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Everything posted by jwest27

  1. jwest27

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    Yeah, I'm pretty tired of the Robo QBs myself. I'm already not very good on defense anyway, I don't need to be picked apart by some shit ass backup QB. I especially hate when I blitz a guy perfectly and almost nail him, but of course he throws off his back foot to some wide open guy at the last second. If I tried that shit, it's a spectacular leaping interception by a linebacker. On the other hand, defending the run is sometimes almost comically easy. There are times I let the running back gain a few extra yards before tackling him so that his YPC goes from completely horrible to just pretty bad. The QB is picking up the first down 9 times out of 10 anyway, so why not?
  2. jwest27

    The NFL All-Time Draft

    Man what's all this "well he has LT so he wins" stuff? I got Reggie White, you guys. He was pretty good too, you know.
  3. jwest27

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    That actually sounds pretty amazing, but I wouldn't know where the heck to look for cachaca round these parts. I doubt there is a place in Southern Illinois that carries that stuff.
  4. I'll admit I was somewhat intimated by the regulars here. Probably for good reason though, since if I had posted here when I first joined I would have been saying something like "Oh man, how good are Killswitch Engage, guys? Seriously, the best. Also Lamb of God or somehting." Then Agent and Corey or someone like that would've crucified me. It would not have been good times for jwest27!
  5. jwest27

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    Whatever vodka and cranberry juice is called. Yum man.
  6. jwest27

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    This is pretty awesome. I'm surprising myself by liking it so much. Also, speaking of Death Magnetic, my favorite song so far is "All Nightmare Long", which is also has the most ridiculous song title on the album. I was expecting it to be lame based on name alone, and it's actually pretty awesome.
  7. jwest27


    I am a die-hard Cardinals fan (the baseball kind, that is). That'll pretty much never change. Unless maybe they traded Albert Pujols tomorrow or something ridiculous like that. In the other sports, I don't really have a favorite team. I should probably be a Rams fan, but ever since they let Kurt Warner go and Marshall Faulk retired, I've felt nothing but apathy for them. I care more about the Colts than them right now, but that's probably because Peyton Manning plays for them. I'll probably not care about them at all as soon as he's gone. In basketball, I don't even get any regional NBA games, which sucks because I like watching it. I basically base who I root for on a game-by-game basis.
  8. jwest27

    The NFL All-Time Draft

    Yeah, I was just kidding. Those dudes are indeed great values.
  9. jwest27

    The NFL All-Time Draft

    Alright, that didn't take quite as long as I thought. I guess I was just dismayed by the Wall O' Text in every other post. Also, my god the hyperbole. Anyways, here's what I got. Smartly Pretty - This was a tough one (well they're all tough), but I felt SP's team was slightly better overall. Although he did kind of sort of rip my John Hannah pick a little bit in his obscenely long writeup. Oh well. Vitamin X Quite the matchup of explosive offense and murderous defense. If Zoo had a bit more offensive firepower, I'd probably give it to him, but I'll go with the X here. CanadianChris I really like Bart Starr and Barry Sanders behind that O-Line. I feel CC's offensive attack will just win out in this one. 909 I simply liked 909's team better. More talent on offense and defense, I felt. Kahran Ramsus See above. Sorry, I'm running out of ways to explain my picks here. TOOG I'm just not sold on the Vick pick (did you see what i did there). Lots of potential fumbles and interceptions for what appears to be a ball control type offense. I'd give the defensive edge to Agent, but Goblin's ain't too bad either. In the end, I really enjoy the concept of Agent's team, I'm just not sure how well it would work out. Fokai Probably the toughest one for me. Very even teams, but I thought that Fokai's offense has a little more potential. Also: I don't know. I needed a running back to compliment the beast that is Bronco, and I guess I didn't see many guys in the 14th round that had the kind of seasons he had in his prime, since apparently that's where we're drafting guys at. I definitely would have picked a back earlier in the draft if I could do it over again, though. I am definitely more refined in my football history now, so I'm thinking I could do a lot better across the board.
  10. jwest27

