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Everything posted by dh86

  1. dh86

    Super Bowl XL

  2. dh86

    Super Bowl XL

    Yes, there were some horrible calls in that game....but the fact is that, after all these bad calls, Seattle was only down 14-10 at the start of the 4th quarter and had a whole 15 minutes to score just once to take the lead, but they played like shit and got nothing. Seattle lost that game, no one else lost it for them. I don't disagree with you, but the phantom hold that took back a play that would have got the ball at the Pittsburgh 2 happened in the 4th quarter if I remember correctly. Hasselbeck promptly threw a pick a couple of plays later on 3rd and long. If Seattle scores and goes up 17-14, or even kicks a field goal it's a one possession game. In any case, Seattle didn't deserve to win, but then again neither did Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh deserved to win because they successfully made the big plays that win football games. They showed more character. Seattle had some bad breaks (although overexaggerated by some here) but if they made the two field goals, caught passes in bounds, didn't drop passes, managed the clock better and had better play calling, they could've won too. They didn't. Pittsburgh didn't let opportunities escape them despite a sub par performance overall. its hard to let opportunities escape when u are handed a 21 pt swing and ya opponent had 161 yards taking away in penalties and callbacks
  3. dh86

    Super Bowl XL

    bad refs make bad calls going against BOTH teams....last night i saw bad calls against 1...
  4. dh86

    Super Bowl XL

    and the people saying that Seattle shoulda shrugged it off and won anyway.....this is the fucking Super Bowl...teams execute on big plays only so many times a game...if u take away 14 points and give the Steelers 7 pts...u cant overcome a 21 pt swing in any game...especially the championship game
  5. dh86

    Super Bowl XL

    Doesn't fucking matter what's fair when there's more banners in the rafters. How many times have the Pistons been to the finals? 1/4 of as many as the Lakers? I didn't look. hahahahaha defensive eh?...stop the Pistons jealousy and get back to how Seattle was robbed Using the refs as an excuse is just a total copout. I didn't mention once that USC was robbed by the refs in their game, even though there were clearly some calls that weren't exactly fair. When there are bad calls in the first half, they still have the whole fucking game to score. It's not an excuse. Regarding the Pistons, I have nothing to be jealous about. We've got 3 in 6 years, you guys have one. No big deal. if u have nothing to be jealous about then be happy...just know all the guys from ya past glory are now gray and old..besides kobe....so enjoy ya team..USC wasnt robbed..thats y u didnt complain...blaming the refs isnt an excuse if its consistently poor calls in 1 game all against 1 team...sports is built on fair competition...and at their discretion..refs can make or break a game
  6. dh86

    Super Bowl XL

    refs shoulda just had them run the 4th down play then
  7. dh86

    Super Bowl XL

    Doesn't fucking matter what's fair when there's more banners in the rafters. How many times have the Pistons been to the finals? 1/4 of as many as the Lakers? I didn't look. hahahahaha defensive eh?...stop the Pistons jealousy and get back to how Seattle was robbed
  8. dh86

    Super Bowl XL

    fuck you So the Lions don't suck? Oh, I see your sig, the Pistons are the ones that don't suck. They are only the team that lost to the Spurs in the finals. (looks at standings...looks at Pistons squashing the Spurs twice in last 2 months)...aight just see whos there in June
  9. dh86

    Super Bowl XL

    that game was absolutely the worst ive ever seen...the Ben TD...DJ TD...Stevens getting down to the 1...thats a 21 point swing in an 11 pt game..sure Seattle coulda sucked it up and overcame it..but why?..refs need to start getting fired for games like this....I dont like either team...but fair is fair...this reminds me of Laker games when they had Shaq
  10. dh86

    Super Bowl XL

    fuck you
  11. dh86

    Super Bowl XL

    ima never watch the NFL again if it stay a fumble...NBA isnt even this obvious
  12. dh86

    Super Bowl XL

    wow...@that holding call
  13. dh86

    Super Bowl XL

    exactly...but its a new half..if seattle dont come through...its all on them
  14. dh86

    Super Bowl XL

    absolute bullshit..I swear this game is fixed...or something
  15. dh86

    Super Bowl XL

    THey want THE WHITE MAN TO Wi----aw shit won't work huh?
  16. dh86

    Super Bowl XL

    every big play seattle make..wait for a flag...I wonder who NFL wants to win...
  17. dh86

