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Floridian Cool

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Everything posted by Floridian Cool

  1. Floridian Cool

    Paul London blasts Hardy, HHH, McMahon, Bourne, Kidman and Brother Ray

    I like how everyone (Kidman, Hardy) is "fat" to him, haha.
  2. Floridian Cool

    Attitude Era Timeline in your opinion?

    Survivor Series '96 - WrestleMania X-7
  3. Floridian Cool

    Cuts are a comin!

  4. Floridian Cool

    Cuts are a comin!

    Do what they did from '99-'02...put good wrestlers on those shows.
  5. Floridian Cool

    Cuts are a comin!

    Please, all I did was trim the fat. At least I let worthless but solid hands like Matt Hardy and Matt Striker stay. Potential is nice to chat about, but the problem is that it can never come to fruition and it doesn't equal TV ratings or overpriced $750 WrestleMania ringside tickets until it does. I didn't mention one name - with the possible exception of Kane - where they couldn't make more money by a) cutting and giving their valuable TV time to a wrestler that is actually marketable or b) hiring a new talent with some actual charisma and in-ring ability and giving them a decent gimmick. R-Truth is never going to draw a dime, their divas are a dime a dozen, Kung Fu Naki and Wang Yang are cute to you smarks but no one cares, and I consider myself a casual fan but haven't heard of half of the newer names on that list outside of Jack Swagger. Not a very good case for their marketability. Two questions: who the hell is Gavin Spears, and who gave Goldman a job in the WWE?
  6. Floridian Cool

    Cuts are a comin!

    I only wish that they would cut enough dead weight to eliminate SD! and "ECW"...let TNA get oversaturated with mediocrity. Looking at the rosters, I would pink slip: Haas, Candice, Ziggler, Duggan, Holly, Noble, JTG, Kane, Layla, Simmons, Shad, Maryse, Hawkins, Eve, Festus, Helms, Jesse, Wang Yang, Roberts, Ezekiel, Funaki, Maria, McCool, Nikki Bella, R-Truth, Ranjin Singh, Braddock, Goldman, Khali, Victoria, Vickie Guerrero, Zack Ryder, Boogeyman, Chavo, Alicia Fox, DJ Gabriel, Gavin Spears, Burchill, Katie Lea, Jack Swagger, Tiffany, Dreamer, Teddy Long, Atlas and Tony Chimel. Maybe Brian Kendrick...especially since the loss of Paul London meant nothing to the state of the fed. Unless Morrison/Miz were allowed to do something like their .com show on TV, I'd lose them, too.
  7. Floridian Cool

    The WWE PG 13 Philosophy

    There is a difference between edgy and risque. Eric Bischoff said on the Monday Night Wars DVD that they (WCW or Turner/TNT) did a focus group with wrestling fans and found that they liked "unpredictable" TV and "anything can happen" scenarios. Remember that Nitro beat RAW for 80+ weeks with no risque content. What made Nitro a hot product was the nWo angle. That angle was all about "unscripted" interruptions, run-ins, huge gang fights, never knowing if/when Sting or Hogan would show up to take part in the fight, etc. WWE has nothing like that. Not even close. 95% of the time, their run-ins and saves are totally predictable and don't feel like real street fights. If John Cena comes down to make the save, you can bet the house that he's going to clothesline the heel over the top or FU somebody. I haven't been a RAW viewer in like a year and a half, and that's generous considering that the show has sucked ass for about 10 years now.
  8. Floridian Cool

    US Senator recommends steriod regulations

    Having to take 3-4 months off would also mean lost income (missed PPV payoffs, possible drop in merch sales) for the wrestlers.
  9. Floridian Cool

    Discussion: Bluring / Removing "WWF" and scratch logos from

    It's very annoying...almost as annoying as when they edit out the original entrance music (which kills the original crowd noise in the process). I also wish that Vince had just reverted back to the old block logo and kept the Federation name.
  10. I don't care if they use it in press releases or on WWE.com, but there is no need for them to use it while they are entertaining, and there is no reason for any commission to penalize them for doing so. That would be like if Rikishi really got in trouble with the law for running down Austin. Nothing that happens on camera should hold any water in real life. Breaks kayfabe pretty badly, but I'm not watching anymore anyway.
  11. Cops: Ric Flair roughed up by daughter's boyfriend By MARLON A. WALKER – 6 days ago RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Most of former professional wrestler Ric Flair's fights were scripted. But Chapel Hill, N.C., police didn't find anything fake about the blood and bruises on the Nature Boy after a fight with his daughter's 22-year-old boyfriend. Neither man was charged, but Flair's daughter, Ashley Elizabeth Fliehr, was charged for resisting police after the 22-year-old became belligerent and kicked an officer, Chapel Hill police Lt. Kevin Gunter said Tuesday. Neighbors called police about 2:30 a.m. Friday about a fight at an apartment in the city about 30 miles northwest of Raleigh. The fight was over, but officers followed a trail of blood to Fliehr's apartment. She told police the men had fought but it was over and things were fine. Officers found the 59-year-old Flair, whose real name is Richard Fliehr, on a bed in the back room. The boyfriend was in another part of the apartment. Flair admitted fighting with the boyfriend but he didn't want to press charges, Gunter said. Gunter refused to give the boyfriend's name because he was not charged. "He was kind of elusive," Gunter said of Flair. "He said everything was fine. Officers said he had a 'no problems here' kind of attitude. He just wanted everything forgotten." Flair, known for his platinum blond hair, fur-lined robes and signature "Wooooo!" catchphrase, retired earlier this year after a 36-year career. He had wrestled for a number of big-name organizations, including World Championship Wrestling and World Wrestling Entertainment. A call to a cell number listed for Flair to obtain comment was not answered Tuesday. Officials at The Gillespie Agency, based in Columbia, S.C., said they only book Flair for appearances. His daughter did not have a listed number.
  12. Floridian Cool

    WWE fans at their finest

  13. Floridian Cool

    How Do You Like Your Steaks?

    Preferably mooing.
  14. Floridian Cool

    Santino Marella is a probably in the trouble

  15. Floridian Cool

    Wrestlers who are NOT future main eventers

    True...but the JBL character is great, even if his main event credibility isn't.
  16. Floridian Cool

    Wrestlers who are NOT future main eventers

    Funny how the guy who started this thread called for a Bradshaw heel turn 2 years in advance, and everybody on the board said it would never work.