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Everything posted by jwest27

  1. jwest27

    TWiB 9/25 - 10/1

    97.9 eh? I can live with those odds. I share Czech's sentiments, no offense to viva. God, I am so tired of Oswalt, Pettite, and Clemens. And Berkman. And the crawford boxes.
  2. jwest27

    NFL Week 3

    Yeah, uh, I'm not sure what happened.
  3. jwest27

    NFL Week 3

    I don't understand why Green declined that. I know it's a long, long, LONG shot, but it's got a better chance of suceeding than letting Bulger kneel down with it. I'm confused.
  4. jwest27

    NFL Week 3

    Lol, the Cardinals are going to attempt a free kick thanks to a penalty. About 75 yards. Edit: Dang, they decline. Nevermind.
  5. jwest27

    NFL Week 3

    So the Cards botch a snap of their own and fumble it right back. Unbelievable.
  6. jwest27

    NFL Week 3

    Man, the Rams might lose thanks to a botched snap fumble. Blah.
  7. jwest27

    NFL Week 3

    Oh my goodness. Why, Kurt, why did you throw that?
  8. jwest27

    NFL Week 3

    Yay, I get to watch the Cardinals play. Against the Rams, no less.
  9. jwest27

    NFL Week 3

    I believe one of the highlights said that Favre threw his 400th touchdown.
  10. jwest27

    NFL Week 3

    Hey, Rich Gannon is doing color commentary on one of the games I'm watching. I like Rich Gannon.
  11. jwest27

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    Edmonds remaining a Cardinal is not looking too good. It makes me sad. I'll miss that overdramatic closet homosexual.
  12. jwest27

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    So, what do ya think the rotation's gonna look like for next year? Isn't Carpenter the only one signed? What's Mulder's status? Is he gonna be ready to go in ST? Is Wainwright gonna be in the rotation or is he gonna be the closer? Will any of the holy trinity of Marquis, Sosa, and Weaver be in Cardinal Red next year? With the way the Cards are playing now and the questions for next season, I wouldn't be surprised to see them finish like...third in the division. I'm pretty sure Wainwright is going to be in the rotation. As for the rest, I'm not really sure. I think they are going to resign Suppan, I don't know if they want to resign Marquis for obvious reasons, and Mulder is most likely gone considering he has said he wants to "test the market". Of course, that was before his injury, so who knows.
  13. jwest27

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    It doesn't help that Jeff Suppan is our second best pitcher. Or that Jason Marquis has given up like 34 home runs this season. Or that Jeff Weaver is a member of the St. Louis Cardinals. Basically, our pitching is ass. Besides Carpenter. And Wainwright.
  14. jwest27

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    Well, Rolen has certainly been slumping lately, so it's not a stretch to say Duncan and Spezio have done more than him. Motherfucking Luke Scott. The Cardinals have lost like 12 consecutive 1-run road games. What the heck.
  15. jwest27

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    Eckstein has been pretty great since he came back. Game tying double in the 9th.
  16. jwest27

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    Chris Duncan is a gleaming golden god.
  17. jwest27

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    *Watches collision on MLB.com* ouchywawa
  18. jwest27

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    I still need to read that, but I can't find it in my local Waldenbooks. I'll have to try Barnes and Nobles or something.
  19. jwest27

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    Goddamn Crawford boxes.
  20. jwest27

    HEY Hunter's Torn Quad

    HTQ is going to unleash the fucking fury.
  21. jwest27

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    Who said that?
  22. jwest27

    This Week in College Football 9/21 - 9/23

    Holy crap, that was an awesome play by Troy Smith.
  23. jwest27

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    Considering most people expected them to lose 100 games, this was a great season for them.
  24. jwest27

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    Czech are you trying to start a posse. Sounds better than my current "License Plate V.2" name, anyway.