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Everything posted by Fartsauce

  1. Fartsauce


    Raw seems to be the only show in actual true HD on The Score. Everything else has been stretched.
  2. Fartsauce

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Urgh. The timing for my last couple of picks hasn't been great. I see that i'm almost up, but i'll be leaving in a few hours. Hopefully I get the opportunity.
  3. Fartsauce

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    So as I missed my turn, guys like Mysterio and Sid got drafted who I wanted to take. Fair enough. For my next pick, I again go the oldschool route. I figured this guy can draw money (albeit it territory style) can talk on the mic, can work face and especially heel and can work southern style. With my next selection, I choose.... Sure, he doesn't match up well with anyone CURRENTLY on my roster, but he's a guy that can wrestle secondary guys on the card. Plus, there's still quite a few guys being overlooked in the singles division.
  4. Fartsauce

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I apologize, i picked up extra hours at work today and couldn't be around. I'll make my next pick whenever im allowed.
  5. Fartsauce

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    And I get the sense by the thread views that there are some gimmick posters lurking trying to ruin the draft.
  6. Fartsauce

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. Brody was mine.
  7. Fartsauce

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Analyzing all these selections, it appears that everyone has some kind of direction while my roster seems a little off the board and going several different directions. I hope by the time this is done that everyone realizes what i'm trying to do.
  8. Fartsauce

    The Highschool Thread

    Highschool wasn't all that memorable for me. Sure, I was a mid-carder as far as popularity goes, but nothing exciting really happened. I was too shy to initiate conversations with girls, and the ones I did talk to were my casual friends. I could have been a solid B+ student but I was too lazy and never did homework, which equated to me being a C student and narrowly passing other classes. The highlight of my tenure was being the guy that's 5'7, 135 pounds at the time fighting a guy 6'1, 185 and winning the fight. He had apparently thought I was spreading rumors about him sleeping with an overweight sped class chick, which never happened. The kicker to this was I found out later he was epileptic, but I had never seen have a seizure.
  9. Fartsauce

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    When you're the passenger in a car and the person driving starts talking at a red light and isn't paying attention to when the light finally turns back green. For some reason this has aggrevated me for years. I usually end up yelling at the person to drive the car and it starts an argument. It's one of those things I can't really explain why it pisses me off, but it does.
  10. Fartsauce

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I hope i'm not giving people ideas but i'm really shocked that more oldschool guys haven't been taken.
  11. Fartsauce

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I love the Dibiase pick. I was hoping he would slip to the next round but I have someone else in mind for my round 5 pick that i'm sure is going to slip off the radar.
  12. Fartsauce

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    With this pick i'm going way off the board, but i've realized I really haven't had a face that could draw a lot of money. HBK arguably didn't draw during his first reign as WWF champion and i'm not sure how he did with his stint as champion from November 97 to March/April 98. With this one, i'm going to the 70's.... Bruno Sammartino.
  13. Fartsauce

    NHL Offseason Thread

    http://www.globesports.com/servlet/story/R...ortsHockey/home THANK GOD. Even though this is 10 years too late, i'm thrilled that Jim Hughson is finally going to get the spotlight he deserves. Bob Cole used to be the man back in the day but his days are well behind him. Even though he is STILL going to be doing regular season games next year, he should only be kept around in a nostalgic role, perhaps during a Leafs/Habs game or during the inpending Heritage Classic next year.
  14. Fartsauce

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    With this pick, I really feel I have the steal of the draft. I was originally going to just draft the one guy, but I decided to go with... The reasoning is simple. Not only do I get one of the greatest tag teams of all-time, the potential of a huge series between HBK and Dynamite would have people talking forever. Iron Man match, Ladder match, etc. Davey Boy can be carried to many great matches with the right opponent.
  15. Fartsauce

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I'm getting really giddy over my next selection, and there's only one before me.
  16. Fartsauce

    2008 Stanley Cup Finals

    This is off-topic but did anyone catch the end of the Spokane/Kitchener Memorial Cup? Spokane won the game 4-1 but that wasn't the best part. Their captain raised the trophy over his head and it smashed into 2 or 3 pieces on the ice. They were all just sitting there for about 10 seconds with the biggest "WTF do we do" face. It was absolutely hilarious and the youtube is going to be up shortly.
  17. Fartsauce

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    To add to the Michaels pick, i'm taking Michaels DX era circa 1997
  18. Fartsauce

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    I rarely ever watch Smackdown and it seems everytime I do watch it, Vickie seems to be getting fatter and fatter each time. Pretty soon Taker won't be able to tombstone her.
  19. Fartsauce

    ECW tapings to take place before Raw; Heat canceled

    How fitting would it be to have Stevie Richards win the last match ever on Heat? Instead we'll probably be treated to Jim Duggan beating Viscera in 2 minutes.
  20. Fartsauce

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I was going to go with a few of the workrate guys, but seeing as the one's I wanted are taken, I was torn between one workrate guy and a guy that could draw me money....I'n the end I went with..... Didn't realize Hogan was taken. Each post should contain a picture.
  21. Fartsauce

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Pick coming in a few minutes....
  22. Fartsauce

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I may have the worst draft spot at #8.
  23. Fartsauce

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Sign me up.
  24. Fartsauce

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    Tag team wrestling never did much for me really. Sure, you had some awesome matches back in the day between Rockers/Hart Foundation/Bulldogs and then with the Hardys/Edge/Christian and Dudleys. My problem with it has always been the same formula every match. Face gets beaten up for 5 to 10 minutes, make a hot tag, cleans house.
  25. Fartsauce

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    The Piper/Santino video from last night's Kimmel is on wwe.com. Funny stuff.