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Posts posted by NitroJMS

  1. He's basically been on the DL or suspended since his Money in the Bank win in 2007, so this isn't surprising at all. He's also useless to TNA without his gimmick since his catchphrase is the only thing that is over.


    I just noticed someone on Wikipedia altered his name to Kenneth C. Injury. :lol:

  2. Second pick - SD! gets Shad Gaspard


    I'm surprised with this move, unless JTG joins Shad a little later on. Bookers are down on Shad as he doesn't seem to be improving and yet never goes to FCW on off days to even try. With the Colons unified tag champions, maybe SD! will be the sole tag team brand.


    Of course with Superstars, if Raw or ECW teams want to challenge for the titles, they could do so there.


    It'll be odd if they break them up since there will be then very few tag teams left since Miz/Morrison are gone too.

  3. They normally don't have people join their new shows until the week after the draft. I remember something like this happening last year.


    Worst case, everybody will settle in with news feuds on new shows after Backlash. Relax, everybody.


    Which is silly, since we already saw guys like Big Show who was drafted, competing for their new brand on Raw just minutes after their switch.

  4. Despite Priceless having done nothing much of consequence since the Rumble and having them jobbing to the main eventers, I'd assume they still feel they are higher up than the other tag teams since they are Orton's cronies and have been regularly fighting against HHH, Shane, etc.

  5. What becomes of ECW?


    In my opinion, Smackdown and Raw should be the WWE "brand". They are just two different shows that would focus on the same roster.


    ECW should be treated as a developmental promotion, with mostly younger stars and a few veterans mixed in to help teach the new guys. They should just tape ECW every few weeks instead of pairing it with Raw or Smackdown tapings and give it a smaller, distinct look in smaller venues to allow a more intimate, indy feel. ECW, being on Sci-fi, could also be pushed as a more teen or adult friendly program by featuring more hardcore style matches.


    I never understood how having Smackdown and Raw separate would help differentiate house shows. For years, WWE always had 2 or 3 different touring teams for house shows since the roster was generally big enough to support it. They didn't need brands to do this.

  6. I miss the days when the stream on WWE.com used to be like 15-20 dollars. That was back in early 2004.


    I'm curious how much their streaming business took a hit when they jacked it up to the same as the PPV price. I used to order all the big 5 shows and sometimes the minor shows if they had a decent card when I'd only be spending 15 on the show, but now they don't get my money at all except when I split PPVs with a friend.

  7. Has triple H now main evented the most Wrestlemanias? He's certainly had the most world title matches at one by now (I count 8)


    He's went on last at 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, and 25, so he's still far shy of Hogan's 9 turns at final match/main event. I'm counting 4 and 9 for Hogan since at 4 he was top billed with Andre, and at 9 it was a billed double main event, plus the surprise ending match.


    Off the top of my head, other guys who were billed in multiple main events:


    HBK - 5 - 11, 12, 14, 20, 23

    Austin - 3 - 14, 15, 17

    Rock - 3 - 15, 16, 17

    Bret - 3 - 9, 10, 12

    Savage - 3 - 4, 5, 8

    Cena - 2 - 22, 23

    Taker - 2 - 13, 24

    Andre - 3, 4


    I remember 8, 9 and 11 having "double main events," I believe everything after that just referred to the final match as main event. Thing get wonky with the split when you have a show like 19 that has Hogan/Vince, Brock/Angle, HHH/Booker, HBK/Jericho, and Rock/Austin all back to back. Same goes for 20, which had 2 world title matches and 3 other matches that could be considered main events.

  8. I opted for the bar this year after Comcast screwed up on me last year. They forgot to turn on my feed of the show, despite me ordering it TWO DAYS in advance. I had to call them at 7:30 when the preview never came on and they finally got it working for me literally 3 minutes before showtime. Comcastic indeed.


    Tonight's show had some good to great matches in HBK/Taker, Hardys, and MITB, but I felt the two main events felt flat, and Orton should have gone over.

  9. I fully expect Steamboat and Jericho to get the bulk of that match. I just hope Jericho goes for the throat.


    Kinda makes you wonder why they are using Piper and Snuka, who are so very limited at this point. Dusty probably could at least work better than those two and is around anyway. Sarge (who may be on bad terms) or Hacksaw would have made a good choice too since they've been shown in the past few years to be able to work a five-minute match. It's not like we are expecting a classic out of any of these guys, but I'm sure Jericho could easily pull a ** match out of Sarge, Hacksaw or Dusty, who are at least mobile at this point.

