene in colour during a "Making of Kill Bill" 15 minute preview that aired on Showcase a few days ago. The thing that stood out was when Uma was doing the spineroonie and slicing the guys. I remember seeing that in colour. Does anyone else think QT might have decided to black & white these segments at the last minute, perhaps to avoid an NC-17 rating? I know they got away with much worse in the film, but there might be some rule in the guidelines that say you can only kill a number of people in colour, or something. I was distracted from the movie thinking about all that. Also, my friends and I were discussing the possibility that Bill might've been Uma's fiancee, but then someone tells me that they said the fiancee was killed? Can anyone clear that up? thanks.
  22. art_vandelay

    School of Rock

    As I sat there in the theatre watching their performance at Battle of the Bands, I said to myself, "This is really great." I never say that while watching anything anymore. This movie is destined to become a classic. Then I went home, and the first thing I saw on my TV was Jack Black on SNL. When that was over I listened to my Tenacious D record. JB is becoming a superstar.
  23. art_vandelay


    Who were the geniuses that first said, "Hey, let's make a movie about the Terminator getting pregnant. Uh huh huh."
  24. art_vandelay

    Pumpkin, with Christina Ricci

    Yeah, he's like Kane.
  25. art_vandelay

    The Joe Schmo Show

    That would be what we like to refer to as "X-Pac heat." No, a good heel makes you want to see his ass get kicked. I think people want to see Matt or Kip give Hutch that kicking.