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Everything posted by hyperchord24

  1. hyperchord24

    Smackdown Spoilers

    The Mcmahons can't be too happy with tonights show. Somebody's gonna be FIIIIIIIRRRRED!!!!!!!!!!! Mybe it'll be Cole or Tazz for not helping Henry with the cage, like a good employee would have.
  2. hyperchord24

    Wrestlemania 22...possibly one of the worse Wrestlemania's ever???

    Whether vince and trips like it or not, when he wins the title back from Cena, he will get one of the biggest face pops of the year.
  3. hyperchord24

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Yeah, they need a mid carder belt so that when JJ takes care and buries all comers, they don't look all that bad.
  4. hyperchord24

    MOTY 2006

    I think the E will put him there before this year is out
  5. hyperchord24

    MOTY 2006

    Benoit vs. Kennedy for the US title
  6. hyperchord24

    Outlaws talking about Triple H

    Weren't Road Dogg and Billy gun in the Clique, or am I mistaken?
  7. hyperchord24

    Smackdown Spoilers

    What happened with the shockmaster? Who was he?
  8. hyperchord24

    Smackdown Spoilers

    They should've redone the whole match. Yeah, it would've confused the live crowd, but at least that way, it'll come off better on TV. Not like the WWE ever cares about putting on good, quality TV.
  9. hyperchord24

    Most forgettable stint in a promotion

    Weren't they originally called The Jackylytes, as a play on the two words (Jackyl & Acolytes)? Yes they were. That was when I was going through the "how could the WWE forget that?" phase. BTW, I know Bradshaw lost to "the real man's man" Steven Regal, prompting the Jakyl to talk to him, but who did Simmons lose to?
  10. hyperchord24

    SD/Velocity non-spoilers

    Oh come on, a burial match that gets precious TV time as punishment for backstage antics is much more important than making and putting out the best wrestling product possible!
  11. hyperchord24

    Smackdown Spoilers

    They must be heated seats or something. Locker room seats usually aren't that coveted. Oh, I forgot, this is the Johnny Ace era
  12. hyperchord24

    WWE needs to keep the title on John Cena

    So many people are quick to say that Cena generates the most amount of heat of anyone on the roster and call it something possitive. I don't see it that way. I see it as another failed experiment by VKM. I know, it's childish, but I like seeing what vince will do if something he does backfires (keep in mind that I haven't watched much from 2001-2005). Part of me gets excited to see RAW simply b/c I want Cena to cut a promo/win a match/get on the mic and when the fans start crapping on everything he says, acts confused, starts winging it, turning heel on his own or simply walk away discusted. I think a lot of people watch RAW b/c something unscripted could happen. Anyway, Cena retaining and NOT turning heel will simply turn into JJ/X-pac heat. Turn him heel. If fans boo him, that probably means his merchandise isn't selling as it once was. Besides, him being a heel champ shouldn't affect how his movie does.
  13. hyperchord24

    Smackdown Spoilers

    ^Cash's brainbuster had a different name, don't know if it's changed. Dean's new stable, is that Ken Doane and company?
  14. hyperchord24

    First RAW of 2006 Thread

    It was amazing to Cena really get booed basically from start to finish. If the definition of a heel is that poeple will pay money to see him get the crap kicked out of him, then, in my eyes, Cena is over as a heel. I mean, what a hot crowd. Where were they, Philly? Everytime Cena got on the offense, there'd be a quick pop, followed by resounding boos, EVERY time! They even popped for Divairi. If Cena comes out victorious on Sunday, I can't wait to see how badly the fans crap all over him. By the way, did anyone else notice how Cena was "interrupted" right as he was about to run down the other two faces in the match, HBK and Kane?
  15. hyperchord24

    First RAW of 2006 Thread

    So is it true?
  16. hyperchord24

    First RAW of 2006 Thread

    The whole "Mr McMahon" thing is sooooo outrageously old. I wonder if he "interviews" another diva.
  17. hyperchord24

    Outlaws talking about Triple H

    Where is this from?
  18. hyperchord24

    Cool finisher, horrible name

    First of all, I have heard the hollycaust called that by name by some announcer. Second, announcers have 2 very important jobs: get over the guy's name and call his finisher so it looks like the most devistating thing ever. The do NOT do that with kennedy. It's the Lambeau Leap. Call it! [/rant]
  19. hyperchord24

    Huge Mofo Signed to WWE

    Yeah, and while they're at it, do the same for Carltio and Chris Masters On Topic: Is this guy going to OVW or WWE? I imagine Vince giving him the World title in his debut match.
  20. hyperchord24

    Randy Orton: "Fuck The Military"

    Chris Benoit would never have gone AWOL
  21. hyperchord24

    The OAO Raw Thread for 12/26/05

    "Don't question me, I'm Vince McMahon, dammit!!"
  22. hyperchord24

    Randy Orton: "Fuck The Military"

    Just like Artest was right in running into the stands and getting suspended for a year and just like that Texas Rangers reliever was for throwing a chair at a fan. Look, how about we say both were at fault. Orton and the security gaurd went a little too far, but the fan was equally at fault for starting with Orton. DUDE... THIS INCIDENT DID NOT HAPPEN DURING A WWE EVENT, WHAT THE FUCK CAN YOU PEOPLE NOT GET ABOUT THAT...COMPARING IT TO A DURING WORK INCIDENT OR AN IN-GAME INCIDENT IS ASININE, RETARDED, LAME EVEN! BY THE WAY, HE DIDN'T PHYSICALLY ATTACK ANYONE, NOW DID HE? HE REACTED TO A HECKLER WHO WAS ATTACKING HIM PERSONALLY! This part doesn't matter. If Artest had done this outside of a game, it still would be a big deal. Hell, doesn't TO get media coverage and criticized for stuff he does OUTSIDE the game? Face it, they are celebrities and everything they do is under a microscope.
  23. hyperchord24

    The OAO Raw Thread for 12/26/05

    So are they actually going thru with this "Shelton's Mama" gimmick? I missed that part of RAW and I can't find it anywhere in the results.
  24. hyperchord24

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    OMG! Since they're mentioning the "Melina's speech" from the SD! tapings on WWE.com, it MUST be real!!! They never reveal what happns at the tapings before they get shown on TV unless it's really real! OMG!!1111shift1 [/sarcasm]
  25. hyperchord24

    Randy Orton: "Fuck The Military"

    Just like Artest was right in running into the stands and getting suspended for a year and just like that Texas Rangers reliever was for throwing a chair at a fan. Look, how about we say both were at fault. Orton and the security gaurd went a little too far, but the fan was equally at fault for starting with Orton.