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Everything posted by Boxer

  1. Boxer

    OAO TNA: Hard Justice PPV Thread

    So how was the media attention in your area? My local paper ran a little blurb about Pacman in TNA. It didn't name the pay per view, just said he got attacked backstage and was held back by the "police". I'm surprised it actually made my local sports section. The only Wrestling I can remember in my sports section was Benoit and that's pretty much about it.
  2. Boxer

    Monday Night Wars DVD

    So after re-watching this disc, which match do you think was better? Match #1: Owen/Bulldog vs. Austin/HBK or Match #2: Austin/HHH vs. Jericho/Benoit Both seem to have simliar vibes to their matchs with the faces actually winning the straps. I didn't think either team would win the matches let alone the titles. The formulas were the same and the crowd was HOT for both matches. Both were from Raw, but as time goes by, I'm gonna say the Austin/HBK vs. Owen/Bulldog was the better match. I just loved how they booked the match and back then, tag partners who hated each other hadn't been worn out yet like it is today.
  3. Boxer

    OaO Monday Night Raw Thread - 08/13/07

    What's MSG's feelings on Cena these days? Could that be Big Pop #6 a.k.a. Heel Heat #1?
  4. Boxer

    The memorial list

    2002, 2003, and 2007 seem to be really bad years for deaths. I am shocked that 2002 and 2003 had so many, as I thought 2003 was really the only bad year until this year.
  5. Boxer

    Brian "Crush" Adams found dead

    Appropriate headline there for the story on TMZ, "WWE wrestler taps out..... for good".
  6. Not to put together any puzzle or anything, but was Crush close to Benoit somehow at all? It seems the more recent deaths, Wellington and Sherri were related to him, so I'm wondering about that here.
  7. Boxer

    The What If Topic...

    What if the WWF booked the Intercontinental Championship properly? I believe after Ahmed Johnson dropped the title due to injury it was never the same again. Razor, Goldust, and Ahmed were the last 3 real champions of that era.
  8. Boxer

    Brian "Crush" Adams found dead

    Hmmm.... this ain't gonna be good for the WWE. From pwinsider: A little blurb from a retrospective on Crush on their website.
  9. And Sherri and Biff Wellington. And what's wrong with Marc Mero? The guy brings up valid points and I'm behind him all the way. The industry does need a real change. Valid yes, but some are saying, and I agree to a certain extent, that he's pushing his own agenda. It doesn't matter what his agenda is as long as it helps focus attention on the problems in wrestling and keeps the pressure on those within the industry to do more to clean up their act. That I can agree with.
  10. And Sherri and Biff Wellington. And what's wrong with Marc Mero? The guy brings up valid points and I'm behind him all the way. The industry does need a real change. Valid yes, but some are saying, and I agree to a certain extent, that he's pushing his own agenda.
  11. Boxer

    Brian "Crush" Adams found dead

    Since some people didn't believe some of the names on Mero's list, after fact checking this one, YES, Mero did step in the ring with Crush. Survivor Series 1996, Crush elimnated Mero from his team.
  12. Boxer

    Brian "Crush" Adams found dead

    Well geez, another one. I wonder if the WWE will do anything for him, because he did play a small part of the mid 90's for the company. It was small enough that most fans should remember him. I wonder what the cause of this one will be. Savage must be taking this one hard, first Liz, now Crush.
  13. So if John Kronus, who didn't work for the WWE die and got no attention, will Crush then? I guess they do always come in 3's, this round being, Benoit, Kronus, Crush. I hope they are not clumped in together because one worked for WCW, one for ECW, and one for WWF in the mid 90s, and they were never in the same locker room together. I hope Marc Mero, doesn't speak up on this one too.
  14. Boxer

    Monday Night Wars DVD

    So does anyone really know why Goldberg, Rock, HHH, Austin, Nash, Hogan, etc..... weren't on the DVD? I mean man, why didn't they get the REAL PLAYERS of the Monday Night War?
  15. Boxer

    OaO Monday Night Raw Thread - 08/13/07

    I wish the WWE could be a little more creative with Hunter's return. Why not make him run out wearing a wrestling mask only to reveal himself after saving King. Something a little different could work.
  16. Boxer

    The What If Topic...

    It's amazing how much the roster has changed in two months. Benoit - Dead Booker - Raw Henry - Still There Kane - Um.... who IS he feuding with now? Finlay - Still there Kennedy - Raw Man, does Smackdown need Undertaker.
  17. Boxer

    OaO Monday Night Raw Thread - 08/13/07

    Before starting at 7PM. Anyone think the Umaga turn was a one night only thing and he turns back? Also, I wouldn't mind seeing Santino get his ass kicked by Umaga tonight.
  18. Boxer

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    Failed the wellness program? Well, there you have it, finally all three former La Resistance members are now gone from the WWE all within 8 months.
  19. Boxer

    Britney Spears' SISTER is pregnant

    What I saw the title of this thread, this immediate popped into my mind: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLiA9AInlZY
  20. Boxer

    Monday Night Wars DVD

    After re-watching this DVD, there's something that bugs me here. So the WWF is all worried that Bret could take the WWF title to WCW and crap on it, so Montreal happened. Before Montreal there was Alundra Blyaze throwing the women's title in the garbage. Granted this is a DVD about the period of the Monday Night Wars, but I wish, I WISH, they included footage of Flair bringing the NWA/WCW world title to WWF TV. Although they didn't throw it in the garbage, they did kinda bury it by having Piper spit on the belt on an interview segment in late 91 or early 92. I just find horrible irony there on the WWE's part, and basically, they started this whole thing with bringing rival belts on to TV. Basically the WWE did what they feared WCW would do to them? I call that pot, kettle, black. Anyone agree?
  21. Boxer

    The What If Topic...

    What if The Rock never left for Hollywood? Would his act be tired and stale by 2004-05? Or would he find ways to repackage himself and make himself fresh again? I really have no idea where we would fit in if he didn't leave. A long feud with Brock chasing the belt? Feuding with Orton/Batista/Cena? The Rock vs. HBK? Who really knows what could've happened here.
  22. Boxer

    8/9/2007 Impact Thread

    There was an actual side of me that thought they could pull in a 1.5 to 1.8 rating. I guess Pacman doesn't sell. Maybe they should bring in Mike Tyson, Barry Bonds, or some other main stream athlete. Maybe Russo can bring in Jose Canseco and he can cut a SHOOT interview naming names on steroids. If Jose could call out A-Rod on Impact I'm sure that could get RATINGS~~~!!!
  23. Boxer

    Going to a house show next week

    Assuming the show was on Friday, how was it? Was it that crappy you didn't post a live report?
  24. Boxer

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    I'm in the same boat as you only following Smackdown pretty much through reading spoilers and write ups in the Observer, but it seems to me as though this storyline has been going on forever. Exactly my thoughts, I basically lost track of the storyline, but only because it's on WWE.com that I rememberd about this.
  25. I see, the mind was definately blurred around that time for me.