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Hawk 34

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Everything posted by Hawk 34

  1. Hawk 34

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    One of the blandest wrestlers ever. I don't know why WWE even bothered with him. They've already got Carlito. It's not like they put him over or have plans to use him as a regular. He did a job.
  2. Hawk 34

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    I like the idea behind that. They don't hate each other and are being forced to do it, so they wrestle a very basic match. Hopefully it comes off that way on TV. I hate to be that guy but did two of the three real tag teams on ECW/SD really need to get the Khali abuse?
  3. Hawk 34

    ECW (4/1/2008)

    Show is clearly a face.
  4. Hawk 34

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    The only person that got in the ring that doesn't have a well known public history or a logical reason to be up there was Jericho. I don't know if they are close friends, I just thought that was interesting. Was there anyone that didn't come out at all that was under the WWE umbrella that wasn't already sent home?
  5. Hawk 34

    ECW (4/1/2008)

    Are you feeling lucky, Punk? Seriously? Shelton is horrible at promos.
  6. Hawk 34

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    Isn't Ole Anderson battling MS right now? Also, he isn't a big fan of Flair anyways.
  7. Hawk 34

    Wrestlemania IX

    MVP, comparing Bret/Yoko to Andre/Hogan was a really poor move. Cheech explained why that was but for modern comparison, imagine if WWE put Shelton Benjamin against Khali last year for the WM main event. That's exactly what Bret-Yoko was in comparison to Andre and Hogan which was monumential as any wrestling match could be. While the crowd should always go home happy, Yoko winning the title and walking away would have done more good for all people involved. I'm against the top title not being in the main event but if Vince was so worried about a heel closing the show at the time, they could have flipped the title change and the Hogan tag match since they already set a precedent for not placing the title match in its rightful place.
  8. Hawk 34

    American Idol (season 7)

    Leave it to Syesha to do the most overplayed song of Parton's catalogue.
  9. Hawk 34

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    Cute little non-story on Undertaker
  10. Hawk 34

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    They didn't show the entire celebration from 2002 on tv but it made it on DVD. I'm sure the post match stuff will find its way on DVD as well.
  11. Dragon Gate Challenge 2 Results SuperCard of Honor 3 Card ROH World Title Nigel McGuinness Vs Austin Aries CIMA/Dragon Kid/Ryo Saito Vs Doi/Yoshino/Horiguchi ROH World Tag Titles Davey Richards and Rocky Romero Vs Ruckus and Jigsaw Erick Stevens Vs Roderick Strong Jay and Mark Briscoe Vs Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black Kevin Steen and El Generico Vs Shingo and BxB Hulk Go Shiozaki Vs Delirious
  12. Hawk 34

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    It's not that weird regarding JBL and Hardy. They both were in the poll on WWE.COM. It's not random. JBL made his points clear about why has issues with Orton as did Hardy. The other four will probably attack/confront Orton tonight with reason. CT was a pleasant surprise. WWE needs a tag team that is over.
  13. Hawk 34

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    Well, everyone on the poll will confront/attack Orton tonight. That should lead to a 6 way match between those guys.
  14. Hawk 34

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    When did they really show any signs they weren't taking Punk anywhere? Yeah, he didn't win the ECW title back but thats apparently because they had bigger plans. He did a job in a tag match but that was about it. All the kids promotional stuff he has done over the past few weeks should've been a sign they like him enough to essentially replace Mysterio in that role. Edit: The lack of pyro shouldn't hurt a wrestling show anyways.
  15. Hawk 34

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    I believe Vince didn't appear at WM21. I think he was still recovering from his surgery at that time.
  16. Hawk 34

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    UNIVERSIAL STUDIOS! They have the Amway Arena which is where tonight's Raw will be held. If they do return to Orlando, it'd have to be back at the Citrus Bowl. I'm not sure if Jim is the expert guy anyways, he was probably just hyping the crowd.
  17. Hawk 34

    Raw spoiler for Tonight (Post-Mania)

    There's a great deal of people that had a good history with Flair, you couldn't have everyone there or it'd just be a two hour segment (which wouldn't be a bad thing). Funk probably wouldn't make that trip anyways. It's in Florida, however. I'd like to think many old timers could appear since many were at the HOF anyways.
  18. Hawk 34

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    I took another look at the Triple Threat match and there was a little moment that didn't get noticed that I liked. After Orton pinned Cena and got up, HHH rolled over to cover Cena for a pin. That was a great sell of the death kick.
  19. Hawk 34

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    The Triple Threat wasn't in the mid-card. The 8th match on a 10 match card isn't the mid-card. They put the UT/Edge match on last because they send the crowd home happy and they expected a good match, which is what happened. Matt wasn't ready to go until a couple weeks ago. It'd would have been impossible to get the match back to the level it was at before Matt had to take time off. This allows another aspect to their feud and a proper conclusion. Y2J and MVP were in the MITB because they were suited for the MITB since they didn't have space for them to have a singles match and it'd be useless anyways to do so. Blown spots? Shawn missed a couple shots but nothing was horribly blown. JBL-Finlay wasn't what it was supposed to be. It was supposed to be a bloodbath brawl. Instead, it was a hardcore plunder match right out of 1999. How did this show not have a WM feel? Big crowd, big production, hot matches and memorable moments.
  20. Hawk 34

