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Cowboy Battlenuts

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Everything posted by Cowboy Battlenuts

  1. Cowboy Battlenuts

    Marney: RIP

    MacBeth off Broadway? You should write short stories.
  2. Cowboy Battlenuts

    Marney: RIP

    Well then that would officially be the first time anyone paid for sex and there was no whore involved. Her body was purchased. Doesn't matter who was selling or who was buying, someone paid money to have sex with her. If she didn't get paid, she could be a stupid whore, but a whore regardless.
  3. Cowboy Battlenuts

    Marney: RIP

    Money was exchanged for sex. Someone in that equation is a whore.
  4. Cowboy Battlenuts

    Post here if you dislike Will Ferrell...

    He's a comedian. He tries to make people laugh. I find him funny. Some people don't. How the hell does this warrant a thread? Seriously, you guys talking about "hating" him need to sit down, breathe, and see what can be done about the giant large stick in your colon. He's a comedian, being anything other than indifferent is just pathetic.
  5. Cowboy Battlenuts

    This Week in Baseball 4/7 - 4/13

    I have a feeling Marvin's gonna be in this thread for about another week and then we'll never see him again. And seriously, did Utley really get hit 3 times and get hit by the ball on the basepaths!?
  6. Cowboy Battlenuts

    Excess in Moderation

    I like Milky, and I think circle-jerks are gross, so yeah. Let's clean up the jizz around here.
  7. Cowboy Battlenuts

    I laid the smackdown on some ho last night...

    Debate? That's definitely the wrong word. Do some clever editing and explain it was sarcastic. Or bring up something about dyslexia.
  8. Cowboy Battlenuts

    I laid the smackdown on some ho last night...

    I think he's going for some "contradicting himself in a span of a sentence" gimmick now. I've taken tougher shits.
  9. Cowboy Battlenuts

    On Benoit

    Can't see a difference between Ted Bundy and Chris Benoit? And how is my point about focusing on the negative or the positive not getting through here? We've clearly reached the end of this being an intelligent thread. Yikes.
  10. Cowboy Battlenuts

    I laid the smackdown on some ho last night...

    Here's a list of favor's I'm willing to do for you... 1. Kill you. 2. Help Kevin Federline adopt your child. 3. Show you a mirror and the color white. Shutting up, definitely not on there. I'll take your stories as seriously as you present them. I stopped wondering if you were a joke after it became clear I was gonna laugh either way.
  11. Cowboy Battlenuts

    On Benoit

    Comparing him to Ted Bundy? Come on now.... Yeah Bix, I realized he killed his family. I didn't know the second he did that every thing else in his life he accomplished suddenly never happened. There's good, and there's bad. Whatever a person chooses to focus on is there's perogative. Regardless, it's way too sensitive for the WWE to ever touch with a ten foot pole.
  12. Cowboy Battlenuts

    I laid the smackdown on some ho last night...

    "Sucks at life? Dude you don't even know me. I find it funny how your so quick to judge someone from a message board whom you never met before. It sounds your life is shit." I figured I'd just do the first part since the second paragraph was more of the same. Moron. Message boards are for sharing opinions on certain topics. You make a lot of topics about your life and who you are. I share my opinion on them. See how that works? Don't wanna hear people make fun of you, stop making a thread everytime you do something you think Don "Magic" Juan would be proud of.
  13. Cowboy Battlenuts

    I laid the smackdown on some ho last night...

    I'm not saying you can completely understand a person from what he does on a message board but knowing basic psycology sure helps paint the rest of the picture. The guy sucks at life and it's a shame he's now responsible for someone else's. Hopefully the mom does the right thing and tells the kid she used to be a slut and has no idea who the dad is.
  14. Cowboy Battlenuts

    On Benoit

    It's such a touchy issue, there's no way the WWE would ever want to go near it. I will say this, the man was the most loved and respected wrestler on any forum I've been too and I personally don't think it's fair to let what happened completely over-shadow what he's done. The man was great at what he did, he was known as a loving caring person, I have a feeling that's more than likely the real Benoit, and not the man who did what he did to his family. I mean really it comes down to what you'd rather focus on, the good or the bad, and I can't see a reason why someone would choose bad.
  15. Cowboy Battlenuts

    I laid the smackdown on some ho last night...

    I'm not one to make assumptions, but I feel ok with assuming someone who feels the need to tell an internet message board about how he punched a "crazy ho" in the face isn't winning any father of the year awards in his life time. You're right tho, I don't know you, I know who you want people to think you are. Which makes filling in the blanks really easy. If the math works out this kid's gonna be a 1/4 black and think he's darker than Wesley Snipes.
  16. Cowboy Battlenuts

    I laid the smackdown on some ho last night...

    "Anyway, considering I problay make more money then you Battlenuts, I'm sure I'm well off in taking care of my child. Everyone who knows me, thinks I'm going to be a great parent. I'm great with children, just because I like to fuck around on a message board, it has nothing to do with my parenting skills. Retard." Is that the first lesson you're gonna teach junior, money is more important than character? And you're right, fucking around on a message board has nothing to do with how good of a parent you'll be. It's more the completely idiotic ramblings my 4th grade sister finds immature that leads me to believe this kids hoping someone kicks his mom in the stomache. I wouldn't trust you with a goldfish let alone human life, but hey there's gotta be some walking disaster that's responsible for you, so circle of life I guess...
  17. Cowboy Battlenuts

    I laid the smackdown on some ho last night...

    You're a superstar EHME. Do that kid a favor and DON'T put any effort into taking care of him. If his mom was Britney Spears* I'd still say she's a more competent parent than a half-breed, semi-retarded walking embodiment of rap's negative influence on sad pasty white kids. *Includes the half-head South Park version as well.
  18. Cowboy Battlenuts

    Unban Leena

    How about no. Don't threaten to kick my ass or anything, I'm drinking coffee and laughing that hard might be dangerous.
  19. Cowboy Battlenuts

    The Pit

  20. Cowboy Battlenuts

    Unban Leena

    What's worse, something bad or talking about something bad! Or worse, talking about people talking about something bad! I hate that logic, if we continue it you're the saddest of all Lushus. And now I'm even worse. Don't respond or you'll have me beat, although by saying that I think I'm now pre-emptively sadder than you. She sees the internet not as an extension of social interaction but a stage for her to excersize her boredom. Let's not feed the whores.
  21. Cowboy Battlenuts

    South Park: Season 12

    I thought that episode was great, I'm sitting there waiting to figure out the point of what they're trying to say and then they just make it completely irrelevant to the point of actually being creepy. And the fucking singing man, oh that was classic.
  22. Cowboy Battlenuts

    Cheech Tremendous

    Damn I thought NBC was gonna remake Life Goes On....
  23. Cowboy Battlenuts

    3/16 SNL

    The thing with Andy's dad was fucking hilarious. And thanks for pointing that out Bob, I wouldn't of noticed his size if you didn't say something about it 6 times.
  24. Cowboy Battlenuts

    In this thread, Marvin should say goodbye.

    And EHME didn't win how exactly?
  25. Cowboy Battlenuts


    I'm not seeing the whole Jin had a flashback, Sun had a flashfoward thing. I think those were both definitely flash-fowards, it's just so hard to make sense of it. I liked this episode, it was slower like last weeks until the end, where there was one holy shit after another. Ben's definitely got Michael by the short and curly's, I'm guessing he sent someone to intercept the boat, take Walt and tell Michael what he had to do to get him back. I like it right now because we've been getting a good amount of answers this season, and right now I feel just as 'lost' as ever.