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Everything posted by milliondollarchamp

  1. milliondollarchamp

    Nadya Suleman

    For someone on disability for "back pain i am sure this isnt helping. She shulnt ge adime from the government
  2. milliondollarchamp


    Hana Gitelman
  3. milliondollarchamp


    Who is the Rebel? I'm hoping its Hana because she didn't deserve to have that huge buildup in the online comics and then appear in one episode.
  4. milliondollarchamp

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    R&B singer Chris Brown to be questioned in alleged domestic violence attack against Rihanna Los Angeles police said they plan to detain R&B singer Chris Brown for questioning in connection with an alleged domestic violence assault against his girlfriend, pop singer Rihanna, according to sources familiar with the investigation. Both stars canceled their performances at tonight's Grammy Awards. The alleged incident is being investigated as a felony domestic violence case. It was reported about 12:30 a.m. Sunday in Hancock Park. Brown and Rihanna, whose full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty, were apparently in a car together and got into an argument on North June Street, according to a Los Angeles Police Department statement. Brown stopped the car, the two got out, and the argument escalated, according to police.
  5. milliondollarchamp

    Jericho mobbed by fans, hits woman

    Another view of the Jericho fight where Jericho hits a girl that tries and jumps him
  6. milliondollarchamp

    Caylee Anthony Case

    I was watching her parent jail visit phone call on youtube when she said 'what about me ,I have no support' or something like that "she almost implied to me Feel sorry for me I had to touch that mess (like she was angry with Caylee for dying and decomposing in her car).It almost seemed to me that she was angry that she had to deal with the mess that Caylee left behind.
  7. milliondollarchamp

    Amanda Knox trial

    I heard about this story a couple of months ago but since her trial is starting it has been on the news alot latley has anyone else been following this. If you havent here is some information about the case. Amanda Knox Murder Trial Starts in Italy Murder of Meredith Kercher
  8. milliondollarchamp


    I was thinking what if Locke isnt really dead but paralyzed. Remember those spider that got Nikki/Paulo what if Locke collects some of the spiders and use them to fake his own death?
  9. milliondollarchamp

    Amanda Knox trial

    Right now all I can say is I haven't seen any physical evidence linking her to this crime. I think her MOUTH links her to it. She could have set the whole thing up IMO. We shall see....
  10. milliondollarchamp

    Caylee Anthony Case

    The one armed babysitter did it! Casey's attorney is actually comparing Casey Anthony to the movie the fugitive The defense gets more ridiculous by the day.
  11. milliondollarchamp

    Battlestar Galactica

    Another amazing installment. While I am thrilled that they got the firing squad, I still think that Gaeta didn't suffer nearly enough. Zarek is an asshole, but Gaeta is a punk who never had the stones to face his own failures. You have to hand-it to Richard Hatch though, he was one of the leads in the original series, and he parlayed the Zarek role from special guest star, to recurring, to one of the bonafide leads in the series. I cannot believe they offed the entire Quorum!
  12. milliondollarchamp


    I am confused is the dirty cop actually working for Patty, and Wes is too? I'm also puzzled about the twist with Uncle Pete/the hit on Ellen. The flashback to Pete telling the injured hitman "My boss can't know about you" at first lead me to believe that Pete acted on his own. But then I remembered that he sounded kind of defensive when telling Patty that he doesn't leave any loose ends that can hurt her, and it occurred to me that maybe what he meant was "My boss can't know that you ultimately survived."
  13. milliondollarchamp

    Fucking Wisconsin

    Teen Accused Of Facebook Scam For Sex
  14. milliondollarchamp

    24 -- Season 7

    I love the new dynamic. Stop the invasion or I kill your husband. Let's see if President Taylor's principled stand continues when it's her own family in the crosshairs.
  15. milliondollarchamp


    I think the direction the show has turned is for the best, really. It is sort of "starting a new." Primatech is gone. Pinehearst is gone. And this is shaping up to be the "Five Years Gone" universe from season one, which fits with the theme of the "unchangeable future." Also, there is nothing like a good old fugitives story. "Heroes," as far as I can see, can never really attain their season one glory. Those days are long gone.
  16. milliondollarchamp


    It started out like Heroes, but traveled through 24, and devolved into Lost, all within one hour. Peter really needs to learn not to hug his family.
  17. I wonder how much the postgame press will mention that Rothlisberger has "moved into Tom Brady's neighborhood" (as Mercury Morris would say), with 2 Super Bowl rings to Golden Boy's 3.
  18. there gona send him a ring as a thank you.
  19. milliondollarchamp

    Caylee Anthony Case

    Any chance that they can give her the death penalty because she deserves it.
  20. milliondollarchamp


    So, this whole choosing a leader thing seems...very circular. Locke travels to the past and tells Alpert that, in the future, Alpert chose him to be the leader. Alpert apparently believes this and goes to baby Locke's birth and is all excited that the new leader is born. Alpert, still believing that Locke is supposed to be the leader, looks for him as a child, but Locke's not ready. Locke shows up on the island years later and Alpert tells him he's supposed to be the leader. So, really, when exactly does Alpert CHOOSE Locke to be the leader? If the ONLY reason Alpert thinks Locke is the leader is because future-Locke tells him so, and the ONLY reason Locke believes he's supposed to be the leader is because Alpert tells him so, Locke and Alpert are just talking amongst themselves. I can see this conversation: Locke: Why am I supposed to be the leader? Alpert: Because you told me you were the leader. Locke: Why did I tell you? Alpert: Because I told you. Locke: Why did you tell me? Alpert: Because you told me.
  21. milliondollarchamp

    Caylee Anthony Case

    Casey's attorney is being investigated that he may have made some sort of entertainment deal with payment tied to the outcome of Casey's murder trial which is what's paying for her defense.
  22. milliondollarchamp

    Caylee Anthony Case

    Caylee's Grandfather Under Suicide Watch
  23. milliondollarchamp

    Another murder at Virgina Tech

    Well I know what school NOT to ever go. Rough place Virginia Tech is... Universities need to stop importing crazy murderous Asians! Doesn't anyone screen these people before they come here? While I am not intimately familiar with what it takes to chop somebody's head off, I reckon it is a lengthy, loud and messy process. Surely somebody could have stepped in?
  24. milliondollarchamp


    Mrs. Hawking at the end really creeped me out. Was it just my TV, or did her eyes look completely black? It kind of reminded me of Claire's dream from S1 where Locke had one white eye and one black eye. charlotte's nosebleed probably means she is doomed -what if the time jump took her past the time when she was supposed to have died? I do think she was born on the island, but who knows . . I loved Hurley throwing the hot pocket but he should of listened to the dead women and not gotten himself arrested.
  25. milliondollarchamp

    Battlestar Galactica

    Dee I saw comming. Ellen, not so much. So Ellen was the Cylon mastermind? I had thought that Leoben would have all the answers for Kara's corpse, and I was pleasantly surprised that he was stumbling for words and was as shocked as Kara was (and backing slowly away from Kara, too, might I add). a theory of mine is that there is no fith cylon. The Cylons rebuilt humans who died in the original Earth holocaust, the same way Kara was rebuilt after she crashed. Everyone has lived before.