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Everything posted by Quasar

  1. Can we keep Fink for the whole show?
  2. Triple H refuses to wrestle in inferior light.
  3. It's surreal to see DX coming out of an ECW entrance with Joey Styles in the background.
  4. So, where do they go with Shannon now? He's already been exposed as a poser. Do we get him trying to be other things? Next week- "Gangsta" Moore (Cena slaps him and calls him a poser) "Emo" Moore (Jeff Hardy slaps him and calls him a poser) And so on.
  5. John Cena's character proposed telepathically while in the Marines. You see, he sent out brainwaves to every hot girl in America, she was the first to answer back.
  6. Here comes gangsta Hogan!
  7. The Rock has to be the smartest shill ever. He doesn't give a shit about wrestling but he knows that his main audience is wrestling fans so he pretends to care occassionally.
  8. Does anybody know who is playing Cryme Tyme?
  9. Will we find out why Teddy Long is in the building?
  10. An all-McMahon main event at MSG! Vince Sr. has started rolling in his grave. Roderick McMahon is doing cartwheels.
  11. Isn't it a bad idea to have two actual thugs on RAW when John Cena is the show?
  12. People complained about Guerrero's gimmick? I remember nearly everyone liking it. When Los Guerreros first started their skits, I remember everyone trying to be "Mr. PC" and say "O, WWE is stereotyping teh Edday!" It was only after a while did people see it for its brilliance.
  13. Glen Jacobs is my new personal hero.
  14. Okay............please be alone! Please be alone! And to the guy who told me to watch 70s and 80s wrestling. I'm also an Attitude Era fan. I just hate Umaga, he's a waste of time. The Samoan Savage gimmick is a stereotype and it sucks. Why did everyone complain when Eddie first started doing "Lie, Cheat and Steal" but they eat this crap up?
  15. Here comes Ric Flair to give Maria a ride on Space Mountain!
  16. See, that's not my thing. I always hated the Samoan savage gimmick and I don't particularly care to see it in 2006. I also hate that WWE seems to be pushing him seriously, if it was up to me, 3MW would be back together. And who cares about innovative moves? Give me a simple Harley Race match over a AJ Styles match anyday.
  17. May I ask a simple question? Why do smark marks like Umaga?
  18. Wrestling needs more ass-kickers like Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade. I get a real Dick Murdoch vibe from Trevor. When I see Lance Cade, I'm reminded of David Von Erich. Seriously, these guys are underrated.
  19. We need more Cade and Murdoch and less Umaga. We also need more Charlie Haas. Now, I've been watching WWF since the Hulkamania days. Umaga reeks of a heel that came in and got squashed by Hogan. If I wanted to relive my childhood, I'd watch tapes. I wouldn't watch WWE RAW.
  20. Better watch what you are sayin' in these here parts...you might be branded a heathen and have stones cast upon you. I'll tell those same people to watch some early 80s WWF and see the Wild Samoans with their manager Captain Lou Albano. That was the savage Samoan gimmick done correctly. Umaga is just sad, pathetic and a waste of the godly AAE.
  21. If Umaga doesn't show up this RAW will be 100X better than last week. I hope that 1989 came and got Umaga back. Seriously, what the fuck is up with Umaga? Biggest piece of shit on RAW now. Umaga is the first gimmick to EVER get X-Pac heat from me.
  22. "Most dominant athlete in the history of sports entertainment" In WWE kayfabe land, wasn't Andre undefeated for over a decade? Thus Andre is far more dominant than Show. Why is Richard Nixon in DX's titantron?
  23. Bischoff Anyway, why in the world would Bischoff show up?
  24. You know what's sad? Big Show is holding the belt of Shane Douglas, Raven, Sandman and Funk. Show should not be holding that belt.
  25. Here comes Vince McMahon on the 11th Anniversary of Nitro premiering in Atlanta, GA.