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Everything posted by hyperchord24

  1. hyperchord24

    The OAO RAW thread - 11/07/05

    I will be watching raw for two reasons: Listening to joey styles and commercial breaks with mnf. I see a lot of other people doing the same. Kinda sad that I'm not actually looking forward to any sort of wrestling. If coach gets slammed for admiting that fans were booing cena (a big error), I wonder what sort of "trouble" styles will get into.
  2. hyperchord24

    John Cena

    Is there any reasonable alternative? C'mon it's always gonna be HHH's belt till the day WWE go belly up or he dies. Sure he'll job to someone he likes, but he'll always get it back.
  3. hyperchord24

    No Mercy buyrate is in

    It's not? I would say internally it is. The locker room situation, vince, steph and trips running everything, holding down talent, inept writers, etc . . .
  4. hyperchord24

    Breaking down the TNA roster

    This is very useful to the TNA novice. And just for your information, spots does, in fact = good wrestling when you're subjected to the "wrestling" matches in WWE land.
  5. hyperchord24

    OAO 11/4/05 Smackdown Thread

    Terrible show. I stopped watching intentlt after the whole orton, sr/piper "match." I'm sick of lashley already. We get it, he squashes people, but now I'm bored of his one-demensional dominator-overhead-belly to belly suplexes. Give him some other moves and an actual feud. I'm absolutely tickled by Mr. Kennedy . . . kennedy and I have no idea why. I love how tazz plays him up. Crappy show. Crappy product overall.
  6. hyperchord24

    Benoit's contract up in 3 weeks

    He said his interests were outside of wrestling. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You believe that kayfabe bull?
  7. hyperchord24

    Benoit's contract up in 3 weeks

    Think so? 4 years ago would you have thought that the WWE would own WCW and ECW? In the business, anything truly can happen.
  8. hyperchord24

    John Cena

    Ther WWE has a habit of getting faces over by making them monster heels first, then turning them.
  9. hyperchord24

    John Cena

    Probably says that now about him. Cena tries way too hard in his pomos to make them sound like rock's old promos. He fails miserably.
  10. hyperchord24

    OAO Impact Special Thread

    hopefully TNA will listen to their fans unlike some other feds
  11. hyperchord24

    OAO Impact Special Thread

    Great show!! I've never watched TNA that regularly, but I will now. The lack of wrestling that the WWE does is made up for in TNA. I swear, if they go head to head with raw, I will never watch raw again. Everybody on the roster, I love. Every match, I loved. Even sonjay impresses me, but maybe b/c I'm a sucker for "spots." I needed to see a replay of the canadian destroyer to actually figure out how the move works. friggin sick move. I love it. Keep up the good work TNA. EDIT: Jarret needs to go. It's like the NMA belt is made for him just to make him happy, but the real heavyweight belt is the X-division belt.
  12. hyperchord24

    Christian Quits the WWE

    WWE.com has a new inteview with Christian. It's, well, the same fluff that you'd expect from them. That's why I never trust "interviews" the wrestlers give there.
  13. @KNK: "A very brady sequal," was that on USA wed night? On topic: WWE: It's all austin's fault (well, they might be right this time)
  14. hyperchord24

    Austin Walks Out Again

    HHH will never get screwed over as long as vince and steph are boss. Period
  15. hyperchord24

    Austin Walks Out Again

    and another one bites the dust . . . "No, Vince, you're wrong" Vince: "you're fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired!
  16. hyperchord24

    Austin Walks Out Again

    HHH's beef with JR began back when HHH was about to get his mega push, his contract was up and HHH figured that he should get ME money. HHH took his greavences up with JR, whose explicit instuctions from vince was to not budge. HHH then met with vince directly, who was apparently happy to give him more money, effectively double crossing JR and making him look foolish to HHH.
  17. hyperchord24

    Vince/WWE vs. Wrestling New Sites/Net Fans

    Fine, you're right. You still can't stop me from complaining.
  18. hyperchord24

    Triple H goes off on fan at house show

    Can somebody give me a transcript?
  19. hyperchord24

    Vince/WWE vs. Wrestling New Sites/Net Fans

    As humans, we complain all the time. Don't like it? Oh well. Stop complaining.
  20. hyperchord24

    Vince/WWE vs. Wrestling New Sites/Net Fans

    Enough of this "turn off the TV" crap. It's been discussed ad nauseum. If you don't like the fact that we still watch a crappy show and complain about it, then stop commenting on us.
  21. hyperchord24

    My Gut Feeling On Vince And His Booking

    okay okay, sorry. Brain fart. I get it. You know, come to think of it, the WWfE wasn't that big before WCW
  22. hyperchord24

    Segments that made you go WTF??

    When did that happen?
  23. hyperchord24

    My Gut Feeling On Vince And His Booking

    He's the smartest one of the bunch, which is why he doesn't want much to do with the business
  24. hyperchord24

    Torrie Wilson...gone.

    And they say Vince doesn't pay attention to the IWC . . .
  25. hyperchord24

    Christian Quits the WWE

    I don't trust anything from WWE.com