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Dr. Zaius

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Everything posted by Dr. Zaius

  1. Dr. Zaius

    SNL Review

    Damn it! And I even checked my satelitte menu to see what it would be and it didn't mention it!
  2. As much as we complain about the tastelessness, some people apparently eat it up. (Remember how the Dominick segments got better ratings than anything else on Smackdown last year?) Wrestling is not a business where the acceptable norms of behavior are generally applicable, it would seem.
  3. Dr. Zaius

    Who do you hate less?

    I honestly can't make up my mind, since I hate them both so much I only watch Smackdown now.
  4. Dr. Zaius

    OAO 3/6 RAW th

    Why didn't he just use THAT thread for the OAO?
  5. Dr. Zaius

    Unstoppable: The Best of Samoa Joe

    They can always release another one later. I've never seen a Samoa Joe PPV match, so I'm looking forward to seeing this.
  6. Dr. Zaius

    Iraq inches closer to civil war

    This must have been good for him to come back and delete it later.
  7. That was totally counterproductive at doing anything other than making a small segment of the crowd feel bad for John Cena the person (as opposed to John Cena, the shitty character). I suspect it is now time for the Internet Wrestling Community to decide who the hate less, Triple H or John Cena. It is sad that it has come to this. Fortunately, Kurt Angle does not have this problem.
  8. Dr. Zaius

    78th Academy Awards

    *goes back to check* I never knew that was PSH. "Red meat, we crave sustenance! " To me he will always be Scotty from Boogie Nights.
  9. Dr. Zaius

    HEY LOOK! A new PTC Study!!!!!

    It is difficult to understand, in the era of V-chips and TV ratings, why parents need an organization like the PTC to tell them what shows are good for their children. The PTC, of course, has a right to voice their finding and opinions in a public setting, however (more times than not) these findings are used to incite people who already think TV shows are too violent or sexual into voting a certain way, rather than actually monitoring their children more closely. In addition, the idea that violence on TV caused some children to not be as concerned as their parents about 9/11 can be attributed to a multitude of other reasons (children are unfamiliar with the concept of terrorism, unable to grasp the number of victims, general immaturity and self-centeredness especially in regards to teenagers). It is a knee-jerk reaction to blame violence on TV for that. It has been documents time and again that children in other countries who are exposed to American television do not suffer from the alledged desensitization that American children are. The PTC, I feel, is attempting to present a correlation as proof.
  10. Dr. Zaius

    JUSTICE by Alex Ross

    Is anyone else reading "Justice", the bi-monthly Alex Ross "Superfriends" inspired miniseries? Basically Luthor and other villians are all having the same dream that the world is ending (in a fantastically realized sequence from issue #1, and the JLA is powerless to stop it. A masterplan is hatched, but it involves kidnapping Aquaman and stealing the League's secret's from the Batcave computer. Great, great stuff.
  11. Dr. Zaius

    Subtitle your own movie!

  12. I normally don't post in this folder, but...damn. Everywhere I post he seems to have already been with some dumb ass comment. I mean, maybe he's sometimes got a good point, but chooses the worst way possible to get it across. 1. Starts joke threads then forgets halfway through them that they're jokes. 2. Will argue about anything. For example, he once bragged about getting into a 3-page argument/flame-war with that TheMikeSC guy over the meaning of the word "clearly". 3. Demands credit/recognition for even the slightest contribution, like when he wanted credit for his main page resurrection thread just because he was afraid someone else might get it. 4. Can't decide on a username. 5. Apparently works with retarded kids, and seems to be picking up their bad habits. Please add.
  13. Dr. Zaius

    Subtitle your own movie!

  14. Dr. Zaius

    One and Only RAW Thread 2-13-06

    http://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/rawspoilers They cannot even write spoilers that do not sound like mindless hype.
  15. Dr. Zaius

    Angle's Greatest Rivalries

    I'm leaning towards Austin at #1, Lesnar at #2, HBK at #3, Triple H at #4 (although I've no idea as to why his sorry matches with Triple H deserve to be considered a better feud than Benoit). Outside chance: Jericho?
  16. Dr. Zaius

    One and Only RAW Thread 2-13-06

    Have any studies been done on the long-term effects of silicone implants on brain chemistry?
  17. Dr. Zaius

    One and Only RAW Thread 2-13-06

    Sounds like it might at least be a good match.
  18. Dr. Zaius

    Angle's Greatest Rivalries

    Idiots. Here's what they actually said about it:
  19. Dr. Zaius

    Rewriting History

    I'd have had HHH turn on Hogan at Backlash 2002, retain the title, and joined the NWO.
  20. I've always wondered who these "press conferences" were done for anyways. Where are they held? Who is the audience? I just don't get it.
  21. Dr. Zaius

    One and Only RAW Thread 2-13-06

    You should try harder next time.
  22. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Sean Hannity Thread

    Not quite, but I'm hoping someone tries to defend him. As unlikely as that is... Fun Hannity Links: http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=1158 http://www.lewrockwell.com/vance/vance16.html http://mediamatters.org/items/200508310004 Its really hard to find pages devoted to defending Sean Hannity. Most people who like him resort to "you just don't like him because he's a conservative" without backing up why he should be treated as anything other than a partisan joke.
  23. Dr. Zaius

    Loose Change 2nd Edition

    Given how many conspiracy theories there were about both the Oklahoma City bombing and the incident in Waco, I would say psychotic ramblings are a bipartisan affair.