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Everything posted by hyperchord24

  1. hyperchord24

    Cool finisher, horrible name

    Enough about the Canadian Destroyer. Yeah, you have to suspend your disbelief, but same with anything related to the Gory Special (including the vertebraker). I mean come on, if the guy really wanted to get out of the move, all he had to do was unlock his arms. This is wrestling people. Finishers get over if they LOOK cool.
  2. hyperchord24

    The end of WWE divas?

    elitist. Don't make this a public site then.
  3. hyperchord24

    *SPOILER* No Way Out Main Event Revealed

    Quite honestly, UT will decide when UT's time has passed.
  4. hyperchord24

    Best WWE era?

    How about we help teh new guy instead of coming off as elite and snobbish? (Unless that's how you guys roll). It would probably work better if we had some choices. There a way to start a poll and people can vote there instead of leaving a response.
  5. hyperchord24

    TNA or WCW?

    What's wrong with new having new people?
  6. hyperchord24

    Top 10 Wrestler on the Mic

    "Cane Dewey" promo? Explain
  7. hyperchord24

    The Boogeyman

    If you check the Survivor Series site, there are two pictures of Randy Orton, after the Undertaker shows up, that no human being on earth has made before or since. I can only assume its supposed to be fear, but young Randall is such a piss poor actor that it comes off really comical and is embarassing to me as a fan. I was forced to try to explain to a none fan once what he was supposed to be conveying, and I had no idea. Anyway, if anyone has read Bill Simmons, they know the Derek Lowe face, which was more or less the final sign before everything went to hell for Derek on the mound. When the Randy Orton Face (any variation of that stupid ripping out his hair flailing around on the ground shit) makes an appearance, its the warning sign that the segment is quickly going down the shitter. You mean the one with him on one side and UT on the other and in the middle, it say, "the dead rise again"? Yeah, that's one hell of a face.
  8. hyperchord24

    New on tonight's taping and the next PPV.

    Well, it's not as if everyone esle in the ME scene is made to look like JJ's bitch. So what, we all know Christian deserves the title. So give to him now, only to drop it to JJ at the next ppv, then at JJ's behest, put him in another feud to make him avoid the ME scene just like everybody else. Christian will get buried.
  9. hyperchord24

    The Boogeyman

    What is The Randy Orton Face? On Topic: How long did the Papa Shago gimmick last? Yeah, that's how long Boogy will last. Actually, he could do a title reign if they tweek his character when it gets stale. But we all know how good the E is at tweeking characters when they get stale or fail to get over anymore.
  10. hyperchord24

    What the fuck is up with Kurt Angle?

    VKM doesn't make a wrestling show
  11. hyperchord24

    What the fuck is up with Kurt Angle?

    Wouldnt it make sense if the events of the past week happened exactly the same way, except Angle and Edge switched places? Edge is a 2nd rate champ, so he goes to their 2nd rate show, Angle finally beats Cena. B/c as it stands, Angle still looks like Cenas bitch, and thats what the fans were crapping all over to begin with.
  12. hyperchord24

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Man, a lot of slip ups last night. Coach: “. . . take his level to a new game.” Lillian: “the last –masterlock challenge . . .” The botch fest with the women’s match (specifically that hurracarana with somebody holding trish). Masters looking into the wrong camera. There were a few others, but I can’t remember them. Cena got cheered. I really hop they don’t take this the wrong way and put the belt back on him. Seriously though, not switching the spinning belt is a major indication that Edge’s title reign was nothing more than a band-aid for the fans booing Cena.
  13. hyperchord24

    WWE Power 25 Rankings.

    Kayfabed controversy?
  14. hyperchord24

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Huh? Explain.
  15. hyperchord24

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    About Samoa Joe -- why do they call his finisher a muscle buster? It's just a glorified suplex. I don't see it as being a muscle-busting type manuver. I have seen variations of the muscle buster where the attacker jumps up and sits down with his opponent still cradled in the muscle buster position. That variation seems more like something that would hurt the muscles of the neck, leg and back. I'm not insulting Joe's in-ring ability at all. It's just a question.
  16. hyperchord24

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    That was just an attempted get him more heel heat. On SD! last week, they were muting his battle royal win
  17. hyperchord24

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Here's one reason to watch raw: The crowd reaction of Kurt's first appearance since winning the WHT. They can't mute the crowd on this show. Or maybe they are booking him face now. Oh, I don't know. Should still be interesting.
  18. hyperchord24

    Has Raven's mystery opponent

    An end to the angle?
  19. hyperchord24

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Then you shouldn't have made the thread. Does it really matter who makes these threads? EDIT: On topic: Was THAT really needed?
  20. hyperchord24

    Matt hardy trying to get fired

    So what will they do with him?
  21. hyperchord24

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    There isn't anything that can get me to spend 50 bucks on a wrestling PPV. My limit is 30 and even then you gotta stack a card for me to consider it. And Boogey is awesome until he gets in the ring and reminds you he is really green and probably won't ever get better than he is now. Okay, so it's not just me who this his pumphandle slam is really, REALLY ugly.
  22. hyperchord24

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Yeah, me too, until he starts heelin' it up as he walks to the ring, saying "who's the man? I'm the man! . . . . I'm the man," while pointing to himself. Carisma of doorknob.
  23. hyperchord24

    OAO Smackdown Discussion 1-13-06

    They really pipe in crowd reactions? Why don't they do that with Cena?
  24. hyperchord24

    OAO Smackdown Discussion 1-13-06

    I finally get it. They moved Angle to SD to mute his face pops when they edit the show. (Not sure if sarcasm was intended).
  25. hyperchord24

    Smackdown Does Strong Rating

    Oh please, no one so much as sneezes without Vince's permission