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Everything posted by goldengreek

  1. goldengreek

    OAO Raw Thread - June/5th/06.

    Skullman80 Do me a favor, bring a sign that says "BOO CENA" and make sure it gets on tv....espically during the contract signing. To bad the show isnt in Chicago or Detroit. those two cities have the loudest and most knowledgeble crowds. Cena would get booed out of the building
  2. goldengreek

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    Agree with the first sentence second sentece, I dont know, they both suck equally
  3. goldengreek

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    X2 get this prick of my t.v.
  4. goldengreek

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    Melina is HOTTTTTTTTTT and whoever doesnt think so is a homo
  5. goldengreek

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    --This is a great thread!!! Alot of ranting,raving,passion, and great ideas and perspectives. -- I'M stunned and shocked at all the RVD, Jericho,Benoit, and Angle hate. You guys are nuts! -Goofy Angle > that angry Angle -Randy Orton is under-rated and hated for no reason. Not his fault he was pushed too soon, won the belt too early, and jobbed to the Taker for a year. He is great in the ring and above average on the mic -Goldberg was the most over-rated, untalented piece of shit ever. Keep him away from my T.V. forever!!!! -HHH is not that bad of a guy and doesnt have as much power as people think -Tazz sucks balls as a color guy!!!!! Horrible -WWE "ENTERTAINMENT" IS GOOD, BUT.. -WWE wrestling style SUX and has riuned, slowed down, and hindered a ton of wrestlers - I love matches filled with spotfests -love technical wresting matches -cruisers rule! -How can People "hate" or rag on RVD when the WWE cut out half if not more of his movesets -jerry lynn / lance storm matches ruled -Rvd/ jerry lynn matches ruled -I like mike awesome -mike jindrak, and shawn O' haire are studs that the WWE has dropped the ball on. Big guys with real wrestling talents and insane moves. Yeah lets throw them away, release them and bury them -The drop in ratings is directly correlated with the abscence of The Rock -The Rock = Best wrestler promos of all time. -The Rock was a better wrestler than people raelise. Again the wwe cutting people movesets in half. Does no one remember the top rope and highflying moves of rocky maivia? -Flair still gots it and I enjoy seeing him on t..v -Flair and Taker should both have one more title run before they retire -Christian > than edge -A minimum of 5-10 wrestlers should be intuduced and pushed from OVW every year -Pay The Rock $5-10 millinon a year and bring his ass back -Foley / Rock I quit match underated and one of the most brutal matched ever. 20-25 chair shots to the head in a row???!!! -Umanga bores me -What are guys like Scotty 2 Hotty, Funaki, and The bashams, still on the roster - WWE dropped the ball on good talent like val venis, simon dean,rvd, charlie hass, rhyno, shelton benjamin, Jendrick, o'haire, william regal and that young frech kid with the poodle(forgot his name) -HATE talentless big guys like Test, the problem solver, and snitsky -Although I am attracted to brunnetes, Trish stratus is the hottest diva by far -kristal is the 2nd hottest -melina 3rd, candace 4th -micky james is ugly -lita is even uglier and owns only one shirt -Victoria is thr best female wrestler by far and is under-used -I already hate mike the miz--fuck off and die jackass -
  6. goldengreek

    Who will be the new GM on RAW?

    Again why is everbody so high on dusty rhodes?????
  7. goldengreek

    What is going on with MNM?

    I always heard nitro and melina being an item. I dont believe the batista/ melina thing. So was the booker/ batista "fight" a work or what???? Is there any official truth to any of this?
  8. goldengreek

    Who will be the new GM on RAW?

    Why is everbody do high on dusty rhodes? He sucked as a g.m. and booker in tna! Also i can never understand what the hell he issaying with all that heavy breathing, spit/saliva coming out of his mouth
  9. goldengreek

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Stupid question of the day: What are the words to the song that opens raw?
  10. goldengreek

    The Great Debate: Spirit Squad vs. UMAGA

    spirit squad for me, but also enjoy a.a. estrada. Umanga i can do without. Maybe if rosey tagged with him and there was some remblence of a tag team division..... BTW, What is x-pac heat??? I know of the wrestler and his gay ass bronco buster move,banging china, etc. But i dont understand the term
  11. goldengreek

    Official Judgement Day Thread

    Did chavo do or say anything in this ppv??
  12. goldengreek

    Official Judgement Day Thread

    Reformed worlds greatest tag team vs mnm on raw would rule!!!!!!!!!!
  13. goldengreek

    Official Judgement Day Thread

    Meltz alluded to Nitro and Melina pissing off the locker room really badly. Both suspended legit, apparently. i love melina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. goldengreek

    Official Judgement Day Thread

    How can you even compare the Gemini gimmick to the Headbangers gimmick? Two bald guys who look alike and bore me
  15. goldengreek

    Official Judgement Day Thread

    my 2 cents: rey will retain tonight, for better or worse melina is smoking hot jillian is not bad move to break up mnm, but would love to see nitro pushed if this happens gemini bores me-headbangers part 78/ and whatever those 2 bald brother heels were called angle/henry did have a great match on smackdown a few months back
  16. goldengreek


    So wait...did the james gang pin team 3d clean???????????
  17. goldengreek

    Who wuld you bring back to TNA?

    awesome lo-ki jimmy rave teddy hart mike sanders
  18. goldengreek

    Live Smackdown Spoilers

    rey wins the belt and keeps it for 1-2 months
  19. goldengreek

    Who's gayer than kanyon

    Ex-wwe star chris kanyon admited to being a homosexual during a shoot in a show in canada. Any thoughts?
  20. goldengreek

    Who's gayer than kanyon

    Kill yourself. Rudo- Ritz crackers are really good. Go die, you fuckin cunt of a man. Did i insult you in some way? You must be a profesional cocksucker or something. Go tongue a fags asspipe you loser.
  21. goldengreek

    Who's gayer than kanyon

    411MANIA.COM it was during a show in canada called blood ,sweat ,and ears.
  22. goldengreek

    Who's gayer than kanyon

    Very funny fuckers
  23. goldengreek

    Impact spoilers for 2/4 and 2/11

    They have to end and shorten their storylines. Fuck, this jarrett/ jackie anglehas gone on forever!!!!. Also team 3d and amw fued way to long!
  24. goldengreek

    OAO RAW Thread - Jan/23rd/06

    If they arent gonna give rvd a tirle shot at mania, can they at least give us rvd vs. shelton? That would be a classic!!!!!!!!!!