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Everything posted by hyperchord24

  1. hyperchord24

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    You're obviously talking specifically about ONS2, right?
  2. hyperchord24

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    HHH definitely at this point would get more heel heat. I’m starting to think that Cena won’t get booed as much as we all think. Already he’s not getting booed as much as he used to. I think that maybe the crowd minus the women and children don’t really care about him anymore. If they did this about 3 months ago (striking while the iron is hot), this would come off better. The promo during the contract signing where they were talking about Cena getting booed would be better received. Now, it’s just stale when someone brings it up because they do it all the time. The fans now aren’t as rabid for Cena to get beat, but then again how many wwe marks will be at ONS2? On a side note, why isn’t Nova being pulled in for the new ECW?
  3. What he said. Well, seriously. They need a roster. If they're going to be their own brand they can't be running around with a 10-man roster, so shuffling around the RAW & SD rosters (aside from signing a shitload of new contracts) is the only thing they can do, really. Well, the argument has been made that guys like Angle and Show have no business going to ECW, but if this is going to be the new OVW, I imagine that they're going to take a lot of OVW's roster and put them in the new ECW once the nostaglia kick wears off. I mean, really they can't have more WWE v ECW stuff on the ECW weekly series can you? Even SD!'s roster is about double ECW's at this point, not including all of SD!'s injured reserve
  4. So, I don't know if this is a big deal, but why did mysterio at the last second push the chair off of his chest as RVD went for the frog splash? Was it a spot that mysterio didn't want to do?
  5. hyperchord24

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I definitely got that vibe too. I figured it would be an ECW alum, he backed out, and this was their plan B, as you said. Then again, since they're going with the theme of WWE v ECW at ONS2, and Angle is technically part of ECW, it makes (WWE) sense to use someone from the RAW or SD! roster.
  6. hyperchord24

    Animal Released

    I remember a while ago someone suggesting they should release Animal. I also remember someone saying since he's Johnny Ace's brother, he wouldn't. So, what's the deal? Why would Johnny be losing "power?" Presumably he hasn't been demoted, and Vince trusts him, right?
  7. hyperchord24

    OAO Raw Thread - June/5th/06.

    Skullman80 Do me a favor, bring a sign that says "BOO CENA" and make sure it gets on tv....espically during the contract signing. It'll get taken away, just like the "Cena Nuff" one did two weeks ago. Vince is still fighting it.
  8. hyperchord24

    OAO Raw Thread - June/5th/06.

    Honestly, it's just build up to the ppv. Really, I think they're using this as a crowd litmus test. Cena hasn't been booed terribly lately, and the marks were booing RVD two week ago. Maybe this'll help them determine the finish to the match. Who knows? I full expect the crowd to be behind RVD and boo Cena tonight w/ Raw being in Pittsburgh. Can't wait to see Cena's "but last year you liked me! Why don't you like me anymore?" face. We know who's gonna be heel, but who's gonna play the heel?
  9. hyperchord24

    OAO Raw Thread - June/5th/06.

    Honestly, it's just build up to the ppv. Really, I think they're using this as a crowd litmus test. Cena hasn't been booed terribly lately, and the marks were booing RVD two week ago. Maybe this'll help them determine the finish to the match. Who knows?
  10. hyperchord24

    Lashley's Dominator

    I hate the spear. Wait, check that. I hate it when the wrong people use it as their finisher. And, of course, how too many people use it. The dominator works well if you take it correctly. If you take the bump with your hands and knees, it looks like "ow, I got a nasty rug burn." And comes off as weak and lame. You have to land right on your stomach
  11. hyperchord24

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    I see what you mean. Tazz has recently started calling rear chinlocks "rear naked chokes." I couldn't stop laughing.
  12. hyperchord24

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    RVD doesn't belong in the WWE ME scene. He should also never touch a mic again. I mark for the spirit squad. There. The floodgates are open.
  13. hyperchord24

    What is your pro wrestling name?

    The smart marks=angry love yeah, that fits
  14. hyperchord24

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Did we ever find out why Kane went crazy at the mention of, you know, that date?
  15. hyperchord24

    OAO 5/25 Impact Thread

    Indeed. Christian badly needs some more life into his character. He got so popular because of his funny insulting remarks, and they take that away from him... They could learn a thing or two from Cena's tanking championship run
  16. hyperchord24

    OAO 5/25 Impact Thread

    I just was watching the impact replay, and never having seen low ki in the ring before, I am astounded. I have never seen wrestling like that before. The way he moves, the unorthadox style (as if that were possible this day and age), the screams and the finisher. Wow, that is some of the sickest stuff I've ever seen.
  17. hyperchord24

    Is it time to End The Split

    Agreed 100%. Every show will feature ME talent and if the have room for the under card, then that's nice.
  18. hyperchord24

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    If price is an issue, Blast Zones are your friend... http://www.wwe.com/schedules/blastareas/ Local Buffalo Wild Wings plays every single WWE PPV, and all I end up paying is the $6 or so for Wings that I have for dinner. Where do you live? Buffalo? I know there are BWW around there, but didn't know know they ran the ppvs
  19. hyperchord24

    Is it time to End The Split

    This is not a question of will Vince end the split, it's whether we think it's a good idea to end it. With that said, I think nothing good will come from the brand split, I just think they major/ME storylines from RAW and SD! will be featured on each show, but instead of seeing those storylines progress once a week, you'll see them twice a while. It'll effectively bury the undercard, and move ME storylines faster. If you think Vince didn't know how to build credible MEers now . . .
  20. hyperchord24

    So what now for RVD?

    Can the WWE sign the Dudleys, Spike or Rhino?
  21. hyperchord24

    Official Judgement Day Thread

    So with this whole "firing"/suspension for Nirto and Melina, does that mean the Booker/Batista fight wasn't a work?
  22. hyperchord24

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Did anyone catch Kane on Cold Pizza today? When Carlito was on, he was kayfabin' it up, I wonder if Kane did too. What a mess that would be.
  23. hyperchord24

    Possible SMACKDOWN Spoiler results !!

    Yeah, slightly overbooked finish. If the WWE wants to live in kayfabe land (which is what they've been doing), they should just had JBL say, "I bet you don't even know what today is," as opposed to refering to Friday. Sure the crowd will be confused, but the WWE doesn't care about them anyway. Walk the Plank is the C4, right?
  24. hyperchord24

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Whatever happened to Orlando's bi angle?
  25. hyperchord24

    Batista and Booker T get into a fight?

    All the evidence leads me to believe it's a work, but then you get this? Would Booker T allow someone to punch him in the face for the sake of an angle? Or did this happen accidentially and now this is how they're playing it up?