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Everything posted by Quasar

  1. This is the first time that a man/woman couple has held the top two titles since the McMahon/Helmsley era when HHH and Steph held both belts.
  2. It sucks to be Johnny Metro right now.
  3. Who won that #1 Contender for the Cruiserweight Title match that we saw a couple of weeks ago?
  4. Isn't the Hard Rock Cafe in New York the old WWF New York?
  5. Quasar

    Miami Vice

    The biggest problem with Miami Vice is that they set it in modern days and took away everything that made Miami Vice into Miami Vice (Pastels, 80s music.....etc). Now, we're left with a buddy cop movie named "Miami Vice". This isn't Miami Vice at all, it's not even set in the same universe as Miami Vice, it has NOTHING in common with Miami Vice except for location and character names. Why couldn't they do a movie where Don Johnson and Phillip Michael Thomas reprise their roles and come back to fight druglords played by some big Hollywood star? At least then, it'd be Miami Fucking Vice and not some bullshit buddy cop movie made to cop a buck off of the Miami Vice legacy from idiots who see this sorry excuse of a money whore and "OH MY GOD, it wasn't anything like teh show but MICKLE MANN ROCKS!". Bullshit, I want Miami Vice, I want Miami Vice. This would be like doing a Sopranos movie with Finlay in the starring role and having the whole family suddenly turn Irish.
  6. Quasar

    The Demon Seed Is Sprouting

    What if Al Snow ends up being the father?
  7. Quasar

    Lashley and Khali removed from GAB PPV

    The SmackDown curse strikes again!
  8. Quasar

    Mark Henry injured at SNME

    So, in the wrestling world, both Batista and Rhino have outstanding open challenges? That's interesting.
  9. Quasar

    OAO Raw - 7/17

    It speaks well of NASCAR's intelligence that they agreed to endorse a movie that pokes fun at them and carries on the stereotype of NASCAR drivers being dumb rednecks, when in fact most of the top drivers in NASCAR are not from the South.
  10. Quasar

    OAO Raw - 7/17

    Can somebody please explain to me why these pop-punk bands like AAE sing like someone has a clamp on their balls? They all sound exactly the same, I swear that there is a castration factory where they chop the balls off of young men and make them into punk stars.
  11. Quasar

    OAO Raw - 7/17

    Gee.........I wonder what John Cena's Algebra grade in High School was.
  12. Quasar

    OAO Raw - 7/17

    You really have no concept of history and impact, do you? I'm with him. Wendi was HUGE in her era, she was bigger than Trish Stratus is now and was a hero to young girls. Vince McMahon legitmately screwed her out of the Women's Championship in 1986 (Think Bret Hart at Montreal) and Wendi hasn't been seen on WWE TV and thus has not been mentioned at all to younger viewers, until now. Vince screwed Wendi (as he would Bret 11 years later), buried her legacy and now she's merely an answer to a trivia question instead of the legend that she should be. Why exactly did Vince screw her anyways? Vince and Wendi were having a hard time coming to an agreement on Wendi's contract terms and Wendi's royalty rate from the Rock N' Wrestling cartoon. So, instead of doing things reasonably, Vince sent Moolah out there in a mask and had Moolah pin Wendi for the championship (Wendi didn't know it was Moolah under the mask) and the referee delivered a fast count. Sounds very Vince. Funny thing is that Moolah was Wendi's trainer so essentially Moolah betrayed her protege by taking part in the screwjob, so that would make her of lower moral value than Shawn Michaels since she betrayed the person that she gave the opportunity to. Yet people love to jump on Shawn Michaels for screwing Bret and no one touches Moolah for screwing Richter.
  13. Quasar

    OAO Raw - 7/17

    You really have no concept of history and impact, do you? I'm with him. Wendi was HUGE in her era, she was bigger than Trish Stratus is now and was a hero to young girls. Vince McMahon legitmately screwed her out of the Women's Championship in 1986 (Think Bret Hart at Montreal) and Wendi hasn't been seen on WWE TV and thus has not been mentioned at all to younger viewers, until now. Vince screwed Wendi (as he would Bret 11 years later), buried her legacy and now she's merely an answer to a trivia question instead of the legend that she should be. Why exactly did Vince screw her anyways? Vince and Wendi were having a hard time coming to an agreement on Wendi's contract terms and Wendi's royalty rate from the Rock N' Wrestling cartoon. So, instead of doing things reasonably, Vince sent Moolah out there in a mask and had Moolah pin Wendi for the championship (Wendi didn't know it was Moolah under the mask) and the referee delivered a fast count.
  14. Quasar

    OAO Raw - 7/17

    Am I the only one that would like to see vignettes of "Rowdy" Roddy Piper showing The Highlanders how to behave more "civilized"?
  15. Quasar

    OAO Raw - 7/17

    You really have no concept of history and impact, do you? I know that did about as much for the legitimacy of Pro Wrestling as having David Arquette win the WCW Title. Please tell me that you're a fucking gimmick. Anyway, Wendi would occassionally main event when Hogan wasn't working the card. She really was HUGE in 84-85, listen to her pop at WrestleMania I.
  16. Quasar

    OAO Raw - 7/17

    You really have no concept of history and impact, do you? I'm with him. Wendi was HUGE in her era, she was bigger than Trish Stratus is now and was a hero to young girls. Vince McMahon legitmately screwed her out of the Women's Championship in 1986 (Think Bret Hart at Montreal) and Wendi hasn't been seen on WWE TV and thus has not been mentioned at all to younger viewers, until now. Vince screwed Wendi (as he would Bret 11 years later), buried her legacy and now she's merely an answer to a trivia question instead of the legend that she should be.
  17. Quasar