  10. So the Divas match is this front what I gather:


    RAW - Beth Phoenix, Jillian Hall, Kelly Kelly, Layla, Melina, Mickie James, Rosa Mendes (7)

    Smackdown - Brie Bella, Eve, Gail Kim, Maria, Maryse, Michelle McCool, Natalya Neidhart, Nikki Bella (8)

    ECW - Alicia Fox, Katie Lea Burchill, Tiffany (3)

    Legends - Sunny, Victoria, Molly Holly, Torrie Wilson (4)


    So there's 3 open spots left after them. I'd say Trish is probably a lock for one of them, and you're likely winner if she's in it. So who are the other 2?


    Candice is hurt so she'll probably be a no go.

  11. yeah somebody's turning in that match. Stephanie would make no sense and would be almost impossible to explain but I wouldn't rule it out. Plus they've acknowledged Orton is married in real life.


    Vince and Shane wouldn't make sense either






    Linda would make the most sense of those options, if only because she's not really involved. Batista is partially injured in kayfabe cause of an Orton kick so I don't see that option.


    Maybe Rhodes and Dibiase get banned from ringside leading to a new Legacy member like DH Smith, who has long been rumored. The storyline (you all screwed my dad and uncles) is built right in, but it's rare that they essentially debut someone at WM.


    Shawn could turn too, he's been quasi-heel with the Taker storyline and his not saving HHH last week was brought up by others on here.

  12. I don't buy that WWE is engineering their own cycles. The current downtrend started in 2002 after the horrendously botched Austin heel turn at WM X-7 and then the Invasion angle. The virtual disappearance of the most popular guys in the company from active duty (Rock, Austin) over the next year or two without putting over a new generation of talent, along with the stale second tier main eventers of HHH and Undertaker constantly being pushed sent ratings down to their current lows.


    There were times from 2000 to 2005 to get over a whole slew of main eventers (Jericho, Benoit, Angle, Brock, Goldberg, Booker, Batista, JBL), but most of them simply fizzled out (Batista), left for greener pastures (Goldberg, Brock), or were victims of bad booking (Jericho, Booker). Cena, Edge and Orton are over right now, but all of them still fall short in stature of HHH, Taker and HBK in terms of popularity and name recognition.


    They also have the problem of not really having anyone on the bench to become a main player. They tried CM Punk last year, but no one is going to take a cruiserweight seriously as a world champion (Sorry, Rey.) Their best hope is giving MVP, Christian or Shelton the MITB win and letting them run with it for awhile before cashing in. Heck, build up one of the guys all year and have them win the Rumble too so they can use both title shots at WM 26.

  13. I love Cena and all, but he needs to shut up. I know he's just parroting the company line, but he comes off like an idiot


    Plus, a prominent WWE employee publicly criticizing The Rock certainly doesn't endear him to the company, especially with their relationship being lukewarm at best nowadays. WWE and Vince should be continually kissing his ass if they ever hope to have him come back for "one last match" and also so he doesn't bury the business since at this point he is the most famous WWE alum, along with Hogan.

  14. I think it'd be hilarious if Fink did his own introduction...


    <Fink Voice>Ladies and gentlemen... the NEWEST member of the Hall of Fame... HOWARD.... FINKEL! </Fink Voice>


    But who realistically does his induction? Vince would be ideal since Fink's been there nearly 30 years, but he's already doing Austin's. I guess Mean Gene gets the call.

  15. Maybe not but I think I'm at the age where Wrestling T-Shirts just make me feel tacky if I see someone wearing one. Saying that I've got a HHH one from a few years ago - The Kings of Kings one that I'll sometimes wear underneath something else.


    It's funny WWE doesn't make at least a few "adult" products that aren't giant logos. I have a plain black WWE fleece pullover that just has the logo over the heart and people ask me all the time where I got it since its so simple. One guy even asked me if I worked for them since its the kind of thing you normally see JR or Michael Cole wearing. I see WWE Shop has something similar now in a polo shirt and windbreaker, but it'd be nice if they had something like that for a few of the more popular wrestlers.
