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Everything posted by Wrestlefreak

  1. Wrestlefreak

    WWE Wrestler Salaries

    Totally agree about Murdoch! Maria, however, is a different story. The divas should not even be on the roster, let alone getting paid!
  2. Wrestlefreak

    WWE signs Shannon Moore

  3. Wrestlefreak

    Old Monday Night Raw Tapes

    Speaking of old tapes, I'm looking for WCW Nitro tapes from 96-98. I already tried Ebay. Can anybody help?
  4. Wrestlefreak

    Early Raw Preview

    Does anyone else have no idea who Verne Gagne is?!
  5. Wrestlefreak

    Fans respecting wrestlers in the WWE

    The respect for Taker stems from a well executed gimmick, his longevity and his good workrate. I really don't now where this taker hate comes from. He clearly still has the ability to work great matches E.G with Kurt Angle and is overall still a great performer.
  6. Wrestlefreak

    Time for Flair to Retire?

  7. Wrestlefreak

    Carlito Getting Into The MITB match?

    If Flair does keep his place in the match. I think he'll drag the whole thing down. Don't get me wrong, he's a great worker, but MITB is a very physical, fast-paced match and somewhat of a spotfest. I just don't think Flair will be able to keep up. Prove me wrong Flair! I REALLY hope Carlito replaces him though!
  8. Wrestlefreak

    Will the KOTR ever return?

    KOTR was more high profile than the majority of the WWE PPVs they do now. They should not have stopped it just because of a bad buyrate. Bring back KOTR.
  9. Wrestlefreak

    Question regarding Hitman Hart: Wrestling With Shadows

    Hartfan86, which website did you get your avatar from?
  10. Wrestlefreak

    Dicks Worn Out...

    Holly's one of the few midcarders-4-life I actually like. As for the Dicks, given how badly they were being used it was just a matter of time. All I can say to the rest of them is tick-tock tick-tock!
  11. Wrestlefreak

    Can the WWE win back the casual fan?

    Agreed. But common sense is not common in WWE! The problem with casual fans(no offense to the poster of this topic, and welcome to TSM) is that they are less interested in watching matches and more in promos, backstage skits, angles and the characters etc. The thing is, those aspects of wrestling are meant to lead to, or in some way affect, the end goal which is... the matches! It is wrestling after all. As a smark myself, I do still enjoy the non wrestling aspects of the industry. But in my opinion, more time should be given to wrestlers to allow them to work better matches.
  12. Wrestlefreak

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    Hell, why not put the belt on Barry Horowitz? People still remember Horowitz?!
  13. Wrestlefreak

    OAO No Way Out Thread, Feb/19th/2006

    What a main event! I agree with the poster who said it was the best match of the year so far. Rey/Orton was expected. I'm glad they chose Tatanka for the Hardy match(he's better than Animal). Cruserweight match was ok. Beniot/Booker was good. Overall, A solid PPV
  14. From WWE to TNA to this? How sad! I liked him.
  15. Wrestlefreak

    Foley is Blog

    Even weirder considering Foley kind of started it by what he said about Flair in "Have a Nice Day". IMO, Foley's comments about other wrestlers are never vindictive, he's just having a laugh. Flair though clearly meant his to be rude.
  16. Wrestlefreak

    OAO No Way Out Thread, Feb/19th/2006

    how come hardy has a tag title shot all of a sudden? It was set up on Smackdown. Melina gave one of those open invitations the other week, and Hardy challenged them with a partner to be ann............you know the rest. Nice to see Matt being used to his full potential!
  17. Wrestlefreak

    ECW One Night Stand II-It's Official

    How long can they milk this ECW nostalgia? This one's gonna be mediocre!
  18. Wrestlefreak

    Wrestlers better then Finlay right now

    I'm also a Finlay fan. Oh yeah and Booker cracks me up! I thought he was gonna have a heart attack!!!
  19. Wrestlefreak

    OAO No Way Out Thread, Feb/19th/2006

    They just don't know how the hell to use the cruiserweights properly! The setup is always awful. Having said that, the matches are ok I guess.
  20. Wrestlefreak

    Foley is Blog

    I love the way Mick randomly brings Al Snow into it!
  21. Wrestlefreak

    Why does WWE continue to put on womens matches?

    You're joking, right?
  22. Wrestlefreak

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Which WCW tag team do you guys think would've been cool to see in WWE? I think David Flair/Crowbar. I loved their gimmick!