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Dr. Zaius

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Everything posted by Dr. Zaius

  1. Dr. Zaius

    V for Vendetta

    What sucked about the "Matrix" sequels was the plot. Since this was written by someone who can actually create a good story, I'm not going to let the quality of the "Matrix" sequels impact my decision.
  2. "The Simpsons" is dead to me.
  3. Dr. Zaius

    The Fast and the Furious...

    I completely hated the first "Fast and the Furious".
  4. While I've enjoyed the few episodes I've seen, "Futurama" was not as insanely popular as "Family Guy" is. Can it really make it this time?
  5. I couldn't care less if a black person is given a part originally played by a white actor. The only thing flashing through my mind at this point is the excellent Reservoir Dogs-themed "Welcome Back Kotter" parody from SNL where Travolta hosted. That was probably 10x funnier than this movie will be.
  6. Dr. Zaius

    When TV Shows get Serious

    This thread has proven to me that my choice to never watch a single episode of "Saved By the Bell" was the right one.
  7. Dr. Zaius

    Infinite Crisis

    Current speculation/rumor seems to indicate that Superboy Prime's new look ties into the rumored ending for Infinite Crisis that involves Now that is an interesting angle that I had not yet thought of. There's a reason you haven't thought of it. Its because its too far fetched. Don't be so sure. And has anyone read the IC Secret File? It was SOLD OUT every place I went.
  8. How much of the national debt is actually owed to foreigners, though? My understanding has been that its a pretty small percentage, but most of the info I have about it is rather old.
  9. Dr. Zaius

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    I also hope that someone with NBC-HD will post and tell us how good the actual picture quality is. As far as the rest of the thread goes, this probably isn't worth arguing over. This is the internet, and inevitably arguments happen. However, both Y2Jerk and myself stated that we saw something, and Carnival repeatedly told us we were both wrong. This is despite the fact that he does not even get the station in question, and telling us we are "morons" because we don't agree with him and that we needed an "education". You cannot blame us for sticking to our guns in the face of someone so blatantly talking out about soemthing they themselves acknowledge they have never seen.
  10. Dr. Zaius

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    The fact that you're calling us "morons" over something you've never seen for yourself really doesn't prove anything. None of your explanations make sense with what I know to be true. When I watch "Smackdown" on my 52" TV, the picture quality (color richness, detail, and sharpness) is comparable to a motion picture. Perhaps not up to the standard of 1080i, but far superior to 480i (the resolution that digital cable and satelitte is broadcast at) Please answer the following questions: 1) Why wouldn't the local channels be digital on satelitte? 2) Why does "Smackdown" on my UPN-HD channel look different and better than even my WWE DVDs (480p digital video)? 3) Why does "Smackdown" on my UPN-HD channel look different and better than "Raw" on USA (480i digital satelitte)? Perhaps WWE does not tape their shows in HD, but there has to be some explanation for the vast discrepancy in picture quality besides your inadequate explanation that it is digital.
  11. Dr. Zaius

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    When you say Digital, are you referring to something like digital cable/satelitte, or an intermediate level of picture quality that is superior to digital cable/satelitte? No Scorpius, i'm referring to digital cable, and I explained the difference in the analog and digital channels above to that idiot. And I'd like to thank you for not being and asshole like him. Like I said if you have digital cable/sat the only channels that are an actual digital signal are the new channels in the digital package. The main locals are still analog, including UPN. If you keep dismissing the picture quality of Smackdown from the HD affiliate without ever having actually seen it, then you're the one being an asshole for jumping his ass over it.
  12. Dr. Zaius

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    When you say Digital, are you referring to something like digital cable/satelitte, or an intermediate level of picture quality that is superior to digital cable/satelitte?
  13. Dr. Zaius

    Race for 2008 Unofficially Begins

    Indiana is a large state? I think it is 16th in terms of population, thus making it bigger than 34 other states. Not as large as few others, but bigger than most.
  14. Dr. Zaius

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    I'm with Y2Jerk on this one. Smackdown on my HD channel looks nothing like it does on regular cable.
  15. Dr. Zaius

    Race for 2008 Unofficially Begins

    Besides being a popular centrist former governor from a large state, what does Mr. Bayh have going for him exactly? I'm curious.
  16. Dr. Zaius

    Tom Fox (hostage) Murdered

    Thank you for clarifying that. Your posts were, I feel, vague enough to be interpreted in the worst way possible.
  17. Dr. Zaius

    Ben Stein on the Oscars

    COULDN'T CARE LESS. I thought you were a teacher. Technically, his use of "could" is correct. If he couldn't care less, he probably wouldn't have posted on it at all.
  18. Dr. Zaius

    Race for 2008 Unofficially Begins

    It's fucking brilliant on McCain's part. He's usually the one acting like a RINO at times, so this was him trying - and probably, to an extent, succeeding - in looking more in tune with the GOP. I might have been brilliant if it had actually worked. From the article: Let's write in the name of someone who is Constitutionally ineligible from ever running for office again because it is the "appropriate" thing to do? I do not see how that qualifies. Especially when it is a transparent attempt to take attention away from someone who might actually run.
  19. Dr. Zaius

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    I have a hard time getting excited about watching this show. It just hasn't been good since the Cadmus storyline ended. That was its creative peak, and its all downhill from here.
  20. Dr. Zaius

    Wedding Crashers

    That's the same way I feel about Caddyshack.
  21. Dr. Zaius

    Tom Fox (hostage) Murdered

    Your use of "helping" almost completely alters your point, though, away from just saying they were dumb from putting themselves in harms way to sounding like you are justfying that they deserve it some how. Regardless, I don't think it is fair to say someone deserves a horrible fate just because they risked their lives for something noble they strongly believe in. You may not agree with their methods, but its not like the methods the US government is using is doing anything to make the brain-washed radicals see us as anything other than what their leaders tell them.
  22. Dr. Zaius

    The Sopranos-Season 6

    I remeber now. That feels like it aired two year ago. Oh, wait, it probably did.
  23. Dr. Zaius

    The Sopranos-Season 6

    Okay...what was the last episode that aired about again?