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Bruce Blank

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Everything posted by Bruce Blank

  1. Bruce Blank

    Promo - Crossing...

    Ah but maybe he IS educated and just putting on the "redneck act" for everyone. . . or not. . . hmmmm. . . nah I'll go with "not" but for how many injuries he's gotten he would definitly be well versed in medical insurance As for Amy beating Bruce, well that's where it becomes obvious that this is fantasy - well that and the fact that we've a Brit as the world champ, that'll never happen in real life Oh and he's still the King of Pain - why? Staying power: Pure and simple. He did it before she came around, he did it after she's left with no end in sight, he's no passing fad
  2. Bruce Blank

    Promo - Crossing...

    yeah, yeah, yeah and you lost to me & Ward - blah-di-blah-di-blah whatever and so it goes on and on in an eternal dick measuring contest Oh and Wayne is the idiot brother, Bruce is just Southern not retarded
  3. Bruce Blank

    WON News and Notes 5/29

    Then you achieve it without trying. as for "#1 heel" - that's funny, and it's your constant, insessant bitching about the same damn thing over and over that's making you disliked like every 2nd post is you bitching, the rest are us saying some variation of "who gives a shit?" (at least we take turns) - Can you really think of nothing better to do? Well then good news the Newsletter will probably be posted in part here next time it's out, joy and happiness you get to be the "heel" again. Now run along and listen to your illegal MP3 and watch your stolen movie
  4. Bruce Blank

    WON News and Notes 5/29

    nah you lost it the second you decided to be all anal about spelling instead of staying on the point.
  5. Bruce Blank

    WON News and Notes 5/29

    Ah the sign of a desperate man - he starts to point out spelling mistakes, that's a clear cut argument winner isn't it?
  6. Bruce Blank

    Smackdown Non-Spoilers for 6/2

    I think so yes, they haven't been discredited and no other "alternate" spoilers have shown up yet.
  7. Bruce Blank

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    its a hard concept to grasp isn't it? Hell even the first poster didn't even get it 50% right Unpopular oppinions - oppinions not shared by a large section of this forum - so much of this stuff does NOT fall under unpopular oppinions, not on TSM anyways. But I guess it's cooler if you have an oppinion that flies in the face of the general concensus. . . too bad a lot of these don't
  8. Bruce Blank

    Post your introduction promos~!

    I've seen a bunch of FMW tapes and yes the stories are all ABOUT wrestling (no spilled coffee) but they're not limited to the matches - pre & post match shenanigans, backstage interviews & angles. it's not as big as in the US but it's there
  9. Bruce Blank

    Booking for 6/1

    *reads Dance Dance Dragon's profile* *giggles* You know that's just crazy enough to work
  10. Bruce Blank

    Booking for 6/1

    Would this be like the wrong place to ask if there are anyone out there with a comedy character who'd be interested in working with my latest creation that'll debut on HeldDOWN? Yes? No?? Wrong place?
  11. Bruce Blank

    School's Out Feedback

    Yes sir! *snaps to salute* Note who put something in the booking for HD and rejoice. . . or dread I'm not sure which it'll be
  12. Bruce Blank

    Booking for 6/1

    There'll be a transmission from a secret meeting in Italy - something that has nothing to do with the Wildcard angle but a debut Not that the Wildcard angle will be ignored - plenty of "Schoo's Out" fall out to be sure
  13. Bruce Blank

    School's Out Feedback

    The main event was 77 kinds of cool - no wait 78 kinds. I'm thinking that puts the rivalry to bed though, where with Alfdog look next? I dunno but it'll be interesting to find out 8) And the OAOAST could teach the WWE SOOOOOOOOOO much about tag-team wrestling *applause*
  14. Bruce Blank

    What is going on with MNM?

    But... but it was cancelled YEARS ago
  15. Bruce Blank

    OAO Raw Thread - May/29th/06.

    SPirit Squad in the main event - 48 weeks and counting *sigh*
  16. Bruce Blank

    Orlando Jordan released

    He was released for stealing Lawler's gimmick? Unless it wasn't a girl
  17. Bruce Blank

    An open letter

    Thank you, extremly helpful
  18. Bruce Blank

    School's Out Feedback

    Ahem-hem we did infact write the 6 man tag-team match (*raises hand* yes I am the dork who forgot to edit out a line from the break down too in case you're wondering I've just scanned it quickly, looks like a great read and I look forward to reading it all when I get the time.
  19. Bruce Blank

    OAO 5/25 Impact Thread

    Part of his problem lies in the faceness of his character - Christian NEEDS to be a heel, a selfish, smartass cocky heel. he's just too bland as a face, he's just "Oh I left the WWE cause TNA is awesome" and that's not much to build a personality on.
  20. Bruce Blank

    An open letter

    I'll add one to show my total ignorance of a lot of moves - or maybe I've seen it but it's been called something else and I just never caught on to it. But it's a submission move favored by a few of the SWF'ers in various incarnations the Cattle Mutilation? and the variation: Full Nelson Cattle Mutilation with Bridge that Bloodshed uses. I ain't got a clue what it is other than a submission move.
  21. Bruce Blank

    Comments for Storm

  22. Bruce Blank

    OAO 5/25 Impact Thread

    Mark Henry made it... Snitsky made it...
  23. Bruce Blank

    Comments for Storm

    Psychology has nothing to do with technical wrestling at all - it's got everythign to do with the kind of story you decide to try and tell with your match, the thinking that went into it hell all my Ultraviolent matches had some level of psychology to it stemming from how Bruce would approach the match, how the opponent would approach the match and even some general psychology of Hardcore matches themselves. call it psychology, call it story, call it thinking behind the match - if there isn't any then what's the point? then we're just stringing moves together until the word limit says "end it"
  24. Bruce Blank

    OAO Smackdown Thread. 5/25-26 Thread.

    I agree with the logic, ECW does need heels to work - anti-ECW is the easiest sentiment to get heel heat from. Use that and then buil d up other heels through ECW angles
  25. Bruce Blank

    Comments for Storm

    LOL I guess it's more correct to say that we're waiting on whomever you sent it in to.