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Everything posted by goldengreek

  1. goldengreek

    One and Only Raw Thread for 6/4/07

    so......... 4 straight losses for Kahli? Yeah , he is a monster the entire roster should fear..pffft.
  2. goldengreek

    One and Only Raw Thread for 6/4/07

    your a genious! lol
  3. goldengreek

    ECW 5.8.07

    People have every right to complain! They gave away the result of their own main event! and? Ok, I really need to ask this, why are people so concerned if RVD is going to be "buried' in what might be his last match at ONS? Weather RVD wins or looses or goes over right or goes over in a way that doesn't make sense, its not going to hurt his career outside of the WWE at all. For some reason certain people here believe if RVD looses at his last match and those same certain people consider it a "burial" type of match, RVD's fucked anywhere he goes. RVD won't be screwed at all, wrestling is a work, do you honestly think some promoter or booker is going to say "Rob Van Dam? Didn't he lose to *insert name here* at One Night Stand?.....OH WE CAN'T BOOK HIM!" Thats not going to happen ever. Not on the indy curcuit, not in Japan, not with TNA, no one is going to think that. Yes his WWE career has had it's up and down's but that doesn't mean he isn't a draw. If your a promoter and you put Rob Van Dam's name on the bill, your going to draw people, plain and simple. If you truely believe RVD's career is going to tank after the One Night Stand ppv, your really really wrong. Shane-o looked great tonight! Would love to see a RVD - Shane hardcore match
  4. goldengreek

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Boy, that Triple H sure is grateful to the guy that totally killed himself in the name of getting HHH over when it was looking like he was going to be a total dud main-eventer. no shit!
  5. goldengreek

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    And King Booker still kicked his ass
  6. goldengreek

    Booker taking some time off for injuries

    Long live King Boooookaahhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!
  7. goldengreek

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    He's a complete tool. He's revered for being around for a long time, but what has he done to really help out the business and elevate other stars aside from himself? Has anyone ever truly won a feud with him besides Austin?? Is he really that big of a draw?? Nope. Who has he cleanly lost to?? You can count it on two hands at most. Of his title reigns, his first didn't end cleanly (chair-shot from Hogan), nor did his second (chair shot from Michaels, nor did his loss at Vengeance 2002 (The Rock pinned Angle, not UT). I believe that he jobbed clean to Austin in June of 99 when he lost the title back to him...but that's a pretty fucking pathetic track record if you ask me. He wrestled against Bret Hart, Michaels, Hogan, Ric Flair, Steve Austin, and the Rock on multiple occasions, and to the best of my knowledge, the only one of those to pin him cleanly was Austin. In recent years, he's been reticent to help elevate younger stars, as it is widely rumored that he balked at putting Lesnar over, and we all know that he massacred Orton w/o help from Cowboy Bob, and in the end...even with his help. If the guy had a different entrance he probably would have been a journeyman...just like he was in WCW. Plus, for 80% of his career he's never sold anything. He's the guy who's held up as a pillar of the community when in reality he cheats on his taxes, treats his wife like shit and ignores his kids. lmao ! And you kniw this how?? Rumours --lol . Give a fucking break
  8. goldengreek

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

  9. goldengreek

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    49.95 IN CHICAGO
  10. goldengreek

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    My thoughts exactly. He's beaten HBK. Angle. Jericho. Triple H. Benoit. All guys who are clearly superior to him. It's just fucking ridiculous. Let him chase and then win the title, I don't care. Pushing new stars is good. But enough with the fucking superman gimmick. X2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. goldengreek

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    The crowd did suck. As I already stated the 20,000 in Chicago embarresed the 80,000 in Detroit tonight
  12. goldengreek

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    There wasn't a single stall session this time around. Finlay tried to climb but collapsed. Punk was selling the blood lost but still got up pretty quick. Booker stalled but that was because he was trying to decide to get the briefcase or save Sharmell. At the end, Punk was knocked silly by the ladder shot and had nothing left to stop Kennedy. Also, what a dick was Matt tonight? Convinced Jeff to kill himself and threatened to hurt Sharmell. ORTON stalled for a looong time!! Even taking his time to move the ladder
  13. goldengreek

