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Dr. Zaius

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Everything posted by Dr. Zaius

  1. Dr. Zaius

    The Greatest Cancelled TV Shows of this decade

    Oh, get over it.
  2. Dr. Zaius

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

  3. Dr. Zaius

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    You know, when she helped the Thanagarians invade Earth she was breaking the law, breaking the law.
  4. Dr. Zaius

    JBL has a radio show!

    I found this interesting: That explains VOLUMES.
  5. Dr. Zaius

    The One And Only Unforgiven Thread

    Too bad she doesn't act like it. I'm sorry, that was unfair, given that the general tendency of people in the wrestling business to resort to juvenile behavior, singling her out was uncalled for. True, but uncalled for. (I suspect the reason Batista got over so big earlier this year is because he was, at the time, the only worker on the roster who acted like a mature adult. Something that was proptly flushed once he began doing backstage skits with Eric Bischoff.)
  6. Dr. Zaius

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    Its not the "Supergirl" movie costume, but the midrift-baring one she currently wears in the comics. Also, what was up with the "you didn't miss my dress last night line"? Surely they weren't implying...
  7. Dr. Zaius

    Evolution is a Mystery

    Given the build-up, I found "The Daily Show" this week to be a little disappointing. I enjoyed the Evolution stories, but I don't understand why a show devoted to that controversy requires an interview with Gweneth Paltrow about her new movie. In short, I wish they'd stuck to just stuff about evolution and left the irrelevant celebrity interviews out of it.
  8. Dr. Zaius

    Hurricane Katrina

    "Pull his troops out of occupied New Orleans"? I thought people were supposed to be mad at him for not sending them there fast enough. And as much as I agree invading Iraq was a mistake, a sudden pull-out would make the sacrifice of all the Americans who died there meaningless. Pulling out now will rip whatever silver lining the cloud of the Iraq War might have had.
  9. Dr. Zaius

    Hurricane Katrina

    Wait a second... Um... ...What???? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/09/06/katrina.p...s.ap/index.html You just can't make stuff up this funny.
  10. Dr. Zaius

    Hurricane Katrina

    Why is C-Bacon so awful? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> By all accounts, the quote is accurate. I do not understand why you are complaining.
  11. Dr. Zaius

    Rehnquist Dead at 80

    Interesting point, but I think the President probably believes that having two consecutive African-American Secretaries of State insulates him from any and all criticism on the issue of race. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bush isn't the only one who thinks that. Appointing an African-American to a prominent position is the political equivalent of saying "some of my best friends are black". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But he's giving the jobs to two very qualified individuals in Powell and Rice. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Appointing Powell and Rice has nothing to do with how his policies effect the other 37 million black people living in the U.S. They happen to be two very qualified individuals, but appointing them does not insulate Bush from any and all criticism of his policies as they pertain to African-Americans.
  12. Dr. Zaius


    When Austin Powers thinks you said something really dumb, you've got problems.
  13. Dr. Zaius

    Martin Luther King Jr was a commie

    Time does articles on Abe Lincoln's sex life?
  14. Dr. Zaius

    Hurricane Katrina

    Perhaps moderates should learn to bicker.
  15. Dr. Zaius

    Rehnquist Dead at 80

    Interesting point, but I think the President probably believes that having two consecutive African-American Secretaries of State insulates him from any and all criticism on the issue of race.
  16. Dr. Zaius

    OAO RAW Thread

    The sad part is that Conway is actually a talented worker, but they keep sticking him with poorly conceived gimmicks that hurt any credibility his talent might gain him. He is the new Val Venis.
  17. Dr. Zaius

    OAO RAW Thread

    Will they really job HBK out to Masters? The certainly seem determined to get Masters over no matter what, but given the zero heat he is getting they'd be smart to declare it a lost cause. I suspect, though, that there will be some form of interference to keep both men looking strong going into their inevitable PPV match.
  18. Dr. Zaius

    OAO RAW Thread

    @ "Torrieberg". And I bet she spits out something besides smoke.
  19. Dr. Zaius

    OAO RAW Thread

    Where is the show being broadcast from tonight?
  20. Dr. Zaius

    OAO RAW Thread

    He can cut excellent promos when he's not preoccupied with pandering to the crowd, over-using his catchphrases, or relying on homophobic plays on words. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> When does he not do all of that though? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 2003.
  21. Dr. Zaius

    OAO RAW Thread

    He's definitely a one-trick pony in the ring. He can cut excellent promos when he's not preoccupied with pandering to the crowd, over-using his catchphrases, or relying on homophobic plays on words. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I just described his entire gimmick, didn't I?
  22. Dr. Zaius

    OAO RAW Thread

    He can cut excellent promos when he's not preoccupied with pandering to the crowd, over-using his catchphrases, or relying on homophobic plays on words.
  23. Dr. Zaius

    OAO RAW Thread

    I'm without cable at the moment, so I'm basically gaging you guys to see if I'm missing anything. Thus far this sounds like a typical holiday edition of Raw.
  24. Dr. Zaius

    OAO RAW Thread

    That might explain why his wife split up with him.