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Everything posted by Quasar

  1. Quasar

    WON News + Notes, 27 November 2006

    An update on Piper's condition from RowdyRoddyPiper.com Yeah, it's FAR worse than Meltzer made it out to be in the WON. Get well soon Hot Rod
  2. No. Mr. Fuji barring Luger from another title shot unless he won the rumble and then hiring Kabuki and Tenryu to attack him and "keep from winning". That's an elementary example. Wasn't it Jim Cornette who barred Luger from getting a title shot? Anyway, I only presented that example because it's the most famous. Considering that it happened at the height of the WWF's popularity and involved the biggest star of our generation. There's no need to be a jerk-off over stupid stuff like WWE booking.
  3. Wouldn't an elementary example be the 1999 Royal Rumble? Steve Austin was barred from getting another title shot by Mr. McMahon after losing to The Rock on the night after the Deadly Games Tournament so Steve Austin entered the Royal Rumble. McMahon won the Rumble. McMahon took himself out of the main event so Commissioner Michaels put Austin in. McMahon objected so we got McMahon/Austin at St. Valentine's Day Massacre and Austin got a title shot by winning.
  4. Harry Smith is on "Hogan Knows Best" right now. Hulk Hogan described him to Linda as a younger version of himself.
  5. Quasar

    The OaO Raw Thread 20/11/2006

    Does anybody here speak jive?
  6. Quasar

    The OaO Raw Thread 20/11/2006

    Because Dusty Rhodes used to mention it frequency in his promos in Mid-Atlantic and Florida. It's a part of Dusty's gimmick so JR mentions it. Is it just me or should WWE avoid going to Iraq this year? With violence up in Iraq, I'm very worried about the WWE Superstars.
  7. Quasar

    The OaO Raw Thread 20/11/2006

    The Last Ride Match?
  8. Quasar

    The OaO Raw Thread 20/11/2006

    "I'm sorry Jeff, you have AIDS, I'll need the Intercontinental Title." Simmons: "DAMN!"
  9. Quasar

    The OaO Raw Thread 20/11/2006

    Looks like I was right.......... Here comes Sabu!
  10. Quasar

    The OaO Raw Thread 20/11/2006

    The Rock I don't think Don Murraco can get out of prison in time. I'd recommend Kevin Nash but he'd tear a hamstring just picking up the phone.
  11. Quasar

    The OaO Raw Thread 20/11/2006

    Didn't Vince say we'd have individual MATCHES between Survivor Series team members? Nitro/Hardy already takes one of those.
  12. Quasar

    The OaO Raw Thread 20/11/2006

    So, who does Punk wrestle tonight?
  13. Quasar

    The OaO Raw Thread 20/11/2006

    Why in the hell is Flash Funk on Big Show's team?
  14. Quasar

    The OaO Raw Thread 13/11/2006

    Hey, it's William Regal's old theme song. Dammit, I actually thought that Regal was coming too What's up with JR calling this a "majestic" main event?
  15. Quasar

    The OaO Raw Thread 13/11/2006

    This is like watching "The Best of Planet Stasiak" Seriously, wouldn't the most effective way to trap DX be to hide outside their door and knock their kneecaps out with a lead pipe or something?
  16. Quasar

    The OaO Raw Thread 13/11/2006

    Would you shut up JR? This is art dammit. Seriously, why don't they respect Masters anymore?
  17. Quasar

    The OaO Raw Thread 13/11/2006

    Wow, King and JR really don't care about SD vs. RAW do they? JR couldn't even say "2007" nor "GM Mode" right then you had King pretending to not know the difference between the game and real life.
  18. Quasar

    The OaO Raw Thread 13/11/2006

    Arsehole chant! Guess this is proof that we are in England.
  19. Quasar

    The OAO 2006 US Elections Thread

    The thing is, Lieberman is on the fence and could go Republican. Ned Lamont is a safe Democrat. God knows, we need more of those in Congress. I mean, how active has this Republican controlled Congress been anyway?
  20. Quasar

    The OAO 2006 US Elections Thread

    The problem with Lieberman that he's pro-Iraq War and in an election that many are saying is a referendum on the war.......that's not really good. Lieberman is a Democrat in name only and he's not even that anymore. He's pro-censorship and pro-war, he's as liberal as Cryme Tyme is white.
  21. Quasar

    The OAO 2006 US Elections Thread

    DAMMIT! Lieberman wins. There goes the chances of a Democratic majority.
  22. Quasar

    The OAO 2006 US Elections Thread

    So, the CNN guys are talking about Rick Santorum running for President in 2008. You know, if Santorum runs for President, I pray that the Democrats can actually out campaign him. I shudder at the thought of President Santorum.
  23. Quasar

    The OAO 2006 US Elections Thread

    It looks like the son of a bitch Joe Lieberman is going to beat Ned Lamont.
  24. Quasar

    The OAO 2006 US Elections Thread

    Rick Santorum will be unemployed in January.
  25. Quasar

    The OAO 2006 US Elections Thread

    CNN has Webb losing by 800 votes.