    The NFL All-Time Draft

    Oh my god. Honestly, I am not looking forward to reading all these writeups. I mean, I'll do it, but Jesus Christ guys.
  11. jwest27

    This Week in Baseball 9/8 - 9/14

    Just got back from the Cards-Cubs game. The Pujols home run was magnificent. Also it was hilarious how pretty much everyone around me groaned when Izturis came up to bat (myself included), and then he wins the game.
  12. jwest27

    This Week in Baseball 9/8 - 9/14

    Apparently I'm being taken to the Cardinals/Cubs game this Tuesday as an early birthday present. Fuckin' A.
  13. jwest27

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    Damn it, I think I gave Lushus at least a 3rd place vote, thus screwing myself out of a 3 way tie. The taste of defeat is bitter indeed.
  14. jwest27

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    I is it just me, or does the computer absolutely love to hit stick? Every other play I'm getting laid out Sheldon Brown/Reggie Bush-style by like the Bengals or some shit.
  15. jwest27

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    The Create-A-Finisher mode is looking pretty nice. One of the names you can give your move that the announcers will actually say is "Psycho Driver" (at least, I think that's what it says: kind of hard to read), which has me pretty excited. It looks like a Super Dragon CAW will finally have a proper finisher.
  16. jwest27

    This Week in Baseball 8/25 - 8/31

    At least we can all agree that Albert Pujols is the NL MVP. /Cardinals fan
  17. jwest27

    This Week in Baseball 8/25 - 8/31

    The Cardinals finally beat the Brewers. I haven't been this pumped after a game in a while.
  18. jwest27

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    The friggin person in front of me in the cashier's line paid for their generic soda and whatever else they had with ten dollars worth of loose change. Not even quarters, goddamn nickels and shit, all in a little baggie. Took like 5 minutes to count it and put it all in the right slots.
  19. jwest27

    The NFL All-Time Draft.

    What exactly are we supposed to write? I'm not really that well versed in football know-how, so the best strategy I can think of is "Run the ball sometimes and pass the ball other times. Also, play defense...good."
  20. jwest27

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    Oh my god. This Madden Moment thing where you have to return a punt for a touchdown is pretty much the worst thing ever. I either get tackled before I can even move or gain like maybe 10 yards. I also like how if the punter kicks it out of bounds, I fail. You think they would at least make sure he keeps it in bounds every time so I at least have a chance, but nope. Edit: Hot crackers, I finally did it. Apparently the strategy to use is immediately run backwards down the sideline into your own endzone, run to other sideline, then up the field. Gee, why didn't I think of that before.
  21. jwest27

    The NFL All-Time Draft.

    P Brian Moorman 2 Pro Bowls 2 All Pros
  22. jwest27

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    So uh, Tom Brady got released from the Patriots after one year in my franchise, in which they won the Superbowl and Brady finished 2nd in MVP voting. What the hell. Edit: Also, I like how Detroit picked a QB with their 1st, 2nd, and 5th round picks. And they're all terrible!
  23. jwest27

    The NFL All-Time Draft.

    K Jeff Wilkins 1 Pro Bowl Eh, it's a kicker. I just went with the homer pick.
  24. jwest27

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    Well it's been 24 hours since Lushus picked, so I'm pretty sure it's my turn now. I held off on picking a football game because there's so many, and also I figured there was a chance I'd be able to snag this one. I just got it and I really like it, so now it's my last pick. Madden NFL 09 Xbox 360 2008 I'd just like to say, thank god they fixed the simulation stats, at least from what I can see. It always really bothered me when half the starting running backs in the league had 400+ carries and like 2400 rushing yards.
  25. jwest27

    This Week in Baseball 8/11 - 8/17

    Geez, what happened to Aaron Harang? He's looking pretty bad right now. Not that I'm complaining.