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Everything posted by Wrestlefreak

  1. Wrestlefreak

    OAO Friday Night Smackdown! Thread

    Rey/Khali was pointless. Rey's lost his credability instead of at least being seen to put up a decent fight, and Khali hasn't gained any respect(at least from me) for the total squash. He's still just a side show to me, and hopefully he'll be gone after Judgement Day. In regards to the Gymini, when the hell are they gonna put them in an angle. IMO, squash matches are the worst way to push a team(beating a couple of no-names never raises anyones profile), so obviously the best way to push them is to create a feud with MNM. Either that or release them, which is most likely what will happen soon anyway.
  2. Wrestlefreak

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I LOVE the idea of WWE 24/7. I really hope we get it in the UK soon, even though that seems unlikely.
  3. Wrestlefreak

    Batista and Booker T get into a fight?

    This was a shoot IMO, but could be turned into a storyline later on. Storylines based on shoots usually work really well.
  4. Wrestlefreak

    WON News and Notes, 8/5

    I think that's exactly what will happen to this whole ECW rebirth thing.
  5. Wrestlefreak

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    Last night's Raw was a poorly executed show. The opening segment could have been better, and the whole show in general just seemed disjointed. Foley's heel turn was sloppy and God knows where the WWE is going with it. One thing that was good was the Kane/Big Show interaction. Aside from this whole May 19 thing, I really think these two work well together. I also liked the idea of two big men having a mat based, technical match instead of the usual power vs power thing.
  6. Wrestlefreak

    Better Angle: NWO or Austin/McMahan

    Definitely the NWO. Although the angle eventually got stale, during it's peak not even Austin/McMahon could match it. Alot of people think NWO went downhill way before the introduction of the Wolfpac, but I actually liked the idea of the NWO fueding within itself. IMO, it is only after WCW pushed this fued(NWO Hollywood Vs NWO Wolfpac) too long that the whole thing got stale for me.
  7. This is so stupid! Finlay's one of the few good things about WWE these days, and they wanna ruin his good run just for a dumb gimmick! Message to WWE creative: We know he's Irish, get over it!!
  8. Wrestlefreak

    Smackdown Spoilers for the 5/5 Airing

    Benoit/Finlay was great. A good technical showcase of both men's skills, along with that rough style, really worked well. Henry's third straight win over rey was crazy(but fun to see him get owned again!). Khali destroying the cruiserwieghts was dumb(it could've been a good match). Khali/Rey next week is gonna be awful!
  9. Wrestlefreak

    Another reference to the Reformation of DX

    Because they're an established group in wrestling history and people love a good trip down memory lane. If they do reform however, I guarantee the whole thing will feel like a watered-down version of their glory days.
  10. Wrestlefreak

    Admin: Why do you own the site?

    Have you guys in Admin ever thought about putting up a forum history section about how this site got started? I think it would be interesting to read about how it's evolved over the years. It would also be great to post old threads of when WCW and the original ECW where still around, just to see the kind of topics people were discussing.
  11. Wrestlefreak

    The OAO "Who's Actually Excited" thread

    You think Umage adds to the good direction WWE is going? I like his manager(I love that whole Cuban cool, cigar smoking thing!), but the Umaga character is just a Headshrinkers ripoff. At least the Headshrinkers were believeable!
  12. Wrestlefreak

    The OAO Raw Thread 5/1/06

    It doesn't seem like they're planning to bring in a new Raw GM anytime soon. Then again, it probably won't help WWE's current problems. Once in a while, I do miss Bischoff though. I actually liked Styles semi-shoot last night, though he should've broke Kayfabe a little more.
  13. Wrestlefreak

    WCW's greatest matches DVD...

    I got the idea for this topic from the thread "What DVDs would you like to see the WWE release?". I suggested a WCW DVD focusing on the matches, given that the rise/fall of WCW was pretty much covered on the "Monday night wars" Dvd(that DVD only had 2 matches from Nitro and 2 from RAW!). So, as the title indicates, what matches would you guys love to see if this DVD was ever released. Please list your matches first(along with dates if possible) and then your extras. Keep in mind that the extras should relate to the matches you've chosen. It'll be interesting to see which matches come up the most often. Thank you.
  14. Wrestlefreak

    How far is too far?

  15. Wrestlefreak

    The WWE Backlash '06 Thread...

    This PPV was OK. Not as bad as it could've been. I also watched it for free on Sky Sports 1. Carlito/Masters and RVD/Shelton, along with the 2 main events made it watchable.
  16. Wrestlefreak

    OAO Smackdown Thread

    I was at the show, and when Mark Henry came out during the Rey/Angle match , I was thinking "what the hell is the point of this". The finish of that match really was pointless. If this is the only way they can think of to push Henry, then why the hell is he even on the roster?!
  17. Wrestlefreak

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

  18. Wrestlefreak

    Details On WrestleMania 22 3-Disc DVD Set

    You think WM21 was better?! Granted, WM21 had some great matches(Angle/HBK, UT/Orton) but as an overall card, you've got to agree WM22 was better.
  19. Wrestlefreak

    OAO Raw From England Thread

    I had the chance to go to either the Raw or Smackdown tapings in London and I'm glad I chose SD. Watching Raw this morning, I thought SD was the better show. P.S. A couple of weeks ago, I said on these forums that the London shows on the WWE's European tour were just gonna be house shows. I was wrong. However, right up until the days of both shows, WWE still listed them as "Wrestlemania Revenge" shows(house shows) on their website. Until I found out from Wrestleview.com, I had no idea the shows would be Raw and SD tapings.
  20. Wrestlefreak

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    Agreed, and it probably won't end at Backlash.
  21. Wrestlefreak

    Thoughts on the new WWE talent

    Agreed. I also think they should have given him a follow up match this week on SD. If they're really serious about pushing this guy(which they may not be), they're obviously gonna have to give him regular ring-tme.
  22. Wrestlefreak

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 4/14/06

    Exactly. They shouldn't have made him speak, it made him look stupid. At least if he kept quiet, he could just stand there and look evil.
  23. Wrestlefreak

    WWE match of the year so far?

    Angle/UT at NWO. IMO, this match was not topped by any WM22 match and there's a good chance it will remain MOTY.
  24. Wrestlefreak

    To Honor Bret being screwed in 1997

    Survivor Series 2007 coming from Montreal just proves that unless Vince decides to retire or dies, WWE will NEVER get over the screwjob. It settles the argument once and for all about which side can't let go, Vince or Bret. The answer is, without a shadow of a doubt, Vince. Anyone who still disagrees is gonna have a hell of a time disputing that.
  25. Wrestlefreak

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    You read my mind. Up until now, Smackdown had been a relatively diva-free zone. Hopefully, the whole thing will be over quickly!