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Everything posted by Quasar

  1. Quasar

    The OAO 2006 US Elections Thread

    The Webb/Allen race has been going back and forth on CNN. Allen had the lead for a while then Webb just ahead then Allen got the lead back.
  2. Quasar

    The OAO 2006 US Elections Thread

    Jim Webb has jumped ahead!
  3. Quasar

    The OAO 2006 US Elections Thread

    Right now, it looks like George Allen will keep his seat. Dammit.
  4. She's an ROH mark, she loves that workrate. Didn't celebrity news reporter Dave Scherer of the Entertainment Tonight endorsed PWInsider report that Britney stormed out on K-Fed when K-Fed lashed out at her for laughing at his RAW appearance?
  5. Quasar

    The OAO Raw #702 Thread (November 6th)

    K-Fed is making a challenge for January 1st in Miami, Florida? Damn, I could probably get tickets to that.
  6. Is there actually a reason that the Freebirds weren't kept around during the Rock N' Wrestling era? You'd think that the Freebirds would've worked fine in the MTV era, especially as babyfaces. Although, they probably would've been better suited as heels who hate the MTV lifestyle for ruining their "southen rock".
  7. This whole Michael Hayes thing got me thinking. The WWF had Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy on payroll in 1997. Why did WWF waste Gordy on Taker instead of doing a Freebirds reunion?
  8. So........ Vince has - The son of Davey Boy - The daughter of Jim Neidhart Bret's son is starting training in January (was supposed to start in September but had some personal stuff to wrap up). Wonder if any of Owen's kids are going to take up wrestling because then we could have........... The Hart Foundation: The NeXt Generation
  9. Quasar

    bob barron: what celebrities are gay?

    So, Bryan Adams and Bryan Clarke, who was the top? ......... Wrong Bryan Adams, I guess.
  10. Quasar

    Worst Presidential Candidates

    I almost wonder how much success that the Democrats would have if they could talk Ron Reagan into running. I mean, could you possibly confuse people into thinking that they were voting for RONALD Reagan despite him being dead?
  11. Quasar

    Worst Presidential Candidates

    Well, Kerry needed to at least pick up Florida to win the Presidency. Florida would be a bit easier to take than a "Yee-Haw" Southern state. Of course, carrying Ohio would've won Kerry the Presidency as well. But who in the world could carry Florida or Ohio that is currently a Democrat? It was extremely pivotal for John Kerry to win either Florida or Ohio, it would've also been helpful to carry the South in place of those states. I definately see why Kerry chose Edwards. The only Democrat that I can think of that would've taken the South was Mark Warner and he was too busy governing Virginia. It also didn't help John Kerry that his VP was from a state that hasn't voted Democrat since the mid 70s. I do think that it would've been a much more sound strategy for Kerry to focus on Ohio and to forget the South because the South is too full of Jesus freaks and they're too hard to persuade while Ohio can at least by swung one way or another. But could Gephardt or Vilsack (Kerry's other choices) help him carry that state?
  12. Quasar

    The OAO 2006 US Elections Thread

    Harley Race is from Kansas City and everytime he pronounces "Missouri", it's always "Missour-ah". I'm still trying to figure out how you can get Missoura from MissourI.
  13. Quasar

    Worst Presidential Candidates

    I think that Kerry's decision to pick Edwards had to do with Kerry trying to take the South back from the Republicans and he felt that Edwards was the ticket to taking the South back from George W. Bush. It was worth a shot anyway, who else could Kerry had picked that gave him a hope in hell at taking the South and middle America back? I don't see Wesley Clark or Dick Gephardt making Cletus T. Hillbilly run to the polls to vote Democrat.
  14. Quasar

    Worst Presidential Candidates

    Say that Y2Jerk's scenario of Clinton losing because of his affair becoming public in 96. Do you think that the Democrats let the Clinton affair die down and then run Clinton again in 2000 and attempt to pull a "Cleveland"? Bush vs. Clinton would've been an interesting Presidental race.
  15. Quasar

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    For some bizarre reason, I noticed Richard Nixon in the DX entrance video in the summer.
  16. Quasar

    Worst Presidential Candidates

    So, if H. Ross Perot had had a big impact in 1996 and managed to swing the votes to Dole in a MIRACLE. Would Dole had stood a chance at reelection in 2000? Who in the world would the Dems had put against him?
  17. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    I wouldn't mind a Danica Patrick appearance on RAW either...............
  18. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    This commercial just gave me a thought......... I wonder how much press a Dale Earnhardt Jr. appearance on RAW would get.
  19. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    The use of 80s music and Miami scenery sold me on GTA: VCS. Fuck me for not having a PSP
  20. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    I made a mistake, Ric Flair was the top FACE in 1983. Back then, they didn't do heel vs. heel matches often so I hope that you guys get what I meant.
  21. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    Sarge was a top heel in Mid-Atlantic in 1983 (tagging with Don Kernodle) while Ric Flair was THE top heel. It's entirely possible that Sarge/Flair had some house show matches.
  22. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    Hey! Edge got a part time job at Foot Locker!
  23. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    I think that's the only thing her and CM Punk have in common. They each have childhood passions for wrestling and that's all according to Maria. I still can't get over how he had Shannon Ward and Maria yet somehow Tracy Brooks gets mixed in there...........Tracy Brooks has the biggest case of manface I've ever seen. Now her body is like a 10 out of 10 but that manface is hard to miss. For some reason, I always found Tracy more attractive than Daffney. I'm not into the whole tattooed goth thing perosnally.
  24. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    King: "I wonder if you have any pictures online" *King goes to Google and types in "Mickie James pics" and pulls up her nude pics. King: "JR LOOK PUPPIES JR! SHE'S NAKED!" *Mickie squirms in seat*
  25. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    Vaginal Headlock?