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    This was a fantastic show from top to bottom with very, very few downsides. The atmosphere was tremendous from the look of the venue, the tightness of the crowd (as opposed to the sprawling from last year) and the weather maintained, thus avoiding any bad situations. The opener was a bit of a surprise but looking back it was probably the right decision even if a heel did go over. I never really expected this to be an incredible brawl as some were hoping but it delivered enough for an opener. I did think this would be more of a fisticuffs bloodletting brawl but instead it was your typical hardcore plunder match. JBL winning was a surprise in that heels don’t often win openers at WM and it means this abomination of a storyline isn’t over just yet. Money in the Bank will always deliver as long as those involved are suited for the match. That was the biggest key to that horrible MITB: 2 involving Flair, Lashley and Finlay. That MITB also had a clear cut winner. This one didn’t. Going into this match, the general consensus ranged from Kennedy repeating, MVP winning to elevate him, Jericho by virtue of being the top guy in the match and Punk because he stood to gain the most from it. This edition was another great one. Starting with the moonsault with the ladder very early in the match from Morrison, whom was an afterthought heading into this match. Morrison was involved in the next great spot, the suplex/sunset flip combo off the ladder. That isn’t a new spot in ladder matches but it’s always a crowd pleaser. Throughout the match, they made it a point to remind the viewers how close CM Punk came to winning last year. Something that would come in play here. Also this is the match where TNA decided to be creative and have the airplane with the banner fly around. WWE made sure it never got on TV. Mission failed for TNA, just like every publicity attempt they ever make. Shelton Benjamin is crazy and while his involvement tonight was very limited, he made up for it in style. In what has to be considered a very unnecessary spot, he did the fall through the ladder spot similar to last year with Jeff and Edge. That was something of its own but the reaction from Carlito and Kennedy sold it even more. John Morrison did more good spots including the leaning ladder climb. The Walls on the ladder is always a great visual. The backstabber off the ladder was another good spot as well as the usage of the apple. What I love about MITB is that everyone can get a moment of shine, even the very lowest guy on the totem pole. Matt Hardy made the predictable but effective return here. People have been calling for that spot ever since MVP was added to the match and they weren’t disappointed. The sun going down during this match as they were all climbing and falling made for a very nice addition to the visual element of this match. Punk returning the favor to Kennedy was a good mark of continuity. The finish with Jericho and Punk, the two decisive faces in this match was slightly awkward but the right guy went over here. Any doubt the fans aren’t behind Punk got tossed aside during the ovation for his win. This match lacked the dramatic greatness of the original or the in-match storylines as last year but it was well done. Festus played the role of Eugene this year in the Santino-Snoop segment. It was a cute enough skit aside from the shameless Foley part. Luckily, this was the lone comedy skit. Umaga and Batista was a disappointment. These guys are capable of something good and it felt like they could have gotten there if they had the time they didn’t Batista might need to look into a new finisher since he can’t seem to hit the Batista Bomb half the time these days. Hopefully, they can get another match with more time soon. ECW Title is considered a joke by most and tonight’s record breaking match didn’t change that perception at all, even if it was slightly cute. At least Chavo earns a WM paycheck in a 2 second match. It’s great for all those Make a Wish people to get a moment but never bring that girl back again. Also, I’m not sure if she was wasted here considering her complete lacks of skills in anything but why bother with Kadasharin if that’s all they intended to do with her. Flair. Shawn. Amazing. It was the match we all expected and then some. The crowd was incredibly receptive to this match. This was a very heavy match and it really felt as if it ascended beyond just a WM match. If this wasn’t Flair last match, it’d still been a very good affair between the two but it certainly added a tremendous deal of importance. Shawn tried his hardest; in fact, he might have tried to hard. Flair took some hard shots, especially the first SCM. It’s all about the finish. Flair tried to cheat his way out for another night but time was expiring and in the end, Shawn had to do what he had to do. “I’m Sorry. I love you” will be the defining image of this show for years to come. Playboy Bunny Match? ugh. It was even more horrid then we ever imagined it to be. I’m not sure the lights going out hurt the match or helped it. They couldn’t make this the 2 second match? The Triple Threat match and its placement made this match more suspect then it otherwise would have been. At first, it felt like this would echo the WMXX match and it even paralleled certain spots but the finish wasn’t anything like that match. The ending was effective and kept everyone strong but especially Orton. The sell of the match was that Orton was the forgotten match and that factored into the result. Some pointed out about the supposed lameness of Cena and his entrance, but I liked it. I liked all three of the entrances. After a couple years of intricate entrances, they were all low key. TBS-Mayweather was a genuine surprise. It should have been an absolute train wreck but it wasn’t. In fact, it was thoroughly entertaining. They did everything right for all those involved. Mayweather comes off as the asshole that he was intended to be and TBS looks very strong for thwarting off about 6 attack attempts. Was Charles Evans the guy who took the choke slam? It looked similar to him and I don’t think they’d have some guy in Floyd’s camp take that bump. The best part of the finish? It won’t be embarrassing when it’s replayed on ESPN and other news sources tomorrow. Remember Trump’s shitty take on the Stunner? The main event was very good, even if it was the paint by numbers stuff for all UT matches. The finish had the crowd absolutely riveted, even if the finish was academic. The crowd was great all night in virtually every match except for the one that didn’t deserve it. Good show all around. Not sure if it’ll hold up but that’s for the future to determine.
  21. Hawk 34

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Once again, Punk has an entire year to do something with this. It'd be just as well to save it.
  22. Hawk 34

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Punk doesn't have to do anything for a whole year. They could easily save it for Edge-Punk later this summer.
  23. Hawk 34

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    It has a good chance to be a all out brawl. How does that not get people pumped?
  24. Hawk 34

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Well, I notice what I had mis-read. I read KOFI as Khali. There's still a Edge looking character next to Khali, however.
  25. Hawk 34

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Moore is on the other side with the bandana next to Kingston.