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Are you kidding me? Did you only watch 6 months of the rock?
  14. goldengreek

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Oh come the fuck on. To me he has none. Then you're a blind Cena hating tool, fair enough. I didn't used to like the guy at all, I hated him with a passion, but even I came around to realize he tries hard and is a lot better now than I ever thought he would be. Hate him all you want, you don't have to like the guy, but if you can't at least admit that he has charisma, then you're just being a retard. To me he has no charisma. What charisma does he have. Does he have the potentia to lsteal the show like a HBK, Hardy, Edge, Foley? Am I excited and anticipate what he will say when he is on the mic, like the way I used to be with the Rock, Foley, Flair,Rhodes, Jericho? No!! I dont hate the guy personally, and if I remenber correctly he was a much better in ring worker with more moves the first 3-6 months when he was brought up. I just think they are using him all wrong. I dont appreciatte him force fed to me for 20 out of 24 months as the champ. Everyoine used to bitch about this about HHH and it was ok to. Know if we bitch about Cena we are anti-smark-marks-smarks ( lol )if you know what I mean. Its like it was cool to boo him and hate him for the last year, but just because its starting not to be cool to boo and hate him, we are wrong to dislike him? Sorry maybe its not his fault, maybe its the booking, but the guy bores me to high heaven
  15. goldengreek

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Oh come the fuck on. To me he has none. He wears the same garb, says the same shit, tries to sound like the Rock, but isnt remotely funny or entertaining to me. They are shoving the fucking guy down our throats!! He has had the belt 20 of the last 24 months??!! They can still sell his merchandise to the kiddies and little future ho's withou having to have the belt on him Didn't the Rock wear the same style of clothes and say some of the same shit all the time? I recall that working out real well for him. Ummmmm NOOOOO!!!! He switched it up. He went fron the Versace shirts to the black vest, to the brahma bull attire etc. And his mic work was always diffrent and told a diffrent story. He also changed catch phrases. From the smackdown hotel, and know your role, when he was a heel, to Finnally the rock is back....., and the rock loves pie, etc, etc. The work he did with the hurricane was genious (hamburglur), as well as his stuff with Foley, both as a heel and as a face. It never sounded forced or copied like Cena's does
  16. goldengreek

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Taker would have been on his "A" game no matter what
  17. goldengreek

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    The 93,000 figure has been debunked many times. It was something like 75,000 What was the attendence figures for Toronto ( Hogan - Warrior) and the wrestlemania in the Astrodome?
  18. goldengreek

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Oh come the fuck on. To me he has none. He wears the same garb, says the same shit, tries to sound like the Rock, but isnt remotely funny or entertaining to me. They are shoving the fucking guy down our throats!! He has had the belt 20 of the last 24 months??!! They can still sell his merchandise to the kiddies and little future ho's withou having to have the belt on him
  19. goldengreek

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    The crowd was hot for Punk. They would have blown the roof off if Punk won the MITB match. Crowd was dead in every other match after that with the exeption of the Taker match
  20. goldengreek

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    I think the crowd was lame which is suprising for a Detroit crowd. Either that or there was some production trickery with the volume, especially in the last match. I hate Cena , but I expected him to win and was fine with that, but just not with the STFU again. Definately should have had Taker close out the shoWii. Seems to me they could have squeezed in one more match. I would have loved to have seen Hass and Benjamin ( with the titles) against Kendrick and London in a crosss promotional match to see who the better tag team is. Of course there was no build up for that and Cena/Micheals have the belts ( God knows why??!!!) Detriot fans should be embarrased that 20,000 Chicagoans were louder,"hotter" that 80,000.
  21. goldengreek

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Is this Cena's father? Relax there boss. He has zero charisma or else he wouldnt be hated by everyone over 15 yrs old, and would have greater crossover appeal. Also you never know who the next big thing is gonna be, Who the may sign or bring up from OVW and how the crowd will react to them.
  22. goldengreek

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    LMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. goldengreek

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    EXACTLY! And his title reigns have been to long
  24. goldengreek

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I'm sure The Rock laughs and shakes his head at Cena's mic work and "charisma" Cena couldnt hold The Rocks jock strap