    OAO ECW on Sci-Fi Thread for 7/11 (Week 5)

    There's always Ric Flair............ Mick Foley, Torrie Wilson, Hulk Hogan, Jim Ross, Stacy Keibler. You got me there. EDIT- Upon further examination, I have found other former WCW superstars on RAW: Nick Dinsmore (Worked a few Saturday Night matches in 1998) Triple H (Worked there for a brief stint in 1994) Jim Duggan
  18. Quasar

    OAO ECW on Sci-Fi Thread for 7/11 (Week 5)

    There's always Ric Flair............
  19. Quasar

    OAO ECW on Sci-Fi Thread for 7/11 (Week 5)

    Something occurred to me while watching the Diva Search commercial. Why does every single pop-punk band (Like AAR) sing in that same nasally voice? It sounds like someone has a clamp on their damn balls or something. They all sound exactly the damn same.
  20. On the subject of Edge...... I Just hOpe tHat No one ComEs iN there And beats him up.
  21. Quasar

    Campaign 2008

    The problem is that John Kerry saw Edwards as someone who was popular enough to help him win the Presidency and Edwards' name has been soiled as a result. Of course, Edwards was also on Al Gore's short-list in 2000. Edwards has a GREAT foundation for his campaign, poverty relief but we never saw much of that in the Kerry/Edwards campaign. I hope that people give Edwards a chance in 2008 because he is a great candidate and at one time, even appealed to the red state of North Carolina. Remember, he did unseat Senator Faircloth in 1998 so there is some appeal to Edwards for red-state voters. Edwards is a great speaker, a highly intelligent man and highly qualified to be the next nominee of the Democratic Party. Of course, on paper, John Kerry was also more qualified than George W. Bush but Kerry had monkeys with typewriters running his campaign.
  22. Quasar

    Campaign 2008

    Was that really a cheap shot though? I mean, the Bush Administration's anti-gay marriage stance needed to be challenged. Dick Cheney has a gay daughter, yet he (along with Bush) are going around denying HIS OWN DAUGHTER the right to marry who she chooses. Edwards wanted to see if Cheney still stood on his platform of bigotry after Edwards reminded Cheney that he was oppressing his own daughter. He did this in hopes of challenging Cheney's stance on gay marriage and sparking an actual debate on the subject. Of course, that was lost on the average American and John looked like a "big meanie" In 08, I am hoping for a Edwards/Warner ticket because they could take back The South for the Democratic Party.
  23. Quasar

    Campaign 2008

    You know, try as I did, I never bought into John Edwards as this "hot young dynamic rising star." I just saw some guy who kept flashing a car salesman's grin and saying "there are two Americas!" when somebody pulled the string dangling from his side. Whatev. John Edwards was a highly intelligent man and had a fantastic knowledge of the law. Look at Edwards' lawyer career, he was one of the most respected lawyers in the country and became a multi-millionaire through being a lawyer. He went from being the poor son of a mill worker to being worth in excess of $60 Million. He also fought for the rights of people who were caused bodily harm through defective products or defective medical care. The Kennedy comparison came from Edwards and Kennedy both being young, attractive and great speakers.
  24. Quasar

    Campaign 2008

    Didn't George Wallace take most of the South with the "Dixie-crat" party? Anyway, I'm really hoping for Mark Warner to run for President, he's what the party needs now. I wouldn't mind seeing John Edwards run again either, he shouldn't have run in 2004 and instead spent all of the time building his Senate resume. I get a real Kennedy vibe from John Edwards. Edwards is a great speaker and a highly intelligent man but he may have fucked himself over by running too soon.
  25. Quasar

    Excellent Randy Orton Interview

    It doesn't help when only Doane shows any sign of balls(taking the sledgehammer from HHH). They don't even come off equally. It's like the NWO B-Team but with Nash shoved into it and everyone knows Nash is miles ahead of Norton and Stevie Ray. Screw that. Norton >>>>>>> Nash (and I'm not that hard on Nash because when he's not being lazy he can be involved in some great wrestling matches). Norton is underrated. One of the best big man presences ever and he's been involved in a tonne of fun matches. He's even going to make my top 100 wrestler of all time list. That's how highly I think of him. Put yourself in the position of the average fan for once and stop analyzing things from a smark's point of view. Kevin Nash is a hell of a lot more credible than WCW jobber Scott Norton and that was the analogy. This is like comparing Bobby Lashley to Paul London, London may be better but Lashley is more credible. Scott Norton's only good work was in Japan because he was essentially used as a jobber in WCW. So, no "screw that" because Norton had no credibility at this point while Nash had tons of it because he was recently World Champion and never actually even lost the belt (He practically gave it to Hogan). Workrate isn't everything son. Working in Japan always adds credibility points, to some. Shawn Michaels never did a tour of Japan with a Japanese promotion, does that make him any less of a worker? I can name off A LOT of good workers that never toured with a Japanese company, Bret Hart, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, The Rock and there are many others. Does this make them any less credible? And anyway, I was talking about credibility to the average fan. The average fans knows nothing about puro so wrestling to Japan to them is like saying that they wrestled in North Dakota or Montana. Sure, it's a far off place, but why should they care?