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Everything posted by dh86

  1. dh86

    ALDS: Detroit Tigers vs. New York Yankees

    I just know Zumaya coming out the game so soft tossing Jones can come in...shit
  2. dh86

    ALDS: Detroit Tigers vs. New York Yankees

    103 mph...got damn
  3. dh86

    ALDS: Detroit Tigers vs. New York Yankees

    Tigers refusing to lay down...even if they lose...they are making me proud
  4. dh86

    ALDS: Detroit Tigers vs. New York Yankees

    id give Verlander 1 more inning then go to Zumaya
  5. dh86

    ALDS: Detroit Tigers vs. New York Yankees

    aight get somebody going in that bullpen
  6. dh86

    ALDS: Detroit Tigers vs. New York Yankees

    WTF was that???????
  7. dh86

    ALDS: Detroit Tigers vs. New York Yankees

    why didnt the yankees just put giambi at 1st?
  8. dh86

    ALDS: Detroit Tigers vs. New York Yankees

    whew...JV needed that strikeoit
  9. dh86

    ALDS: Detroit Tigers vs. New York Yankees

    Leyland goofed up royally twice last night...running a hit and run with 1 legged Mags as the lead guy was awful playcalling and Robertson should have been out of the game by the 6th...you cant leave a pitcher in to give up 7 runs in the playoffs...hopefully he is quicker to pull Verlander tonight...its a definite must win
  10. dh86

    ALDS: Detroit Tigers vs. New York Yankees

    Tigers wont be a rollover opponent at all...in some ways im glad we are playing the Yankees instead of the A's...Oakland pitching scare me
  11. dh86

    NFL Week 3

    Go Lions!!!
  12. dh86

    This Week in College Football 9/21 - 9/23

    pisses me off how West Virginia is ranked so high given their cupcake schedule and I really dont think they could beat another top 10 team...maybe Louisville
  13. anybody else peep HHH eyeing the belt then eyeing Cena? (edit) I guess so lol
  14. dh86

    NFL Week 2

    being a Detroit Lions fan is the most stressful thing to be in sports http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_K9oVQoB5w fuck Roy Williams...cant wait to boo that guy next week
  15. the new heel Vickie looks ever so slightly better than face Vickie
  16. I think it looks pretty cool. I wonder if Ford is a sponsor or if the logo is on there just because its at Ford Field. Getting Ford to sponsor WM would be a pretty big coup for Vince (although I guess with it being at Ford Field it wouldn't be that hard to imagine). im sure its both...Ford and the City of Detroit campagined hard to get a Wrestlemania here
  17. dh86

    Cryme Time... Opinions???

    This is the stupidest post I've read in awhile and don't even want to waste my energy getting into a debate with you, because you clearly are ignorant. The fact that you think this gimmick is just as bad as Booker T and Stevie Ray dressing up as slaves in chains and having an old Southern white guy as their manger further proves my point. You are looking into the gimmick way to much. I guess you need to read up on American history to get where I was going with the "remnants of slavery" part...maybe i'll break that part down in another post...cryme tyme brought back memories of amos n andy, minstrel shows and the like...but being that you are in Canada...maybe you just see things from a different perspective than I do...and I recall that original Harlem Heat idea being SCRAPPED before hitting the air......so its kinda irrelevant to the matter....hopefully cryme tyme is scrapped quickly so that is forgotten as well
  18. dh86

    Cryme Time... Opinions???

