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Dr. Zaius

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Everything posted by Dr. Zaius

  1. Dr. Zaius

    OAO Raw Thread - July/3rd/2006.

    They just ruined that 10 year old boy's life.
  2. Dr. Zaius

    OAO Raw Thread - July/3rd/2006.

    HUSTLE LOYALTY RESPECT It's not that hard to understand. It isn't a "wigger" thing. Even when its worn by a 29 year old professional wrestler who pretends to be a rapper and a "thug," despite the fact he grew up in an upper middle class neighborhood in New England? Sorry, but the three words seem to contradict each other to those of us who aren't familiar with the latest suburbanized street lingo, and especially in relation to the person wearing it.
  3. Dr. Zaius

    OAO Raw Thread - July/3rd/2006.

    Can someone translate Cena's T-shirt for me? I don't speak wigger.
  4. Dr. Zaius

    OAO Raw Thread - July/3rd/2006.

    You are about 6 years too late for that call. Star Wars saved him for a while. He was really good as Principal Firebush in "Ten Things I Hate About Commandments."
  5. Dr. Zaius

    OAO Raw Thread - July/3rd/2006.

    I thought the rule was that the most over guy came out last.
  6. Dr. Zaius

    Pundits you love/hate

    Lazarus, come forth. I was looking for another thread, but found this one interesting. I basically hate any pundit that assumes the readers/viewers/listeners agree with them right off of the bat, and thinks their only job is to give their side continued ammo o keep thinking the same things. Molly Ivins, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, and Michelle Malkin all fit into this category. Also, name-calling is a sign of pure partisan hackery.
  7. Dr. Zaius

    Marvel's Civil War

    Really? The Wolverine thing's pretty lame. I don't know what Marvel's obsession with making all their mutants ultra powerful these days. The Nitro thing's kinda interesting. Yeah I don't get that either, and it really wasn't out of the blue either. This is basically how it panels out. It is a fun story though. I still need to get the issue before this one. I concur that the skelton thing is lame. It makes absolutely no sense in any psuedo-scientific way I can think of.
  8. Those killing the Native Americans, slavery, and Civil War things didn't look the best. Not to mention that the formation of the US to begin with was a big FU to Europe. Point well taken. Destablizing a region by bringing a brutal dictator to justice and helping impliment a constitutional government chosen by its own people doesn't seem so bad by comparison to other episodes in our history. I'm also reminded, for some reason, of the close ties we had with France for the first few years of our existence. Indirectly causing the French Revolution by redirected funds from the French people, and then partially funding the Napoleonic Wars by making the Louisiana Purchase also seem like pretty big FUs to Europe.
  9. Dr. Zaius

    Campaign 2008

    I know using Wikipedia as a source is frowned upon, but citations are used at the end of the passage, and the material looks legitimate to me. If this is true, then the plagarism charges are nonsense that deserve to be ignored.
  10. Dr. Zaius

    Transformers The Movie

    How the Dinobots were built was completely contradicted by the way the Aerialbots were built later in the series (they had to travel to Cybertron to activate them when no such problem arose when the Dinobots were built). The Transformers cartoon just got stupider as it went along, until some idiot decided it'd be cool to make all the vehicles futuristic looking, and they killed off all the good characters in the movie. What the hell was Rodimus Prime supposed to be anyways? A cosmic winnebago?
  11. Dr. Zaius

    Campaign 2008

    So do I. A Biden/Warner ticket would probably get my vote.
  12. We care about Israel because they're a democracy and a friendly power in a strategically vital region where both of those qualities are rare.
  13. Oh look, a "Bush is dumb" joke. Haven't heard enough of those over the last 6+ years. Unpopular opinion: People need new material. I beleive you misunderstood me. I wasn't making a "Bush is dumb" joke, I was making a "Bush doesn't read and isn't very well informed" joke, and those types of jokes have only been around since he started a war based on false information his defenders claimed was the only info he had access to. The man seems to be missing huge pieces of key information on the occupation of Iraq, Iraq's WMDs, FEMA's response to Hurricane Katrina, etc., all because no one bothered to inform him. He didn't even know he owned part of a lumber company until John Kerry told him.
  14. Dr. Zaius

    Superman Returns

    I do not agree with a single criticism I've read about this movie. I enjoyed it a great deal, and was very happy as I walked out of the theater. Everyone's free to disagree, but I honestly don't see where the negativity that's being directed toward this movie is coming from. I thought everything worked, and am looking forward to seeing more Superman movies in the coming years.
  15. He was briefed. We have recording of him being briefed about Katrina. And I hope that at the very least someone read that presidental briefing to him, the "Bin Laden determined to strike in the US" one that Rice claims was historical It would help if I knew what the contents of the briefing were.
  16. Dr. Zaius

    Campaign 2008

    I beleive you missed my point. Biden is the only announced candidate, and therefore would be considered the frontrunner if we were limiting ourselves to talking about what we actually know to be true about this campaign (which I'm not actually advocating).
  17. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    My head would explode if they ever came back and did the 2001 Planet of the Apes...aka "Marky Mark and the Monkey Bunch." Man, did that movie ever suck.
  18. Dr. Zaius

    So... Which side are you on?

    My name is "Dr. Zaius," not "Professor Bobo."
  19. Dr. Zaius

    Little Man

    My thoughts exactly.
  20. Some of the last few posts seem to be built around the notion that the president either reads or is well-informed.
  21. Dr. Zaius

    Campaign 2008

    I was just noting the irony, friend.
  22. Dr. Zaius

    So... Which side are you on?

    I need one that says "I'm with the Law Giver."
  23. Dr. Zaius

    Rocky VI Officially Greenlit

    I'm going to go get a drink refill. You know you can get unlimited refills on any drink you want... and it's free?
  24. Dr. Zaius

    Favourite Weird Al song and video

    My 2 favorite Weird Al songs are "Yoda" and "Beverly Hillbillies".
  25. Dr. Zaius

    New Kurt Angle T-Shirt Poll

    I'm partial to the third one.