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Everything posted by goldengreek

  1. goldengreek

    OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

    They should have aIred the dark matches! Sounds a hell of alot better than what they showed on T.V.
  2. goldengreek

    OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

    So, see ya back here next tuesday?
  3. goldengreek

    NBA Offseason Thread

    I'll believe it when I see it. I have been hearing that shit for 2 years now.
  4. goldengreek

    NBA Offseason Thread

    What do you think the spurs would be willing to trade for Chandler?
  5. goldengreek

    NBA Offseason Thread

    Wow. Talk about an underwhelming replacement for Wallace. I'm surprised that Nazr and Rasho are actually walking into starting roles on other teams. As far as the Spurs go, they've either got to trade for someone or see if Pryzbilla wants to come into a winner. Watch those lucky fucks land Wilcox. They could play Duncan at center.
  6. goldengreek

    World Cup 2006 in Germany

    Italy has the same odd defensive shit-boring style, but the made the cup and were succesfull
  7. goldengreek

    NBA Offseason Thread

    DO IT Bulls!!!!!!!!!! Hell, do it, Hornets. Chandler is at least a good option at C for the next few years, until Hilton Armstrong or Cedric Simmons develops into a legit threat. As far as Brown and JR Smith go, Smith's not going to succeed with the Hornets because he and Byron Scott don't see eye to eye. Brown deserves the chance to play for a contender, so it wouldn't bother me to see him sent to the Bulls as part of a package deal. Hey, I just want that trade made because there is only a year left on P.J Browns contract, which will give the Bulls 10 million in cap space next year to sign a stud. Chandler has 4 years at 40 million left on his contract.
  8. goldengreek

    RVD and Sabu arrested for drugs

    Do you have a legit source for the Sabu comment, or is that you own diagnosis Dr. House?
  9. goldengreek

    NBA Offseason Thread

    Thats what I said, but I would rather have Wilcox, or Nene.
  10. goldengreek

    NBA Offseason Thread

    DO IT Bulls!!!!!!!!!!
  11. goldengreek

    OAO Raw Thread - July/3rd/2006.

    You guys are sick puppies.
  12. goldengreek

    NBA Offseason Thread

    False. BIG TIME false. Then who is the favorite? What he said. Detroit will be worse. Cleveland's still not ready. New Jersey can't beat Miami. Chicago and Washington aren't good enough to threaten them. No other team was able to win 42 games in the East this season and there are no draftees or free agents that are gonna allow any team not listed to make a quantum leap from non playoff team to the favorite in the East unless Wade gets hurt. You forget the bulls are young and improving every year. They gave the Heat its toughest challenge in the playoffs IMO
  13. goldengreek

    NBA Offseason Thread

    McDyess can play center for a year as long as he stays healthy, and play sheed at the 4
  14. goldengreek

    NBA Offseason Thread

    I'm sorta with you. I wanted Wilcox or Nene, but Wallace is better than Pryzbilla and Nazr Mohhamed
  15. goldengreek

    NBA Offseason Thread

    Dont forget Williams of the bench
  16. goldengreek

    WWE News and Notes

    There's goes any hope of Edge getting the title back if they fear he re-injured his neck. This coming from a company that keeps putting 2 near-cripples in main event programs despite every medical expert saying they shouldn't be doing anything that physical? Angle and? Beniot
  17. goldengreek

    Supposed Smackdown spoilers for the 7/3 airing

    Is Shelton moving to Smackdown, or was this due to the Supershow?
  18. goldengreek

    OAO Raw Thread - July/3rd/2006.

    As much as I dont want this to happen, it looks like Edge is going to win the ECW belt as well. The arrest, plus Vince wanting to have big name WWE guys appear every week on ECW.
  19. goldengreek

    OAO Raw Thread - July/3rd/2006.

    Or Cena fued with anyone.
  20. goldengreek

    OAO Raw Thread - July/3rd/2006.

    Except about 200 other people who actually hit the spots and are flashier and more innovative. What does that have to do with taking a bump? I don't know if he's the best...but he is pretty good. When he bumps, he lands directly flat on his back, and you can just tell that's one of those bumps that looks like it knocks the wind out of you. Have you seen him take a powerbomb, or those rolling powerbombs to the outside from the ring apron? The man can take a bump. And that doesn't have anything to do with how well someone hits spots, or how innovative they are. RVD is probably top 30 in taking DDT's but there is still a long list of workers who take bumps better then RVD. Top 30 Dr, HOUSE? lmao
  21. goldengreek

    OAO Raw Thread - July/3rd/2006.

    I will be happier if Rvd retains tonight, than I was when he won on ONS. Huge mark out moment for me tonight if RVD retains.
  22. goldengreek

    OAO Raw Thread - July/3rd/2006.

    Noboby takes bigger, better bumps than RVD.
  23. goldengreek

    OAO Raw Thread - July/3rd/2006.

    Hey Kramer's little dwarf friend in that commercial
  24. goldengreek

    OAO Raw Thread - July/3rd/2006.

    Estrada's Unlimted Videos has him addressing the crowd. Orton's promos still suck. Thank you. Thank you, in addition, for not calling my bluff. Am I the only one who doesn't hate Orton? I dont hate Orton.
  25. goldengreek

    NBA Offseason Thread

    Barring multiple injuries, they are a LOCK for the playoffs.