    Dont be stupid...i'll assume by "hip hop crowd" you mean young blacks and I seriously doubt WWE playing up the worst stereotype for a black male for chuckles will bring in any fan...I honestly dont see the hilarity of 2 buff black guys seemingly uneducated beating a clerk to a persumably bloody pulp....to me its worse than eddie stealing jewelry while chavo stole a baby bottle...sure theres room for some stereotypical characters like mohammed hassan...he had redeeming qualities as in the social commentary that worked into his character...but theres a line I dont feel should be crossed and cryme tyme crip walked (im sure they'll do that dance soon enough) on that line for me Why would I mean young blacks? Alot of people from different races listen to Hip Hop, incase you didn't know. I suppose this is much worse then Booker T and Stevie Ray in their slave gimmick with an old white Southern man as the manger right? Get real. That's real racism and sterotype, that isn't. Believe it or not, their are black males who do act like this in bad areas of the States, and they are really making a gimmick out of it to help debut wrestlers. Like I said they have done this in the past in other organization, but it's because it's in the WWE, all of the sudden it's wrong. Harlem Heat could be consider sterotypical tag team aswell, but they ended up being one of the best and most over tag teams in the 90's. the hiphop crowd just happens to be the demographic WWE dominates in already...white males 18-34...so if you meant them then its a moot point...and this isnt "much worse" than the slavery angle but it is just as bad in my eyes...one represents the slavery that lasted 400 years and one represents the remnants of slavery that has plagued us ever since and will for as long as people have different color skin....of course theres black males that rob banks and beat up clerks...that doesnt mean that light has to be made of the terrible stigma associated with young blacks...and while u are on the reality binge...why then arent there a rob feinstein character stalking dominic mysterio? or JBL in a KKK hood? or Alex Wright rocking the swastika proclaiming aryan supremacy?...those characters doesnt exist because they cross the line...yes they represent certain real people and their thoughts but entire groups of people shouldnt be alienated for a cheap pop
  19. dh86

    Bound For Glory Tickets on sale now

    TNA can kiss my ass...I was ready to get the tickets and make the 30 mile drive to Plymouth....but Jarrett-Sting??...i'll just use that money to get better Wrestlemania tix
  20. dh86

    Carlito Unhappy With Push

    I would say carlito needs a re-heel turn but given that cena is over 50/50 that hes going back to smackdown...they need to add some edge to carlito's face character
  21. dh86

    Cryme Time... Opinions???

    Dont be stupid...i'll assume by "hip hop crowd" you mean young blacks and I seriously doubt WWE playing up the worst stereotype for a black male for chuckles will bring in any fan...I honestly dont see the hilarity of 2 buff black guys seemingly uneducated beating a clerk to a persumably bloody pulp....to me its worse than eddie stealing jewelry while chavo stole a baby bottle...sure theres room for some stereotypical characters like mohammed hassan...he had redeeming qualities as in the social commentary that worked into his character...but theres a line I dont feel should be crossed and cryme tyme crip walked (im sure they'll do that dance soon enough) on that line for me
  22. You can't be serious. I am black and I was offended by that whole promo. It was racist and very stupid!! I agree with kizzo..it would turn away black viewers if anything No. It wouldn't and there is precedent from the WWE market that they wouldn't turn off those viewers. Let's go back to the aforementioned "Lie, Cheat, Steal" angle with Eddie and Chavo. It was done with the same purpose as CrymeTyme. A parody of a popular stereotype. What followed was an MASSIVE ratings ballon with the hispanic demographic being far and away the top demo for Smackdown. The show revolved around the comedy of two latinos playing up a stereotype that most hispanics connect with. They GOT that it was a parody and they got with Eddie because he used it to his advantage to succeed. Does that mean CrymeTyme will register? Who knows if these two guys have the charisma that Eddie does to connect but to make an horrible statement like that is completely false just on factual basis alone. There IS a market for this stuff and it SELLS in a big fucking way. the "massive" balloon start with the eddie and chavo skits or when eddie won the title? but whatever..I found the lie,cheat and steal thing racist as well but taking the worst stereotype attributed to black males and playing it off for humor is repulsive and it takes the cake...this is along the same lines as saba simba, race wars '98, mama benjamin, etc and these racistl angles is part of the reason numbers are down across the board...theres many more reasons but wwe sure as hell arent gaining fans and mocking an entire race isnt going to help either
  23. You can't be serious. I am black and I was offended by that whole promo. It was racist and very stupid!! I agree with kizzo..it would turn away black viewers if anything