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Dr. Zaius

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Everything posted by Dr. Zaius

  1. Dr. Zaius

    DC Comics announce three animated movies

    These have to be better than "Ultimate Avengers."
  2. Dr. Zaius


    I think movie channels are obsolete in the age of DVD and Netflix type services. HBO at least has some pretty interesting original shows, but I can't imagine paying that hefty of a price tag for them, considering how infrequently new epsisodes are made. Especially when I can just wait a few months and watch the whole season on rented DVDs.
  3. Dr. Zaius


    I'd like to see Angelina Joline play Catwoman. Of course, the character would have to be completely divorced from what they were trying to do in either Batman Returns, Birds of Prey, or the Catwoman movie. Its sad that the handling of this character was done best in the 1960s movie and TV show.
  4. Dr. Zaius

    Justice League of America

    So after 20 years of fighting it, Wonder Woman's again considered a JLA founder? That's fair, I guess. I liked the different artwork from different eras, and the concept.
  5. Dr. Zaius

    Booker T Wins the World Title!

    EDIT- Oh, not counting after the buy out. Add Sid. Can't beleive I forgot Sid. Thanks.
  6. Dr. Zaius

    History of the WWE Championship 3-DVD Set

    Well, if you had read the paragraph before the match listing... "The DVD set will include a comprehensive timeline with multimedia highlights from every title change." I'm really sure that answers the question, since I have no idea what a "a comprehensive timeline with multimedia highlights" is.
  7. Dr. Zaius

    Booker T Wins the World Title!

    Inevitable question... Not counting people who won the WCW title after WCW was bought by WWF, which wrestlers besides Booker T have carried world titles in both WCW and WWE/F? Flair Hogan Randy Savage Kevin Nash Bret Hart Big Show Goldberg Benoit who else?
  8. http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/wo/news/h...t.asp?aID=16924
  9. Dr. Zaius

    How do you feel about Iraq?

    I don't normally side with Jerk, but you really are an idiot.
  10. Dr. Zaius

    Kenneth Lay Dies

    I was ignored by my parents as a child, and basically use the internet to make up for it by getting attention for myself (negative or positive) from complete strangers. He's not kidding, is he?
  11. Dr. Zaius

    Campaign 2008

    Too bad poor people don't vote.
  12. Dr. Zaius

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    Boomerang is now showing S1 and S2 episodes every night at 11pm eastern.
  13. Dr. Zaius

    Box Office Report 7/7-7/9...

    I doubt that since the movie has made $141 million in 10 days, and has had mostly favorable reviews. The fact that its less popular than "Pirates of the Caribean" doesn't mean that casual movie goers didn't want to see "Superman Returns," it just means that more casual movie goers wanted to see "Pirates of the Caribean". I'm sure a lot of people saw both movies.
  14. Dr. Zaius

    Campaign 2008

    God, you really jack it to handsome Democrats! Their sunny optimism and high rankings from People magazine are gonna TAKE BACK OUR WHITE HOUSE! What do Kennedy and Edwards have in common beyond party affiliation and a killer smile? Edwards built himself up from practically nothing to become a successful litigator and Senator, whose political views have been shaped by his own experiences. JFK was born into his dad's bootlegging fortune, and is a liberal because that's what you do when you're a paternalistic New Englander. And Edwards was never almost killed when the Japanese sunk his PT boat and he had to swim for miles to safety with an injured crewman on his back. Just saying.
  15. Dr. Zaius

    License to Drive

    Heather Graham was in that? You have to admire someone to stick with acting for as long as she did until she finally got a break-out role in a movie 9 years later.
  16. Dr. Zaius

    Superman Returns

    I finally got my copy of "Look Up in the Sky" from amazon.com today. It was interesting to watch Jon Peters admit he didn't know what he was doing through most of the 1990s trying to get a new Superman movie made.
  17. Dr. Zaius

    Campaign 2008

    John Anderson in 1980 would be a better example than Mr. Perot. Ross Perot didn't leave the Republican Party, because you can't leave something you were never a part of. Some people, I think, assumed Perot was a Republican because he was (a) a rich business man, and (b) was from the south. Look at his platform, though. He was for radical tax increases, heavy protectionism, increased government involvement in economy, and he was pro-choice. Many of Perot's supporters fit a stereotypical demographic profile of typical Republican voters, but that's pretty much where the similarities begin and end. Polling done during the 1992 presidential campaign show that he drew almost equally from both parties.
  18. Dr. Zaius

    Pictures I Like

    His mom really has no clue, does she?
  19. Dr. Zaius

    So... Which side are you on?

    Wow...the whole internet?
  20. Dr. Zaius

    Clerks II Offcial Thread

    If you need reviews to tell you to see a Kevin Smith movie, then you'll probably never see a Kevin Smith movie.
  21. Dr. Zaius

    The Island.

    From what I remember she was bitching about the bra she had to wear being really uncomfortable and she'd rather do the scene nude but Bay told her it's PG-13 so she couldn't.
  22. Dr. Zaius

    Superman Returns

    "You cyborg bastard, you killed my son!"
  23. Dr. Zaius

    The 58th Annual Emmy Nominations...

    Yeah, they nominate goddamn Martin Sheen but not Hugh Laurie? Fuck this list. Fuck with an AIDS-infested cock. I'm kind of scratching my head about that myself. Sheen was barely even on the West Wing this year. If there's actually even a leading actor on that show, its Bradley Whitford. The show has always revolved around the Josh Lyman character as much as it did Pres. Bartlet. And this season, it revolved more around Jimmy Smitts character than anybody else, esept for maybe Josh. But you can't nominate Jimmy Smits for best actor because he sucks. In fairness, Alan Alda was nominated for West Wing, and he does deserve the nomination. I've read the plan was originally for Alda's character to win the election, but between John Spencer dying and the show geting cancelled, they thought the fans would want to see Smits's character win. Meh, says I.
  24. Dr. Zaius

    The 58th Annual Emmy Nominations...

    Yeah, they nominate goddamn Martin Sheen but not Hugh Laurie? Fuck this list. Fuck with an AIDS-infested cock. I'm kind of scratching my head about that myself. Sheen was barely even on the West Wing this year. If there's actually even a leading actor on that show, its Bradley Whitford. The show has always revolved around the Josh Lyman character as much as it did Pres. Bartlet.
  25. Dr. Zaius

    Casualties of War II:

    You were disqualified the second he used the word "good" to describe the jokes.