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Everything posted by Wrestlefreak

  1. Wrestlefreak

    OAO Royal Rumble Thread Jan/29th/06

    I think WWE should change the way it hypes up the Rumble match. For them to try and make us believe that mid-carders like Bob Holly have any chance of winning is just stupid!
  2. Wrestlefreak

    Triple H promo on Rey Mysterio

    With all due respect to anyone who posts in this thread, I believe that Eddie's loss has truly affected Mysterio. So to say that his continued dedication of his matches to Eddie is anything other than genuine would be a misjudgement. Having said that, I do think the Triple H promo was respectful.
  3. Wrestlefreak

    Vince McMahon's onscreen character

    I, like many of you, can't see where this Vince thing is going. However, the promo itself was intriging.
  4. Wrestlefreak

    OAO RAW Thread - Jan/23rd/06

    Most of them are from OVW and one guy was a tough enough loser.
  5. Wrestlefreak

    Be the Booker!

    On this thread you get the chance to book upcoming WWE PPVs. This month it'll be No Way Out(since the card for the Royal Rumble is half way done, I thought we might as well start with NWO). We have already found out that UT/Angle is likely to be the main event, so when you list your matches for the card, everyone must put that as there main event. As well as listing the matches, you must also give a brief synopsis of the angle you would use to set up the match along with your desired finish. Happy booking! P.S. Try to make sure the mid-card is done well, as is often not the case in WWE!
  6. Wrestlefreak

    Be the Booker!

    I looked for another thread like this but I couldn't find it. If I do find one, then I'll close this one.
  7. Wrestlefreak

    Feuds That Could Have Happened But Never Did

    Triple H v Hogan happened at Backlash 2002 Hogan won?!! Worst booking ever!!!
  8. Wrestlefreak

    OAO 1/20/06 Smackdown thread

    The Orton/OJ match was Awesome! To bad the finish was crap!
  9. Wrestlefreak

    confirmed rumble matches

    The Royal Rumble promo is pretty good. I liked the part where Shane stabs Vince and then does that stupid dance. Shane cracks me up!!!!
  10. Lately, the WWE has started this storyline with Shelton Benjamin's "mom". In my opinion, it makes him look stupid even though he has a great workrate. I'd like to know what you guys think about how the WWE is currently using this talented wrestler.
  11. Wrestlefreak

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    At the 1999 KOTR, Jerry Lawler called Paul Bearer a "nutritional overachiever" Classic!!
  12. So your saying that you can't learn to cut a good promo? it just has to come naturally?!!
  13. What's Chris Benoit got to do with it?
  14. He'll only get better with practice!!!
  15. Wrestlefreak

    The end of WWE divas?

    I watch wrestling for wrestling. I also enjoy the angles to set up matches(when executed well!) However, I hate the women's and diva matches as I feel they are a waste of time and destroy the credability of wrestling. What do you think?
  16. Wrestlefreak

    Triple Threat Matches that never were

    Sorry, I misread the topic title....my bad!
  17. Wrestlefreak

    *SPOILER* No Way Out Main Event Revealed

    Hopefully UT/Angle will be allowed to work a good match with a clean finish!!
  18. I agree that Lance storm had charisma...and was a great worker as well. But Shelton hasn't been given the chance to cut a decent promo!
  19. Wrestlefreak

    *SPOILER* No Way Out Main Event Revealed

    Hopefully the UT/Angle match at NWO will be as good as the one they had on Smackdown in 2003!!!!
  20. Wrestlefreak

    Triple Threat Matches that never were

    Kurt Angle/UT/Rock Veagence 2002!!!
  21. Wrestlefreak

    Ultimate Warrior Files Lawsuit Against WWE

    I TOTTALLY agree with the Jim Cornette quote at the bottom of your post!!!
  22. Wrestlefreak

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    That's the WWE for ya!!
  23. Wrestlefreak

    WWE to Start Another "Controversial" angle

    How awful can WWE get before they improve... if they improve!!!
  24. Wrestlefreak

    Tim White spoiler - I know you can't wait to know.

    The Tim White storyline is just another example of the wrong direction WWE is taking.