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Everything posted by BX

  1. BX

    7 Teens Killed During Police Car Chase

    Right. All I'm saying is this shouldn't have happened in the first place, but I'm not throwing the idiot label around. An idiot would stick his head between concrete and a closing garage door just "to see what it was like". Or those kids who stick their arms out of bus windows. Dumbasses.
  2. BX

    7 Teens Killed During Police Car Chase

    hypothetical Pronunciation: `hIpu'thetikul, hypothetic adjective 1 having the nature of a hypothesis 2 assumed or thought to exist 3 (Logic) another word for: conditional [4] 4 existing only as an idea or concept example: a time machine is a hypothetical device "hypo'thetically adverb(ial)
  3. BX

    7 Teens Killed During Police Car Chase

    Which makes it less stupid? Wait. Did you just copy Cerebus's response verbatim? And I never said they were the victims. I guess you were "reading between the lines". It was obviously an accident. I'd imagine if you stole a car, you'd run from the po-po's too, Salt.
  4. BX

    7 Teens Killed During Police Car Chase

    The fact that the 15-year old kid was driving, when there was an 18 year old in the car, that's bad enough. It's a shame these kids had to die, and they weren't "idiots", just trying to get away from The Man. They did steal the car, after all. And aren't the cops supposed to stop pursuit after it exceeds 75 mph? I believe that's the policy in NC.
  5. BX

    The REAL Story On Kurt Angle's Neck

    You know what, Anglesault? You're like one of those people who send TV doctors letters asking about various medical problems, or send them warnings that they're about to get killed by another character. You're adoration of Angle goes beyond wrestling, to the point where you DONT want to see him on television again. Check into that.
  6. BX

    7 Teens Killed During Police Car Chase

    They weren't "rich suburban cocksuckers" they were a bunch of black kids from the PJs.
  7. BX

    Almanacs, the books of terroristic doom!

    Wait until the FBI discovers the Interweb. It'll blow their mind.
  8. http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=1866 SomethingAwful did this feature recently, and it's hilarious. Around page 7 or so, they tear apart the GameFAQ forums. I have an idea though. What if we submitted OUR forum to this guy? The Cockshots thread ALONE would guarentee a feature. I'm gonna do it.
  9. Candidates talking shit about their rivals. Ground-breaking stuff, really. But if Dean isn't our man, and with all his publicity and support, I think he is, if he isn't, then who will defeat Bush?
  10. BX

    UBL must have jury trial

    ::waits for typical "BLAH BLAH FOOEY UN" retort::
  11. Done. Everyone act really fucking stupid for the next two weeks, and someone find the Cockshots thread, STAT.
  12. BX

    Meet The New McNuggets

    Wendy's has the best chicken sandwiches? How about Bojangles?
  13. BX

    I'm leaving New York City.

    It all sounds good Dames. Just remember, stabbing people isn't socially acceptable in Conneticut.
  14. Dont let it sleep on your bed.
  15. BX

    Schools named after Confederates debated

    ... For fuck's sake..
  16. This homeless guy is from England. Give him all the money you have.
  17. ::gives Dutch a used corncob::
  18. BX

    Smarks EZBoard alumni roll call

    You're just another loser who makes purty pictures. Welcome to the fold.
  19. BX

    Judge Allows Source To Distribute Parts Of Racist

    Yuna, that's because comedians joke about what they know. Tim Allen (a comedian only in the bare sense of the word) did a tools and cars bit, Cosby did all that shit about children, Bill Hicks talked politics because he is God, and Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy etc. do bits talk race and life in the PJs, because that is what they know. You won't see Chris Rock doing prop-based comedy anytime soon.
  20. BX

    Judge Allows Source To Distribute Parts Of Racist

    Yuna said something stupid. Wow.
  21. If the media (broadcast, print, and radio) dedicate a mere 20% of the coverage they give to celebrities, and refocus it on candidates and politics in general, then people would be more aware of the issues. Instead of telling us what Clay fucking Aiken had for dinner, or name-dropping Paris Hilton for no apparent reason (because when it comes down to the nitty gritty, what kind of fucking impact does that have on ANYONES life?), they could dedicate that same energy to shit that truely matters. We could certainly have a serious third party in this country, but in this day and age where mindless dribble prevails on the glowy box, it's too much to ask people to sit down for five fucking minutes and discuss the issues. That being said, im guna go and watch e! entrtnment TV lol/
  22. BX

    Limbaugh says his privacy is being violated

    Copyright 1992 Multimedia Entertainment, Inc. RUSH LIMBAUGH SHOW: RUSH LIMBAUGH (9:00 PM ET) November 6, 1992, Friday 11:15 AM LIMBAUGH: Thank you. This show's era of dominant influence is just beginning. We are now the sole voice of sanity, the sole voice of reason. We are the sole voice of opposition on all television. This is the only place you can tune to to get the truth of the opposition of the one-party dictatorial government that now will soon run America. Oh, I mean, we are only beginning to enjoy dominance and prosperity. Most of these things on the in-out list are not even funny, but a couple of them--one of them in particular is. David Hinckley of--of the New York Daily News wrote this, and what he has--he's got--it's very strange. He says, In: A cute kid in the White House. Out: Cute dog in the White House.' Could--could we see the cute kid? Let's take a look at- -see who is the cute kid in the White House. (A picture is shown of Millie the dog) LIMBAUGH: (Voiceover) No, no, no. That's not the kid. (Picture shown of Chelsea Clinton) LIMBAUGH: (Voiceover) That's--that's the kid. We're trying to... ----- That was the incident, and it upset a lot of people in Washington, including Gingrich. Keep in mind, she was 12 at the time.
  23. BX

    Halliburton gets more contracts

    Interesting article from CNN. http://money.cnn.com/2003/12/22/news/inter....reut/index.htm
  24. BX


  25. BX

    TIME's ??? Of The Year

    Well, it's kinda like the son who goes and slaps someone in his Kindergarten class. He did something bad, but you still love him. Therefore, you must scold and spank him. I guess that's an apt comparison.