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Everything posted by goldengreek

  1. goldengreek

    John Cena -- One person's thoughts

    THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I actually like this new Big show
  3. goldengreek

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    She totally dissed Todd Grisham. Sadly, knowing WWE they will suspend or put Maria in the doghouse for publically mentioning the relationship and then fire her for mentioning ROH and Samoa Joe. Anyways, Maria is a tremendous girl and one of the very quality pick-ups WWE has made in the last few years and I can't believe she tamed the Punker. I actually new Maria back in 1998-2001 She dated an aquiantence of mine for a while. She was a bit stuck up and snooty, but I guess thats how girls act when a ton of guys kiss there ass and hit on them all the time. She used to go to same nightclubs I frequented and hung out in Greektown in this little bar called 9 Muses. Seeing her on T.V. is a little wierd.
  4. goldengreek

    John Cena -- One person's thoughts

    Thats correct, you said it ------- IF
  5. goldengreek

    John Cena -- One person's thoughts

    Which one in particular?? P.S. Be an individual kid, dont join the popular group / opinion because you wanna be "cool"
  6. goldengreek

    John Cena -- One person's thoughts

    Bullshit!!! THE WOST AND MOST BORING RAWS are the ones he has headlined. The T.v. ratings have been shit. He does NOT draw like The ROCK, SCSA, Brett Hart, the old HBK, Macho, Hulk, Fuck even Taker and Angle Except ratings are higher with Cena as main eventer then it was for Shawn, Bret, Taker, Macho... Spelling Bret's name wrong should constitute a automatic suspension along with the fact you are completely wrong in every way possible. John Cena has PROVEN to draw a crowd, increase the ratings...I know that PROOF is a hard concept to grasp but it's reality and while you might be content to live within this bubble, intelligent people will examine the numbers and conclude that John Cena is a legitimate draw. Relax Dr. House! I mispelled Brets name. I think its actually more embarasing that you noticed it and that it bothered you. What am I doing arguing with 14 year olds???
  7. goldengreek

    John Cena -- One person's thoughts

    You are one of the posters that I usually agree with but I disagree here. On Smackdown, as a heel, Cena was getting pops, even against the Undertaker if I remember correctly. Even the MSG crowd at Wrestlemania 20, the same New York crowd that would douse him in toilet paper now, popped big time for his U.S. title win. So, in my opinion, the fans were turning him the same way that they turned Rock and Austin. Problem is, like WWE always does, they took the cool heel and turned him into someone trying to be cute and get catch phrases over. They took his edgy raps and turned them into gay jokes that got tired. Then they moved him from Smackdown to Raw and it was obvious to anyone that he was brought to be the star of the show and wouldn't you know here he is making gay jokes about the heels and doing Rock-like promos. That was when fans rebelled. Dont you think the WWE officials gave the Steeler players FREE Cena gear? Or do you think 20 players came to the show dressed the same way? lmao
  8. goldengreek

    John Cena -- One person's thoughts

    Bullshit!!! THE WOST AND MOST BORING RAWS are the ones he has headlined. The T.v. ratings have been shit. He does NOT draw like The ROCK, SCSA, Brett Hart, the old HBK, Macho, Hulk, Fuck even Taker and Angle Thanks for reading what's been posted. You cant compare Cenas ratings to the years of The Rocks and SCSA, along with Nitro in its heyday
  9. goldengreek

    John Cena -- One person's thoughts

    The one thing I despise the most is all this crap talk of comparing Cena to The Rock. Especially when they compare his wrestling skills and move set. Pleople forget all of The Rocks moves when hw was Rocky Miavia. He was a high flyer and a good mat wrestler. People only remember the peoples elbow and the rock bottom. He was much more skilled. The Suplerfly Snuka move of the top rope, his neck-breakers, drop kicks, DDT'S, and so much more. Watch some old tapes when he was in The Nation, and prior to that. For the last time blind people: **Cena = The Rocks charisma Is equal to The Faboulous Moola's beauty = Jessica Alba's **Cena's wrestling ability and moveset = The Rocks Is equal to The total wealth of an unemployeed plumber = the combined wealth of Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey GIMMIE A BREAK GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. goldengreek

    John Cena -- One person's thoughts

    Bullshit!!! THE WOST AND MOST BORING RAWS are the ones he has headlined. The T.v. ratings have been shit. He does NOT draw like The ROCK, SCSA, Brett Hart, the old HBK, Macho, Hulk, Fuck even Taker and Angle
  11. goldengreek

    John Cena -- One person's thoughts

    I concur ( yeah,what he said)
  12. goldengreek

    The story with Imposter Kane and Kane.

    you guys gotta be shitting me
  13. goldengreek

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    The entire problem with this 3-way and a fair way to decide who will end up with the title is that character -Vince has said nothing about the situation since ONS, and dosent seem to give a shit. I dont think a ref screw job, or a double pin, or Rvd throwing the title in the garbage is gonna happen because the owner of the company doesnt seem to care that a "ECW" guy has the tile.
  14. goldengreek

    The story with Imposter Kane and Kane.

    YEAH WHATEVER, can we just bury the angle altogether?!
  15. goldengreek

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    WOW, just so much b.s. its not worthwhile to comment at all
  16. goldengreek

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    I think he meant summer slam
  17. goldengreek

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    As much as I would love to see that, there is no way Vince lets RVD hold the title 2 more months
  18. goldengreek

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    I concur, plus let RVD hold the title for longer than 2 weeks
  19. goldengreek

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    I love it!! Dont you??
  20. goldengreek

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    yeeeeeessssssssssssss Thank you edge!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. goldengreek

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

  22. goldengreek

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    Why does J.R. say Cena is unorthadox instead of he has no in ring abilty, and has such a limited moveset that would make Hogan look like Malenko?
  23. goldengreek

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    The youngest one
  24. goldengreek

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread
