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Everything posted by Wrestlefreak

  1. Wrestlefreak

    Your dream WWE

    Agreed! I also enjoy SD a whole lot more than RAW. However people dont seem to think like me and without main eventers the ratings are bad and Im thinking its threatening the show. The best would be if both RAW and SD were on about the same level. Competition wise I mean. I also think SD is the better show. The best way to put both shows on the same level is to make Smackdown a live show. PPV-wise, Judgement Day was better than Backlash. That shows you SD can deliver.
  2. Wrestlefreak

    The Smackdown thread for June 2, 2006.

    The promo was good, but their match will be crap because Lawler is an awful wrestler. As for the rest of last night's SD, Rey/Angle was the only good match(I know Finlay had a match, but it was a squash). Mizanin was SO annoying(a wrestling show doesn't need a presenter, anyway) Regal, Finlay and Booker is a good combo, IMO. I REALLY hope Mizanin isn't a permanent fixture. The return of Mr Kennedy should make next week's show good.
  3. Wrestlefreak

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    Lashley sucks. ECW is overrated. WCW is underrated. WWE divas are crap wrestlers. MMA and wrestling should not be compared to each other. Differences between them out-weigh their similarities. Undertaker is underrated. RVD is still good in the ring. WWE needs more factions(even though the spirit squad gimmick sucks!)
  4. Wrestlefreak

    OAO Raw Thread - May/29th/06.

    I've been going through scenarios in my head as to where this could lead, and come up with the conclusion that Kane might put his mask back on(even though that would be a step back for his character, IMO). Oh yeah, and the head tilt was great!
  5. Wrestlefreak

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    Agreed. AAE is the real star of the package! Umaga sucks!
  6. Wrestlefreak

    What the Fuck happened to RVD's heat?

    Exactly. This whole ECW thing is messed up and RVD's paying the price in terms of lost heat. He's not getting booed because the fans are bored by him.
  7. Wrestlefreak

    OAO Raw Thread - May/29th/06.

    They should have put Nitro over, IMO. Yet another McMahon ego-fest next weak. One more example of how Vince really has lost touch with wrestling. This whole Kane Angle became pointless after his film came out. Angle in ECW is so dumb, IMO.
  8. Wrestlefreak

    Who will be the new GM on RAW?

    He was a really good "authority figure", IMO. WWE only had him intervene once in a while to do something serious and it always felt alot more "official" when he made a decision.
  9. Wrestlefreak

    WWE Pay-Per-View Price Increasing

    I think its just for US buys. Here in the UK, its currently £14.95(for the ones that are on Sky Box Office, free on Sky Sports).
  10. Wrestlefreak

    Orlando Jordan released

    It clearly doesn't take much to get fired by WWE! They just lost good talent.
  11. Wrestlefreak

    OAO Smackdown Thread. 5/25-26 Thread.

    An OK SD. Luckily, we were spared from Khali.
  12. Wrestlefreak

    Is it time to End The Split

    I'm not talking about each brand's PPVs, I'm talking about the PPVs overall. If you look at it like that, WWE's entire PPV output works out to 1 every 3 weeks. Way too much, IMO.
  13. Wrestlefreak

    Is it time to End The Split

    I've always hated the brand split. Not only does it mean that WWE is limited in the feuds and angles they can create(I know we've had cross-brand feuds before, but they're rare), it also means we now have a PPV every 3 weeks, which waters-down there value as well. So, in conclusion, not only should they end the brand split, but they should also go back to 12 PPV's(1 a month, with at least 4 weeks build-up for each). IMO, that would help towards making a better WWE product.
  14. Wrestlefreak

    OAO 5/22/06 Raw Thread in SIN CITY

    An OK Raw. I like the slow-burner build up to this DX thing. The ECW angle is still not exciting me. Snitsky's line was gold!!!
  15. Wrestlefreak

    Official Judgement Day Thread

    Surprisingly, Judgement Day was overall a good show. As expected, Finlay/Benoit was great. Booker/Lashley was solid. Good tag match. Even JBL/Rey was OK. The only bad point was Khali/Taker(no big shock). I guess we're all just going to have to accept Khali is here to stay. As much as I hate Khali, I have to say, I respect Taker's willingness to put him over.
  16. Wrestlefreak

    Another reference to the Reformation of DX

    I just saw the DX promo on Youtube. Well put together, but not exciting.
  17. Wrestlefreak

    Possible SMACKDOWN Spoiler results !!

    Exactly. Like I've said before, hopefully Khali will be gone after Judgement Day.
  18. Wrestlefreak

    Possible SMACKDOWN Spoiler results !!

    Yeah sure. I'll just give you what they used yesterday on SD. Allah(The One God) is great There is no God but Allah Come to prayer Come to good work That clearly has nothing to do with wrestling.
  19. Wrestlefreak

    Possible SMACKDOWN Spoiler results !!

    What the hell was the point of putting the islamic call to prayer on the Khali/Taker video package. I'm a muslim so I understand what the words mean, and I can tell you right now the only affect of having it in there is to offend. Honestly, I know we say this alot on these boards, but WWE really is messed up.
  20. Wrestlefreak

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    I think it would be kinda cool if Stevie Ray came out of retirement to have a short feud with Booker t.
  21. Wrestlefreak

    ECW gets a normal time slot

    If the Sci-fi channel is the only place WWE can find to air ECW, then it'd be better off as a webcast on WWE.com(instead of a speciality channel which doesn't suit wrestling.) There is still a chance it could end up on USA, but either way it won't affect the UK.
  22. Wrestlefreak

    Official Judgement Day Thread

    Looking foward to Benoit/Finlay. I hope we get a clean finish this time. Booker/Lashley should also be good. Feel sorry for UT, who won't even be able to carry dumbass Khali to a mediocre match. Don't know what to say about Rey/JBL. The whole thing's a mess, and I think Rey's title run should end ASAP.
  23. Wrestlefreak

    Why Do People Think We're Not Cool

    I agree that part of why wrestling is not accepted by the mainstream is because most people(who don't watch it) can't get past the fact that it's predetermined. However, I also think that people looking in from the outside can't even respect wrestling as an entertainment medium, largely due to WWE who, most of the time, don't give their own fans a respectable product.
  24. Wrestlefreak

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    This Raw was OK. Vince's OTT acting was cool, especially him crying over Shane at the end. Should be interesting to see how they build up the DX reunion in the coming weeks.
  25. Wrestlefreak

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    John Cena's film, The Marine, probably won't be any good either.