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Dr. Zaius

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Everything posted by Dr. Zaius

  1. Dr. Zaius

    OAO 2/3/06 Smackdown thread

    Burchill wants to be a pirate? Does Smackdown need a "Rated Aaarrrrrrr" superstar?
  2. Dr. Zaius

    OAO 2/3/06 Smackdown thread

    Itd be just like them to waste the perfect rub (be the first to beat Taker at Mania) on a useless piece of garbage in Henry too. If they were going to do it, they'd have done it on Orton last year. He's their boy.
  3. Dr. Zaius

    OAO 2/3/06 Smackdown thread

    See if they bring up the famous best of 7 series...Finlay was involved in that too, right? (My memory's really rusty tonight.) edit: Booker just did it.
  4. Dr. Zaius

    OAO 2/3/06 Smackdown thread

    I'm trying to remember...Sunny reffed the match at the 98 Rumble, right?
  5. Dr. Zaius

    OAO 2/3/06 Smackdown thread

    Going from a midget to Benoit was an odd juxtaposition...because Benoit looks like a giant midget.
  6. Dr. Zaius

    OAO 2/3/06 Smackdown thread

    Is it just me or does it seem like some of this footage has been sped up?
  7. Dr. Zaius

    OAO 2/3/06 Smackdown thread

    Face vs. face promos suck.
  8. Dr. Zaius

    OAO 2/3/06 Smackdown thread

    Hasn't it been 2 months since their last appearance? More, I beleive.
  9. Dr. Zaius

    OAO 2/3/06 Smackdown thread

    I miss BikerTaker.
  10. Dr. Zaius

    OAO 2/3/06 Smackdown thread

    Someone please explain the difference between the Dicks and the Heartthrobs.
  11. Dr. Zaius

    OAO 2/3/06 Smackdown thread

    Nice to see announcer IQs have dropped considerably since I quit watching Raw.
  12. Dr. Zaius

    OAO 2/3/06 Smackdown thread

    I liked it better when (insert name of random spot wrestler here) did it.
  13. Dr. Zaius

    Judge Samuel Alito

    I would actually enjoy it if Roe v. Wade was overturned. The pro-life politicians would finally be held accountable for their views, because their views would actually mean something. The ensuing political war over it would also be entertaining, because you would basically have 30% of the electorate calling the other 70% baby-killers.
  14. Dr. Zaius

    OAO Royal Rumble Thread Jan/29th/06

    Am I the only person who was only watching Raw because of Edge winning the title? Seriously, fuck Raw. I have absolutely no interest any more. See you guys on the Smackdown thread next Friday.
  15. Dr. Zaius

    Best comic artis ever.

    In my opinion, Jim Lee is extrememly overrated and is only good at drawing action shots or people posing. His work just doesn't lend itself to enough styles of storytelling to really be considered great or even that good. Its all flash, but no emotions. All of his characters look interchangable, with the only person that doesn't fit into his cookie-cutter idea of characters is Wolverine, because his face and body are broader than other characters' bodies. His version of Storm looks like a white woman painted brown. Compare his work on Batman to his work on Superman. They look exactly the same, even though the tone of the stories are different and its so similar they could even be the same person.
  16. Dr. Zaius

    Very good Kurt Angle Interview

    Am I the only one that thinks the interview makes Kurt Angle sound like a jerk?
  17. Dr. Zaius

    WWE notes from Da Meltz on Figure Four Daily

    I'd cheer for Muhammad Hussan over Hulk Hogan.
  18. I don't think HBK is saying Mick walked out of the actual meeting, but that he "had walked out" in the figurative sense because he'd threatened to not come back.
  19. Dr. Zaius

    OAO Royal Rumble Thread Jan/29th/06

    A very Royal Rumble?
  20. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Smackdown Thread for 1-27-06

    I have a difficult time hating Randy Orton, given his ability to sell like a proverbial bitch and take some painful-looking bumps. He may be average on the stick, and lack the ability to put moves together in an interesting combination, but damn it if he can't sell and bump.
  21. Dr. Zaius

    Good: Hybrid Car that gets 330 MPG in development

    I bet it costs $10 buck just to go around the corner to the store in that thing. Unless its a work vehicle or you're hauling a boat, most big trucks are for people trying to compensate for something.
  22. Dr. Zaius

    Ray Nagin, Super Genius

    You do realize space aliens built the Aztec pyramids, right?
  23. Dr. Zaius

    Triple H promo on Rey Mysterio

    I heard Rey won $5 on a scratch-off lottery ticket the other day and dedicated it to Eddie.
  24. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Smackdown Thread for 1-27-06

    Since its on UPN, it should probably be called "Everybody Hates Kurt but Cheers for Him Anyway" or "America's Next Broken Friggin' Neck."
  25. Dr. Zaius

    Worst film you've ever seen

    nah, Blow Job is the most boring movie ever Um...what movie are you guys talking about, again????