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Dr. Zaius

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Everything posted by Dr. Zaius

  1. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    I guess that means I can finally take off these fucking Zoombas...
  2. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    I thought last year's 8 man tag match offering of Benjamin, Foley, Shawn and Benoit Vs Evolution was "bigger"... I'd also say the Benoit/HBK and Benoit/HHH Iron man matches were "bigger" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Given the example of "big" I cited, I thought it was obvious I was using "big" as a euphemism for "shitty clusterfuck". The second sentence made the fact that I was joking a pretty dead givaway.
  3. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    Thank you, Bisch, for finally closing that storyline loophole.
  4. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    Wow. Fez loves UFC. I'm sold.
  5. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    That's the biggest Raw main event since Kevin Nash, Big Show, X-Pac, Chris Benoit & Eddie Guerrero vs. Booker T, Goldust, Bubba Ray Dudley, Spike Dudley & Rob Van Dam. And we all know how well THAT turned out.
  6. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    So who's Elmer Fudd and who's Yosemite Sam? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Isn't it obvious?
  7. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    If you constantly say "Get-r-done", you might be a redneck.
  8. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    The opening to their music sounds like the beginning of the "Looney Toons" theme.
  9. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    Torrieberg's streak ended last night, IMO. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I didn't think she was actually pinned, though.
  10. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    From the neck up.
  11. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    Torrie vs. Trish is the masturbation fantasy equivalent of Savage/Steamboat. edit: Looks like Torrieberg's streak finally ended.
  12. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    Candice is starting to look like Nidia.
  13. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    I've missed seeing that title belt.
  14. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    They made a Mother Truckers 2?
  15. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    VINCE: The Game...Triple H! CROWD: ...Yay?
  16. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    Double D champion? Trish?
  17. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    The only thing that can top stripping Cena of the title in the middle of the ring would be Tish stripping in the middle of the ring.
  18. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    No pants in hell.
  19. Dr. Zaius

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    King's going for an idiotic observation record tonight, from what I can tell. "Do you see whose name is on the belt?" No, motherfucker.
  20. Dr. Zaius

    The One And Only Unforgiven Thread

    Then it would seem the only reason this main event existed was to set up a future main event. Seems like a waste of time and money for fans.
  21. Dr. Zaius

    The War At Home...

    Not as bad as the mother/son on "Joey".
  22. Dr. Zaius

    Dazed and Confused making of doc

    Fast Times at Ridgemont High, as far as Highschool 80's Life. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No. That was actually made in the year in which it takes place.
  23. Dr. Zaius

    Dazed and Confused making of doc

    Interesting movie. It was the first film I recall that actually made an attempt to celebrate the 1970s, much the way "American Graphitti" celebrated the early 1960s. (Twelve years later, of course, people are sick of hearing about the 70s; witness the total lack of interest in last summer's "Lords of Dogtown".) I wonder...has the quintessential 1980s nostalgia movie been made yet? If so, what would it be?
  24. Dr. Zaius

    The One and Only Emmy 2005 thread

    So which "archetype" does AD fit into? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I dunno, what's archtype/archetype mean? And what's AD stand for? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Archetype: An original model or type after which other similar things are patterned. AD: "Arrested Develpment", a Fox sitcom with a pretty vocal cult following. AD is probably best categorized as a prototype from which future shows will model themselves after. "Everybody Loves Raymond" is basically a more mature version of "Home Improvement", which itself was a rip-off of "the Cosby Show"; while "Will and Grace" is basically a homosexual version of "Friends," which itself was a Generation X rip-off of "Seinfeld."
  25. Dr. Zaius

    The One And Only Unforgiven Thread

    It wouldn't even have to be a clean finish, just a finish that doesn't end in a DQ. A DQ in a PPV main event is just disrespecting the paying customer.