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Dr. Zaius

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Everything posted by Dr. Zaius

  1. If racial profiling won't stop Muslim terrorists that look Caucasian, what's the point? There are also plenty of non-Arabic or non-Middle Eastern people who appear to be in those groups at a glance. And, as mentioned, there have been plenty of non-Arabic/Middle Eastern terrorists. Racial profiling makes people feel safe at the cost of both not being effective, and not being fair. That's 2 disadvantages with no benefit. "Behavorial assessment" profiling, by comparison, has been used successfully in Israeli airports for years.
  2. Yeah, we'll blow up an abortion clinic, explode a car bomb, shoot up a school, blow up a building with children in it, but doing anything at an airport or on an airplane IS WHERE THE WHITE RACE DRAWS THE LINE!!!!!!!
  3. Dr. Zaius

    The Official "52" Thread

    Anybody read it yet?
  4. Dr. Zaius

    HUGE Civil War delays announced

    What's "Front Line" about, anyways?
  5. Dr. Zaius

    Top 10 current running comics.

    Civil War's been pretty a damn exciting book. I actually WANT to read cross-overs with it (moreso than I did with Infinite Crisis). "Justice" should be #2 on the DC list instead of All-Star Superman. I don't see how American Way could get included, but Squadron Supreme was not. They're basically the same book. No Spider-Man? Sounds like I made the right decision to quit reading Spider books.
  6. Dr. Zaius

    Campaign 2008

    http://www.selectsmart.com/plus/select.php...=08frontrunners Some of the questions/responses are poorly worded, but still fairly interesting to do and get the results of.
  7. Dr. Zaius

    Congressional Power Rankings

    You know he's the Speaker of the House, right?
  8. Dr. Zaius

    Britney Spears home video

    I didn't see anyone else post this. http://youtube.com/watch?v=64apzppOkIo
  9. Nice paper. Apparently someone was able to smuggle photoshot software into Cuba.
  10. http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/08/14/lamont.ap/index.html "Let me point out the difference between my opponent and myself. He wants terrorists to kill you, and I do not." Politics aside for a second...but do people not realize when they sound like they're reading straight from the party's platform when they speak?
  11. I want to put that in 10 foot letters on a giant billboard outside RNC headquarters.
  12. Dr. Zaius

    Senate blocks minimum wage raise

    So we're all in agreement that the minimum wage is the Montreal Screw-Job of CE folder topics? Alrighty, then.
  13. Dr. Zaius

    Ultimate Avengers 2

    Quick survey: Who else thought the first Ultimate Avengers movie was terrible?
  14. Dr. Zaius

    Senate blocks minimum wage raise

    How many full time jobs actually pay minimum wage? Sure, I feel bad for the few people who work 40 hours making $5.15, but most of them are part-time workers and kids living with their parents. I'm not necessarily against the minimum wage being raised, but the flip side (you're not really helping the people you think you are, and there's usually a spike in unemployment after the wage is raised) needs to be looked at.
  15. Not "going negative" only works if you're already 10 points ahead. Lieberman's already gone negative on Lamont, claiming that Lamont's part of the far-left radicals that have taken over the party and comparing him to Maxine Waters. Insulation from cries of blind partisanship can easily be countered by sayng: "I'm not going to go along with the Republicans on issues that they're clearly wrong about, such as the Iraq War."
  16. Dr. Zaius

    Senate blocks minimum wage raise

    Isn't there proof that market forces are pulling up wages on their own? Remember, there's some things you can buy that are either the same price or cheaper than they were in mid-90s.
  17. Well, obviously Lieberman's taking most of the potential Republican voters if that's to be believed. Lamont needs to use this and further tie Lieberman to Bush.
  18. Dr. Zaius

    The Official "52" Thread

    Guaranteed death = sales.
  19. Schlesinger, the official Republican nominee, is only pulling 6%? Something's wrong with that poll.
  20. Dr. Zaius

    How do you feel about Iraq?

    But did we have a timetable for toppling Hitler's regime? I think we probably did, but that's beside the point. If Iraq were really analgous to World War II, then the German people would have resisted the Marshall Plan and we'd have been fighting Nazi insurgents until at least 1948. The rest of what you said made a lot of sense to me, though. When we went to Iraq, our goal was to overthrow Saddam, dismantle his WMD program, and install a democracy. I think we've done everything we can to accomplish all three goals. We're not cutting and running, since we've already done what we set out to do.
  21. So either 30% of those people are stupid, or surveys tend to be much like exit polling. Completely worthless and horribly unreliable. Amen. I hate polling data because it is usually very unreliable. This is a major qualm I always had with Clinton because he governed on polling (ex. Somalia pullout) instead of sticking to his own guns. Like him or hate him Bush governs the opposite way and that of course has its pros and cons. The Bush Administration actually uses polling extensively. There are plenty of examples of Clinton going against polls. The health care plan, gays in the military, GATT, and the Balanced Budget Amendment all come to mind.
  22. Joe Lieberman has officially lost his damn mind. Senator says rival's Iraq policy would give terrorists a victory
  23. Dr. Zaius

    X3: Last Stand DVD Details and Covers

    For a comic published in the late 70s, the story had balls the size of church bells. It hasn't withstood the test of time because its been ripped off so many times since then. I disagree with you stating that the Dark Phoenix saga hasn't withstood the test of time. IMO it is one of the very best comic-book stories ever, let alone one of the best X-Men stories. It always excites me whenever I read it again. Its still a great story, but not as great to me as when I read the tradepaperback when I was 13. Plus, I've read "Watchmen" since then, so *everything* went down a notch.
  24. ...and think we found WMDs.... (and no not Rick Sanitorum-brand WMDs) In an recent taste test, 4 out of 5 Fox News anchors preferred Rick Santorum Brand WMDs to other leading brands.