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Everything posted by Quasar

  1. One of those idiots was Johnny Ace.
  2. Did anybody spot Cena beating up Johnny Ace out there?
  3. Remember back in 1999 when Rock threw Austin into the river along with his belt? Wonder if Cena will end up sleeping with the fishes.
  4. No one tossed a belt into the river in 1994. The first time that a belt went into the river was when Austin threw Rock's Intercontinental Title into the river in Dec. 1997.
  5. Quasar

    WWE News and Notes - 8/21-23

    So, it could lead to a lawsuit?
  6. Quasar

    WWE News and Notes - 8/21-23

    I swear that I remember someone saying that Meltzer said that "The Game" was being sued.
  7. Quasar

    WWE News and Notes - 8/21-23

    Is there any truth to the rumors of WWE suing the rapper "The Game"?
  8. Quasar

    WWE Diva Search

    Wouldn't Layla also work as a member of The Spirit Squad? You know, to offset the homoeroticism of an all male cheerleading squad.
  9. Rob Van Dam doesn't have a match.
  10. EDIT- Disregard this post
  11. Is it bad that I know a guy who considered naming his kid "Hulk Hogan <last name>"? Anyway, are we going to see Brooke again during this feud or not?
  12. I wonder how big of a hit Shawn Michaels was in jail. Especially with his "Vince Loves Cocks" shirt.
  13. Did you guys hear about that new reality show? "Celebrity Duets" on FOX. It takes established recording artists like Patti LeBelle, Michael Bolton and Kenny Loggins and puts them with celebrities with "undiscovered singing talents". Chris Jericho is one of those "undiscovered singing talents".
  14. Probably having an orgy with University of Virginia female cheerleaders.
  15. I spotted someone in the crowd wearing one and Shawn threw the shirt out. And someone is sounding the air horn.
  16. Do I spy someone in the crowd wearing that "Vince Loves Cocks" shirt in public? Who outside of gay men and farmers named Vince would wear that shit?
  17. Gotta love a guy having a "Bring back Honky Tonk Man" right behind Jerry Lawler.
  18. So, how will they kill time while they dry the ring?
  19. I'm sure that some WWE fans would have a chance with her, namely Adam Sandler, Elliott Sadler and Donald Trump. So, did Torrie miss the memo? White t-shirt and bikini bottom.
  20. What about Burger King and M&Ms? I don't know when they started but they have to rank up there.
  21. Ross and Solie said the same thing 17 years ago. So, no Ross isn't drunk. I could see the logic though, but only if you count the space as an extra letter.
  22. Couldn't Flair just contact The Rock and get that audio tape of Mick Foley saying "I Quit"?
  23. Time for Flair to job in Flair Country.
  24. 1989 called.........it wants Umaga back.
  25. Speaking of hometowns, when did Lita move from Sanford, North Carolina to Atlanta, Georgia? If they're going to change Lita's hometown, wouldn't "Toronto, Canada" make sense?