Agreed. Virgil Vs. DiBasie Summerslam 91 was one of my personal favorite matches. Virgil's reaction in that match was amazing.
Here is some of more of my un-popular opinions...
- Brock Lesnar is the most overrated wrestler of the modern era, and anyone thinking he was better then Angle is foolish.
- Angle is the best wrestler so far this decade.
- Owen Hart was more main event material then Bret Hart
- Bam Bam Bigalow is one of the greatest wrestlers to never hold a World Title.
- The Outsiders are the most overrated tag team of all time.
- WWF 96-97 was more entertaining then WCW 96-97.
actually, I agree with everything you said there
I'll add one-
John Cena isn't that bad. Everyone seeme to like him in 03 and now that hes face everyone hates him. I mean whats the difference? His raps changed? whats does that have to do with anything? This reminds me of Rock after he turned face in 99. Rock was never the best in-ring worker but he had charisma coming out of his ears and any other orifice you want to say. (lmao) He connected to the people. Cena seemed to be very over when he was on sd (but it is taped so you never know) but they just put him on RAW and tried to turn him into Austin. I think SD and RAW do have large amounts of brand-specific fans due to either tv channel availability or date aired (SD is on friday, not a school night) so a lot of RAW fans did not liek this SD guy coming in.
Truth is Cena is a company man and despite not being great in the ring, tries as hard as anybody to get his match over. And he draws a stong reaction whether positive or negative and sells merchandise to the kids, thats why he is pushed to the top.
Whenever he turns heel, all of the haters will change their minds I'd bet on that.
And yes RVD is HIGHLY overated. Look at his ECW work, the matches were just big spot-fest with RVD posing and stalling in between spots. (look at his hardcore heaven 99 match with Lynn for a great example-and boy is that match overated)
You are INSANE!!!! Comparing The Rock's wrestling ability to Cena's is like comparing the mat wrestling of a Kurt Angle,Nick Bonkwinkle to the likes of Earthquake, and Kamala. The Rock had mad wrestling skills. Thee WWE style watered him down and cut his moveset. The Rock could flat out wrestle (1- hour HHH iron man match) Cena is a joke.
Cena = to the Rock in-ring worker
is like saying
Moolah = to Cindy crawford in looks