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    Terrell Davis-in like 50 years Jamal Anderson-no Randall Cunningham-in a few years maybe Eric Allen-no Carnell Lake-no Bruce Matthews-yes Ricky Watters-no Tony Boselli-no
  18. dh86

    Ray Nagin, Super Genius

    Whoa whoa whoa... Kwame ain't no Uncle Tom. Kwame's just a hooker-killing, money-embezzling, no-nothing fuck. Get it right. lol...I got at that in the 2nd post too...the way Kwame sells out the people that put their trust in him makes him an uncle tom...and of course all the other things makes him the piece of shit he is as well..I voted for Hendrix...guess he was too "white"
  19. dh86

    Sharon suffers second stroke

    what goes around comes around
  20. dh86

    Ray Nagin, Super Genius

    It's quite easy to compare black supremacy and white supremacy and come to the conclusion that they are basically from the same egg as both are death on the ears. However, if you analyze, you shall see there are vast differences that make black supremacy more palatiable to mainstream America. First of all; black leaders cater to downtrodden, poor, uneducated, and oft times lazy blacks, easy pickings for their rhetoric. The black rhetoric your average black supremacist uses his akin to giving a mentally handicapped child a gold star, a lollipop, and saying "good job" for sitting there and shitting their diaper all day. I think it's harmless to yell platitudes and slogans to rally people who are most often to lazy, ignorant, and distracted to take up the call anyways. Thus, black supremacy is annoying, yet harmless. It's easy to overlook media whores such as Jackson and Sharpton who are in bed with "da eeeevil~! white man's" money anyways. Plus, we have heroic figures such as MLK and to a lesser extent Malcolm X on our side. Most white supremacists expouse the values of Hitler, call for the killing of Jews, Niggers, Spics, etc, hold some pretty crazy conspiracy theories that would even make Kanye West blush, and march around in chic though politically incorrect Nazi regelia. If white supremacy has any values worth noting, they are overshadowed by the Jerry Springer circus it has become. I was about to rip u apart..but I actually agree somewhat.......although a main difference is that black supremacists just use the stage to give the poor false hope in turn of making money while fuels many black's inferiority complex...while black supremacy is more palatible to mainstream america...its because whites are in the position of power..as long as whites stay in their position...black supremacy isnt a threat...if the whites in power all of a sudden take on white supremacy..u better believe blacks like myself are fucked..once upon a time Detroit had 2 million people and a vibrant economy and was the place to be in america...when the race riots happened in 1967 and black supremacy took over...the whites picked up and moved north...black supremacists swooped in with the idea that "we dont no no white people here" they elected Coleman Young in the 70s...sure the city got poorer and poorer but "one of our own" was in office...he did what many blacks wanted to do..tell the white man to fuck off...rational people knew that Coleman was robbing the city blind and going into business for himself....Coleman pointed the finger at the white man and that became a trend white he was mayor 20 years as Detroit turned into a virtual ghostown...archer was next to get into office...he tried to lure white businesses and revitalize Detroit...even bringing this years super bowl...but with the decades of brainwashing...no matter the balanced budget and improving society..detroiters turned up their nose to the "acceptable negro"...currently Detroit has Kwame Kilpatrick as mayor...as may he created a 300 mil debt in 5 years..many scandals..robbing the city blind so much that the state may take it over soon....but he stays in office because he speaks "our language", he "acts like us" in other words...hes a "real nigga".... in 2006, Detroit population more than cut in half, tens of thousands are leaving every year and the economy is in the pits, while Oakland County..where many of the whites moved is probably the richest county in america with a great economy...within a couple years im moving from Detroit too...anyone who questions the position of power can just look north and south of 8 mile road......
  21. dh86

    Ray Nagin, Super Genius

    Nagin is an uncle tom piece of shit thats trying to get on blacks good side,...kinda like the mayor here
  22. kinda hard to find a guy thats been dead nearly 5 years...
  23. dh86

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    McNabb played himself..he was better off keeping quiet and let Owens run his mouth all he wants. Donovan was looking like the bigger man...he was stupid for bringing up the race card...the race card is a serious thing to deal with..not in trivial shit like this situation
  24. dh86

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    just stfu
  25. dh86

    Segments that made you go WTF??

    LOD 2005 as a whole