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Everything posted by hyperchord24

  1. hyperchord24

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Kayfabe is a joke. It illigitimizes wrestling as even entertainment (as opposed to real wrestling)
  2. hyperchord24

    Batista and Booker T get into a fight?

    And to fend yourself off, you cut the other guy a few times with a razor blade
  3. hyperchord24

    Batista and Booker T get into a fight?

    OMG SHOOT!!! It's called make up.
  4. hyperchord24

    Another reference to the Reformation of DX

    Well, I might say Cena could be the third member, but I know most of you smarks would kill me for it. It would add a little bit of likability to his character, and he would be a face by association, which is what thw wwe is good at with him.
  5. hyperchord24

    Best Promo ever

    Wow, what a promo by Heyman. I was out of wrestling during that time period. Can I get some of the storyline? He could basically cut that same promo now, but use RVD instead of Tazz, and it would still hold true, and help introduce ECW. What was the Russo promo and BatB 2000?
  6. hyperchord24

    Batista and Booker T get into a fight?

    Well, Vince has every reason to mess with us. He hates the IWC. I still say work.
  7. hyperchord24

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    I'd like to add that their cheers don't get a reaction b/c they are incredibly off cue and b/c of that, you can't hear a word they say, compounded with the fact that they are really, really, really bad cheers to begin with. They got no crowd reaction when they debuted b/c of these reasons.
  8. hyperchord24

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    So what's the deal with Regal? I saw a match he had 2 weeks ago now, I think, where he used a more elegant-looking STF. Now I know the Regal Stretch is a modified STF, but why destroy Cena's credibility even more by making his STF look like crap when they have a direct comparison in Regal's? Why not show Cena how to properly do an STF? Stupid questions, but still . . .
  9. hyperchord24

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    Well, to add to the support for the SS, I like them b/c of who they are. I heard that they are some of the better indy talent, so I started watching their wrestling matches, and not changing the channel b/c they were male cheerleaders and it is a sad missuse of talent. Yeah, so they got stuck with a shit gimmick. If they can actually make it work, then they are worth their weight in gold for not only being top notch performers, but guys who can handle adversery, and can come out looking good. Guys like Orton and Masters cannot do this.
  10. hyperchord24

    Batista and Booker T get into a fight?

    A promo after a fight that wasn't a work. riiiiiight
  11. hyperchord24

    Batista and Booker T get into a fight?

    “The fight lasted at least five minutes, it was a brutal, bloody, vicious affair," When asked what the fight was about, Gaburick would only say “it’s a personal issue between two men.” Yeah, it's a work. Whether somebody told him to say that or not, it's sounds like it.
  12. hyperchord24

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    Man, That Michael's kip-up spot was ill-placed. He took absolutely no punishment, and yet, after he did his flying shoulder block, he falls unconsious. Then, to add to the business exposing, he looks up at the SS member lying next to him to make sure he won't step on him. Nice, shawn.
  13. hyperchord24

    What would TNA be like...

    How'd he fire JJ on national TV? I must've missed it.
  14. hyperchord24

    Smackdown Spoilers for the 5/5 Airing

    Was they Rey/Henry match non-title? How did they justify it?
  15. hyperchord24

    The OAO Raw Thread 5/1/06

    On the raw results page, the last line of the paragraph on Joey's promo states, "and who will be announcing raw next week?" If returns, won't that make Joey a heel, and won't that guy be forced to put over how disrespectful Joey was? Joey's already a face in the eyes of the fans (because he's an ECW alum and his promo was sort of rebelous). So if this in part leads to the ECW angle, how do they book Joey and the rest of ECW? Faces or heels?
  16. hyperchord24

    The OAO Raw Thread 5/1/06

    I will say this: The Styles promo was gold. It was nearly perfect. The only problem I had with it was that it was speaking directly to the smart fans. With the way he insulted the WWE and made the marks feel stupid for being marks told me that McMahon was only trying to outsmart the smarks. I’m surprised he got the pop that he did for that, esp. when he said that last part about where he all but called WWE fans stupid. I’m sure it had a lot to do with the marks thinking that the fanbase Styles was referring to didn’t include them. It was a perfect worked shoot. When fans (and not just smart ones) see the show behind the show, only good things can happen. Yeah, they could do another invasion angle, but they need to show more worked shoots. The only way any invasion angle looks believable and not hokey (like the whole May 19th thing) is if it looks real and the fans are left to either guess whether it is real or not or wonder why McMahon allowed that in the script.
  17. hyperchord24

    The OAO Raw Thread 5/1/06

    I believe the three-man tag was Johnny, Nick and Mitch. I don't believe I saw Mike, and I can recognize him the most easily out of the bunch.
  18. hyperchord24

    OAO 4/27 Impact Thread

    "And that's a shoot"? Did Sting really have to say that? I mean come on, Sting's the guy to bring in casual fans who may be to embarrased to watch wrestling and he says that? It's a shoot. So what? It's not like he's saying anything controversial which is what most of us think when we here the word "shoot." And where does that phrase come from, "and that's a shoot"? I hear people saying all the time on TSM.
  19. hyperchord24

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    This is some very good insight here. On another point, let's not forget why Vince is doing this: to cash in once again on the past. That's all he's been doing for the past year or so. "Remember all our great moments? Watch our show because of the nostalgia!" In that vein, to have anyone but old, broken down former ECW wrestlers is not going to draw in Vince's mind.
  20. hyperchord24

    OAO Raw From England Thread

    I only watched the first half hour of raw. I figure I wouldn't miss anything important. The opening promos were good. HHH is a cocky, self centered, wise-cracking, heelish type character. Yeah, nowadays that's a face. The six-man tag was awesome. Just as good as the X-division ones in TNA. I've come to the conclusion that HHH doesn't want to be a dominant heel. He may think he is, but he's just a mark for himself. If he can bury talent and make himself look good, fine. If he can be a 17-time world title holder, fine. If he can play to the crowd while (in his mind) still be a heel, fine. If you remember a while back, HHH knows what fans really think of him. They don't adore him as he previously thought, so if he can get some sort of appreciation from the crowd, I'm sure he'll take it. I just hope he doesn't buy the whole "traditional" fans cheer for him.
  21. hyperchord24

    Alexis and Vampiro news

    Why is TNA bringing in another mystery man?
  22. hyperchord24

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    The ratings continue to be very decent, specially the second hour seems to be garnering interest lately, possibly for the 3-way feud for the WWE Title. And AM RAW, after being disregarded as a waste of time, continues to amaze with numbers that match, or sometimes surpass, TNA Impact. Ugh. Even more reason in Vince's mind to hate the live crowds. They crapped all over that promo, and yet the ratings continue to be good. Yikes.
  23. hyperchord24

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    Yeah, well . . . you're not supposed to remember that, or my personal fav: It was all an act, we really do like each other. Every angle that was suddenly dropped, every unexpected heel/face turn and every swerve that has ever happened in the history of professional wrestling can be explained by either of those two statements.
  24. hyperchord24

    Cena's heel turn

    Another thread about John Cena? What is this? 5 in the past month?
  25. hyperchord24

    ***Impact spoilers***

    What I don't understand is that on twawrestling.com, under the iMPACT results, its says "the former spike dudley returned with a new name . . ." It appears at first glace that there aren't any trademark issues. Why not call him spike dudley?